Venus in Libra - 1st September 2010 - The healing begins PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 03 September 2010 00:00
Libra This month of September 2010 has arrived with a soothing balm for pained and bruised souls who have suffered greatly under the highly weakening and damaging combination of Venus- Mars- Saturn in Virgo during August 2010. The change began to be felt as Venus entered its own Jyotish sign, Libra, on 1st September 2010, to stay there for an extended period of 4 months. During this 122 day period, which will also include a retrogression of Venus in Libra, lot of positive and happy changes can be expected to happen.

During this period Shukra will become Vakri ( retrograde) on 8th October 2010 and it will become direct on 19th November 2010. It will end its stay in Libra on 1st January 2010. The previous transit of Venus in Libra was from 3rd November 2009 to 27th November 2009. The next stay of Shukra in Tula, in 2011, will be from 4th October 2011 to 28th October 2011. Shukra becomes swagrahi in Libra and this airy sign is also the Mooltrikona rashi of Venus.

Venus is the only planet which ends its stay in its Neech rashi by entering its own sign. From debilitation to a swagrahi position. The results of this transition are very surprising and the shift from Virgo to Libra comes with some big changes in life too. The last four days of Venus' transit in Virgo are actually the worst phase of this debilitated movement. Most of the deaths by illness, post operative deaths, accidents, sudden fevers and other health problems are reported in this phase.

Venus By BotticelliBut, as soon as Venus shifts to Libra, peace and happiness begin to flow in and the travails and pains of the Virgo transit become non-existent. Smoothness comes in life and progress in family affairs and work also begins. This is generally applicable for all people irrespective of their Moon Signs or ascendants as Venus governs the majority of our day to day affairs, family relations, love, marriage, shopping, traveling and other such small but important things of life.

In business, the industries which will benefit the most from this four month long transit of Venus in Libra are entertainment industry, travel industry, fashion, cosmetics, interior designing and high-end luxury housing, automotive industry including public transport and aviation, and above all, the food and hospitality industry. We can expect to see great advances in the field of film making, public transport and consumer products.

The strong transit of Venus is generally good for buying new vehicles, shopping for luxury goods, entering a new home or throwing a house warming party, celebrating family reunions or other family functions and for getting married. So, people who have been postponing such celebrations must make to plans to enjoy to their hearts in next four months.

Generally, the effect of this transit on the twelve Moon Signs and ascendants will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Better job prospects, promotion, engagement or marriage, new love in life, buying a new and better residential property.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Health problems related to hormones and endocrine glands, increase in expenses, buying of new workspace, foreign travels, increase in fame and income.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increase in income, better business growth, improved creativity, better grades in exams, good health for self and children, purchase of new office or an industrial property.

4. Cancer - Karka: Acquisition of a new residential property, relocation to a more comfortable place or area, increase in income, better relations with family members and relatives, formation of new friendships with interesting people, increase in fame.

5. Leo - Simha: Change in job, lucrative business offers, short term profitable travels, improved relations with parents and siblings, new investments in business.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Improved health, better family affairs, increase in wealth, better romantic life, promotion in job, good growth in business, marriage.

7. Libra - Tula: Health gains with increase in confidence, increase in income, great improvement in performance and results at work, increase in fame, better social status, romantic life improves, marriage.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Increase in travels, foreign travel and stay, marital separation due to discord or other reasons, increase in expenses, secret affairs and improvement in romantic life.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: New and profitable business offers, foreign travels, increase in income, setting up of new enterprise, better health, change of residence, gain of a real estate or money from in laws.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Establishment of new enterprise, good growth and profits from business, promotion in job to a more comfortable position, improved relations with parents and in laws, elevation of social status, purchase of a new vehicle, purchase of a new property.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Foreign travels, improved creativity and inclinations towards music, a very good time for performing artistes, change of residence, relocation to another nation, increase in income, income from foreign trade.

12. Pisces - Meen: Better health, sudden monetary gains, gain of an inheritance, better relations with own family and in laws, purchase of a new vehicle, sudden loss or damage to existing vehicle, a small corrective or cosmetic surgery in coming forty days.   

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