Karmic Debt, Indians and Jyotish PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 13 February 2010 09:00
A karmic debt is created when someone provides you with a service, help or a useful item but you fail to do or give anything in return.

This is the most damaging kind of debt whose burden the soul carries even to the next birth. It can be harmful in ways of damages to health, both physical and mental, decrease in family happiness, failures in enterprises, loss of fame and social respect, etc. The karmic debt increases the strength of Rahu which is the planet responsible for all frustrations in life.

The Asian cultural and religious leaders had long ago realised the importance of Karma balance and the harms of increasing karmic debt. This is why the concept of Dakshina became an important part of their cultures. No advice, no teaching, no request and no prayer could be done without a Dakshina.

This does not mean that the givers, the teachers or the Gods were greedy and money minded. The Dakshina was to make the receiver realise that nothing is free and one must give something to receive something. This also symbolised the universal and natural law of constants. The happiness and sorrows, the riches and miseries, the hopes and frustrations remain in equal proportions in everyone's life.

A good example of the Karmic debt concept is the system of offering and distributing prasaads in the Hindu temples. The chinese and the Japanese cultures have deep traditions of returning a favor. Indians too had such traditions and there were ways and means prescribed for returning a favor.

There was a time when I gave free consultations to thousands of people. I was opposed to charging fees for the helpful astrological advices. I considered it as a help to the society. But, the end result was not what I seeked. Very few people actually acted on my advices. Many forgot even my name, leave alone the advices I gave to them. My own life was at a standstill and my quality time was being wasted without any gains.

Then, one fine day, acting on advice of some well wishers who themselves were some service providers like doctors, lawyers, consultants, etc, I began charging fees for my Jyotish suggestions. Initially, this resulted in a drastic reduction in the number of people who used to come to me. But, those who paid my fees actually heeded my advices too. They benefited from the remedies prescribed and this further added to my good reputation. Once, the Karmic cycle was complete, the wheel of fortune went on rolling.

Yes, there are some moments when I do not take any fees. In such cases, I prescribe some other means of repayment like donating something to any needy person and some other similar acts. The aim is to motivate the advice seeker to balance his Karma by doing or giving something in turn, either to me or to someone else, as per my wishes.

Some years ago a gentleman who was the father of a little girl came to seek my advices. His daughter was suffering from Leukemia and it was in the last stage. She was being treated in the Rajeev Gandhi Cancer Institute in Delhi. The family of the sick child had come all the way from Uttaranchal for her treatment.

One look at the horoscope and it was clear that there was no hope for the child to survive. Yet, I did not break the parents' hopes and prescribed some easy to do and affordable remedies. I refused the fees too saying that I will take it when the child is cured. The child died one week after they met me.

Then after a year the same gentleman contacted me again. He had come with some of his colleagues to Delhi to attend to another fellow co-worker who had gone into a coma just after undergoing an open heart surgery. They all wanted to see me. I advised them to give me the birth details of their friend who was in coma and I will suggest some remedies. Yet, they insisted on seeing me and they all came after two hours. I studied the horoscope of the patient and again saw that he was in a critical mrityu yoga combination of planets and dashas. I could see that the time between 10 pm that night to 5 am next morning was the crucial period.

I suggested some remedies and advices that the patient should not be left alone till 5 am next morning. Again, I refused to charge any fees. This made the gentleman whose daughter had died of leukemia understand what I was hinting at. Later, I learnt that their friend died at 4.15 am the next morning.

In both these cases, I had requested them to donate some clothes to the poor and they had done so. The death could not be avoided but I did not want them to increase their Karmic debt. But, today's materialistic teachings of the modern world justifies getting what you want without giving anything in return. And, this is observed more among the educated and financially well off Indians.

The Karmic debt can easily be balanced by doing something in turn for the one who is doing you a favor. One must always pay the requisite fees to all people whose professional advices one seeks. We Indians have a tendency to bargain. We can bargain everywhere and with anyone. Be it a place of worship or a place to be cured of one's ills, Indians will bargain. But, the same people spend money, and lots of it, on meaningless rituals and celebrations.

One such ritual is related to the blessing by the Eunuchs given to the new born child. The Eunuchs are paid illogically huge amounts for the blessings they give to the baby. But, the astrologer who makes the horoscope of the same baby is considered greedy when he demands even half the amount of money which was paid to the Eunuchs. No wonder why the astrologers in India are resorting to unfair means to scare people just to get paid for their services. They invoke fears of Tantra, Mantra, black magic, Kal Sarpa Yoga, and more such scary images of misery so that the client is left just short of dying of a heart attack. Then, the scared to death client asks them for the solutions which are obviously quite mysterious and very expensive.

Astrologers in India are earning more from performing these solutions like havans, poojas and yagyas than from taking a fees for providing Jyotish consultations. They have turned into Tantriks and this, in turn, has given a bad name to the science of Jyotish itself.

Balance your Karmic debt and get quality, meaningful and correct advices from all professionals.


#5 Re: Brazil @ ElaineAshutosh 2012-09-06 09:11
Ms Elaine,

It is good to know that famous astrologers like you are visiting this website.

Yes, mantra and yagnas are important part of Jyotish remedies but it should be ensured that they are being performed in the proper manner. You are doing an important and useful work.

Thank for your kind words. My best wishes are with you.

#4 Brazil 2012-08-02 15:32
Hi, I´m from Brazil and I´m an astrologer too. I give free lectures too, but I also get paid, so as to balance karma. I think Yagna is more important than jyotish lecture, since it connects you with God. I advise hare krishna mantra to all people who contacts me and I think I´m providing an important job.
#3 Mr. 2010-06-09 15:35
[quote name="Ashutosh"]Mr. Ganesh! It seems that you have not read the full article. It is not about past life karmas but about the karmic debts. It is about balancing the karmic debt by returning a favor by means of cash, kind or effort.

Sir, Thank you for your reply. I understood your article on karmic debt but what I'm trying to understand is how come there are so many youngsters below the age of 30 years, suffering to make ends meet on daily basis, while there are some who are lucky to be born with a silver spoon. Is it some kind of burden of pre-karmic life debt. I myself have been at the receiving end of some very difficult circumstances right from my school days and am unable to find any kind of satisfaction in things that I've done or am doing.There seems to be numerous obstacles and failures. My DOB is 10/01/1978 born at 05.45AM in Bangalore.Also could you please throw some light on the effects of retrograde planets in a persons birth chart? Thank you in advance.
#2 RE: Karmic Debt, Indians and JyotishAshutosh 2010-06-09 09:51
Mr. Ganesh! It seems that you have not read the full article. It is not about past life karmas but about the karmic debts. It is about balancing the karmic debt by returning a favor by means of cash, kind or effort.

I cannot comment on what other astrologers have told you. But, the past life karmas do have strong influences on present life's karmas, personality, thought patterns, boldness, fears, etc. Some severe unexplained phobias being suffered by some people have been found to be rooted in their past life experiences.

There are means and ways in Jyotish to find out about the past life. Not every astrologer knows these ways and not everyone who calls himself an astrologer is really an astrologer.

Keep your research in occult going on. No study is better than self study.

Your life partner can influence your bhagya only when this is indicated in your horoscope. But, a life partner cannot change the effects of a past life karma.
#1 Mr. 2010-06-05 16:35
Sir, your article on Karmic debt is well taken. But as youngsters living in a world where facts are required to believe in anything not many believe that purva janma karma exists, myself included. It is very hard to believe and accept that you are actually living a difficult and frustrated life in the present janma because of some kind of past karma that is making you repay the debt you owed, because you don't have any kind of memory of what you were in the past life. Of late I've taken some interest in occult science and looking for answers to numerous questions regarding the means and ways of creation of life in this world. But all astrologers that I've consulted gave me purva janma karma for my present life sufferings, naadi shastra included. How is it possible to gain an insight of your previous life using the present astrological chart? And how is it that for some people the instability in present life gets nullified after they find a life partner?

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