Gaj Kesari Yoga - Discussion with Astrologer Ashutosh PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 09:59
Jyotish Biz: Ashutosh Ji! Gaj Kesari Yoga is one of the most popular of all yogas in Jyotish. Anyone who knows even a little about Jyotish has heard about Gaj Kesari Yoga. What exactly is this Gaj Kesari Yoga.

Astrologer Ashutosh: First of all, we must know what a Yoga is. A yoga is a combination of planets or a special placement of a planet or planets in horoscope which gives enhanced positive or negative qualities to the native. There can be thousands of yogas in a horoscope but all of them are not important. Only those yogas which are found to be giving extra-ordinary results are given special attention and gradually such yogas become more popular than the other yogas.

Jyotish Biz: OK!

Astrologer Ashutosh: Gaj Kesari yoga is formed by positioning of two planets, Moon and Jupiter. It is formed when Chandra and Guru come in Kendra from each other. It means when Jupiter is in first, fourth, seventh or tenth position from the Moon, this Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed.

Jyotish Biz: But, why only Moon and Jupiter? Why not other planets?

Astrologer Ashutosh: See, the answers to such questions are very difficult and almost impossible. Because Jyotish is not based on rules made by one single person. It is based on observations made by generations of observers. Whatever is happening is observed. And, it was observed that Moon and Jupiter form this distinct yoga which gives special strength to the horoscope.

One explanation can be that the Moon is karak for the mind, the thought process, the basic nature of the native. Jupiter is the karak for discipline, growth, development and social status. Jupiter is also considered the most beneficial of the nine planets. So, any mutual interaction of Moon and Jupiter is bound to have special effects on the native's thinking, confidence and self-esteem. The virtues of Jupiter become a natural part of native's thought process. This, in turn, gives benefits in all areas of life including career and social status.

Jyotish Biz: Interesting! But, why is it called Gaj Kesari?

Astrologer Ashutosh: Gaj is the sanskrit term for an 'elephant' and Kesari is for a 'lion'. These two animals are considerd the kings of the jungle, the symbols of strength and power. Gaj Kesari gives the native the confidence of a king. Like a lion, the native is aggressive in his work and is full of confidence and like an elephant he is wise, strong and disciplined and gets all the attention and importance too, just like an elephant.

Jyotish Biz: Does it have any effect on the native's physical built too?

Astrologer Ashutosh: Yes! A strong and effective Gaj Kesari Yoga usually gives good height and stature to the native. They may not be very well built but they easily stand apart in a crowd. But, this is effective only in case where the lagna (ascendant) is affected by this yoga. Gaj kesari Yoga' main effect is on the personality and self-esteem.

Jyotish Biz: OK!

Astrologer Ashutosh: Gaj Kesari Yoga, even if it is not a primarily effective yoga in a horoscope, becomes a support to other Rajyogas and Dhanyogas in the horoscope. And, not all kinds of Gaj Kesari Yogas are equally powerful. The Gaj Kesari Yoga where Moon and Jupiter are in a conjunction or an opposition are more powerful than the Gaj Kesari Yoga where they are in tenth-fourth position to each other.

Jyotish Biz: Does Gaj Kesari Yoga differ in strength and effect depending on the different ascendants?

Astrologer Ashutosh: Yes, of course! The ascendants where both Moon and Jupiter play functional beneficial roles will have more benefits from a Gaj Kesari Yoga than those where either one or both of them are functional malefics.

Jyotish Biz: Please shed more light on it.

Astrologer Ashutosh: The ascendants where Gaj Kesari Yoga will have majorly positive results are Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. The ascendants where it will show negative and positive results in equal measures are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn. In Taurus and Aquarius it will give only negative results. But, the best benefits of a Gaj Kesari Yoga are received by those born under the Pisces ascendant.

Jyotish Biz: What can be the negative results of a Gaj Kesari Yoga?

Astrologer Ashutosh: Inflated ego, over confidence, lack of concern for others, selfishness, hunger for power and dictatorial attitude depending on the strength and placement of other planets like Sun and Mars. George W Bush Jr has a Gaj Kesari Yoga in his horoscope's third house, the house of valour and war. And, we all know what this Gaj Kesari Yoga did to the world. Another such example is Hitler who also had a Gaj Kesari Yoga in third house and he caused nothing but destruction.

If Gaj Kesari Yoga gets corrupted by the influence of Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Saturn then it can give highly disruptive results. Many hardned criminals, murderers, dictators, psychopaths have been found to have a corrupted Gaj Kesari Yoga. Such people become very reckless and consider themselves above all laws and ethics of society. They feel no guilt about their actions too.

Jyotish Biz: Oh! This means that even a Gaj Kesari Yoga is not positively effective in all cases.

Astrologer Ashutosh: Jyotish teaches us to study horoscopes in totality. One should not blindly believe the popular theories of Rajyogas. Every yoga has both negative and positive results depending on the dashas, age and the other factors in the horoscope.

Every strength can be a weakness at times. Every weakness can become a strength too. Every planet, good or bad, strong or weak, is equally important in a horoscope.

Astrologer Ashutosh is a well known Jyotishi, Vastu Expert and a Gem collector. He is the founder of this website. He is famous for his simple but scientific approach towards Jyotish and it has been his constant endeavour to make Jyotish a science which can be followed by people of all faiths and religions.  


#17 gemstone recommedationSharad Arora 2016-09-25 15:20
namaste ashutosh ji,

d.o.b 08 oct 1987
time 08:27 am
place lucknow

pls suggest me the appropriate gemstone regarding my health, finance, family relations. My neighbours also try to harm me they dont want us to be happy. I m wearing a 4 carat pearl in little finger. Pls guide me sir. Thanks
#16 Gaj Kesari yogNilofer Noor 2016-08-14 12:35
My DOB is 26-09-78
Time - 11.49am
Place - Mumbai

Do i have Gaj Kesari yog and is it beneficial?
DO i have any beneficialYoga?
#15 @ Vinay JoshAshutosh 2016-07-09 07:26
It depends on the horoscope and the planetary positions in it. Even debilitated planets give good results at times and even the exalted planets can give bad results some times.
#14 RE: Gaj Kesari Yoga - Discussion with Astrologer Ashutosh Vinay josh 2016-05-15 18:00
Thank you Ashutosh ji for your reply , one more query if jupiter is in debilation and retrogade (vakriya) does it have beneficial effects ?
#13 @ Vinay JoshAshutosh 2016-05-15 16:19

The Gaj Kesari Yoga is not applicable in your case as Jupiter is in debilitation and Moon is lord of 6th house. The position of GKY in the horoscope is very important to see whether it is beneficial or not.

But, this Jupiter-Moon combination has formed a Viprit Rajyoga in your horoscope. So, you can be happy that if not GKY you have VRY in your chart.

All the best

#12 RE: Gaj Kesari Yoga - Discussion with Astrologer Ashutosh Vinay josh 2016-05-15 11:57
will GKY be effective if jupiter is malefic and retrogade ? moreover is the position of the yoga important . I have this yoga in my 12th house , pl guide. DOB 23/9/85 ; 16:52; calcutta.
+1 #11 gaj kesari yog 2012-05-06 03:04
Namaste Ashutoshji
Sir I have GKY in my horoscope and now having rahu mahadasha. .someone suggested me to wear neelam stone.
DOB is 22.4.1984 3:45am amritsar. can you please advice me.
#10 @ Rashmi 2012-04-14 02:54
Thank you ashutosh ji.. you have cleared all my doubts..! :)

-1 #9 @ RashmiAshutosh 2012-04-09 01:52
Rashmi! you are a little confused about the signs here. This article is about the GKY as seen from ascendant. Your horoscope shows that you were born in Scorpio (Vrishchik) ascendant, not in an Aquarius ascendant. You have a GKY in your chart but it has become a very powerful Pravajya yoga by the presence of Venus and Mercury with Moon and Jupiter. It has created a Rajyoga which is more beneficial than a Gaj Kesari Yoga.

Your sun-sign according to Tropical zodiac (western) is Aquarius and it will not be considered when looking for efficacy of GKY in your horoscope.



Quoting rashmi:
Namaste ashutosh ji,

thank you for such an intresting article. Sir as you said that gaj kesari yoga will give only negative results in Taurus and Aquarius. Being an aquarian with GKY, i want to know if there is any remedy to nullify the negetive results of this yog..?

my DOB is : 11th feb 1986, place : delhi, time: 2:00 am.
#8 Gaj Kesari Yoga - Discussion with Astrologer Ashutosh 2012-03-19 14:26
Namaste ashutosh ji,

thank you for such an intresting article. Sir as you said that gaj kesari yoga will give only negative results in Taurus and Aquarius. Being an aquarian with GKY, i want to know if there is any remedy to nullify the negetive results of this yog..?

my DOB is : 11th feb 1986, place : delhi, time: 2:00 am.

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