Brihaspati enters Mesh Rashi- Tough Times Ahead - 22nd April 2023 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 21 April 2023 17:37
Brihaspati enters Mesh Rashi on 22nd April 2023. Jupiter will end its transit in its own sign, Pisces, and will shift to Aries, a sign ruled by Mars. It will stay in this movable fire sign, a sign denoting leadership, aggression, courage and strife, till 1st May 2024. During this transit Jupiter will be with Rahu in Aries till 30th October 2023 forming a Guru-Chandaal yog. This can cause great troubles and difficulties for most people around the world.

As all those who are interested in Jyotish know, Brihaspati completes one cycle of the twelve signs in around 12 years. The last time Jupiter was in Aries was from 8th May 2011 to 17th May 2012. The next transit of Brihaspati in Mesh rashi, after this 2023-24 transit, will be from 6th April 2035 to 15th April 2036.

Some of the previous such transits of Jupiter in Mesh rashi were -

- 8th May 2011 to 17th May 2012.
- 26th May 1999 to 2nd June 2000.
- 16th June 1987 to 26th October 1987, 3rd February 1988 to 19th June 1988.
- 18th July 1975 to 11th September 1975, 25th February 1976 to 8th July 1976, 8th December 1976 to 22nd February 1977.
- 15th March 1964 to 3rd August 1964, 26th October 1964 to 21st March 1965.
- 31st March 1952 to 9th April 1953.
- 17th April 1940 to 27th April 1941.
- 3rd May 1928 to 13th May 1929.
- 19th May 1916 to 28th May 1917.
- 8th June 1904 to 8th November 1904, 22nd January 1905 to 14th June 1905.

Some major events which happened during the previous transits of Brihaspati in Mesh Rashi are -

2011-12 –
- Occupy Wall Street movement which inspired several other such 'occupy' movements around the world.
- The anti-corruption and Lokpal protests by Anna Hazare and his supporters, which brought into limelight political and spiritual leaders like Arvind Kejriwal and Baba Ramdev. Those protests finally lead to the defeat of the UPA government in India in 2014. Arvind Kejriwal and his supporters later founded Aam Aadmi Party which has now become a National Political Party in India.
- Two dictators died - Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and Kim Jong-Il in North Korea.

1999-2000 –
- Kargil War took place between India and Pakistan.
- Vladimir Putin first became the Prime Minister and then the President of Russia.
- Gen Pervez Musharraf staged a coup in Pakistan overthrowing the elected government of Nawaz Sharif.
- Super cyclone in Orissa kills around 10000 people.
- The dot-com bubble burst.

1987-88 –
- Martial law in Taiwan ends after 38 years.
- Riots in Mecca killed around 400 people.
- Operation Black Thunder II was launched by Punjab Police to flush out terrorists occupying the Golden Temple in Amritsar in Punjab, India.
- Soviet army begins withdrawing from Afghanistan.
- Genocide of Kurds by Saddam Hussein.
- Massacre of Shia Muslims in Gilgit in Pakistan.
- Operation Rajeev by Indian Army on the Siachin Glacier, the highest battleground in the world.
- India sends Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to Jaffna and it soon turned into a full scale conflict between LTTE and IPKF.

1975-77 –
- Indira Gandhi's government declared a state of emergency in India.
- Spain withdraws forces from Western Sahara.

1964-65 –
- Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, dies.
- Military conflicts between India and Pakistan begin leading to full scale Indo-Pak war later.
- Anti-Hindi agitations in Tamil Nadu led to rolling back of the decision by government of India to make Hindi the official language of India.

1952-53 –
- Jawaharlal Nehru forms first elected government of India.
- Joseph Stalin dies.

1940-41 –
- Nazi Germany invades France, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
- Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of United Kingdom.
- Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland starts operating.
- Battle of Britain begins.
- Subhash Chandra Bose escapes from house arrest and travels to Afghanistan. This begins a new era in the India’s struggle for Independence from the British Rule.

Jupiter in Aries increases conflicts, aggravates war, creates unrest and motivates people to protest. It brings changes in governments through death or removal of political leaders. It gives rise to new leaders. For India, Brihaspati in Mesh has never been peaceful. It has brought about mass protests, suppression of free speech and restrictions by the governments, wars and armed conflicts. Globally, Jupiter in Aries can bring about great fluctuations in financial markets. The ongoing military conflicts can escalate and turn into long term prolonged wars involving several nations. Economic problems will increase and governments will become more suppressive causing open public dissent and protests in turn.   

During this 2023-24 transit in Mesh Rashi, Jupiter will form a Guru-Chandaal yog with Rahu which is already in transit in Aries since 12th April 2022. This Guru-Chandaal Yog will be there till Rahu exits Mesh Rashi and enters Meen Rashi on 30th October 2023. Saturn will be in Aquarius and its 3rd drishti (aspect) will be on Brihaspati throughout this Jupiter transit in Aries. So, from 22nd April to 30th October, Jupiter will be influenced by both Rahu and Shani making the Guru-Chandaal yog more negative and harmful.

Some of the previous transits of Jupiter and Rahu together in one sign were as follows -

- 30th January 2016 to 11th August 2016 - In Leo-Simha.  
- 9th December 2008 to 1st May 2009, 30th July 2009 to 17th November 2009 - In Capricorn-Makar.
- 16th June 2001 to 16th February 2002 - In Gemini-Mithun.  
- 19th May 1994 to 11th November 1994 - In Libra-Tula.
- 3rd February 1987 to 16th June 1987, 26th October 1987 to 3rd February 1988 - In Pisces-Meen.
- 29th August 1979 to 6th June 1980 - In Leo-Simha.
- 5th September 1972 to 25th January 1973 - In Sagittarius-Dhanu.
- 21st March 1965 to 6th August 1965, 10th January 1966 to 24th March 1966 - In Taurus-Vrishabh.
- 28th November 1957 to 17th May 1958, 21st July 1958 to 24th September 1958 - In Libra-Tula.
- 24th December 1950 to 23rd March 1951 - In Aquarius-Kumbh.
- 27th May 1943 to 23rd October 1943, 4th February 1944 to 19th June 1944 - In Cancer-Kark.
- 10th March 1936 to 12th May 1936, 29th October 1936 to 11th January 1937 - In Sagittarius-Dhanu.
- 13th April 1929 to 13th May 1929 - In Aries-Mesh.
- 23rd August 1921 to 23rd September 1922 - In Virgo-Kanya.
- 2nd January 1915 to 2nd May 1915 - In Aquarius-Kumbh.
- 16th July 1907 to 1st August 1907 - In Cancer-Kark.

Some major events during these formations of Guru-Chandal yog have been –
- Panama papers are leaked and published in 2016.
- Bitcoin, the digital currency is released in 2009.
- Icelandic financial crisis leads to the collapse of government of Iceland in 2009.
- 911 Attacks in USA.
- 2001 Anthrax attacks.
- United States invades Afghanistan in 2001.
- Indian Parliament in New Delhi is attacked by terrorists in 2001.

Jupiter and Rahu come together in every 7 to 8 years. Jupiter denotes law, discipline, ethics and religion. Rahu is mystery, conspiracy, politics, rumours and deceit. Guru-Rahu combination gives rise to religious fanaticism; false propaganda by religious leaders and politicians; political or financial conspiracies; and; fluctuations in financial markets. At times the actual hidden agendas formed during the Rahu-Guru combination are revealed when this combination ends.

The effect of this transit of Jupiter and the combination of Jupiter-Rahu in Aries on the twelve ascendants and moon-signs will be as follows -

1. Aries-Mesh: In the first six months, the risk of severe health issues is there and stress levels will remain high; problems related to foreign travels and foreign trade will be there; and; there will be frequent and unexpectedly high expenses. But, from November 2023, things will change a lot. Health will improve, stress levels will reduce greatly, confidence will increase and there will be many enjoyable foreign travels.

2. Taurus-Vrishabh: Expenses, losses, legal problems, health issues and stress, all can happen for Vrishabh. These problems will reduce a bit after October 2023 but in the initial six months some of these issues can become quite complex and stressful. The relationships with close friends can turn bad due to disputes related to money. Strange and mysterious health problems can occur mainly related to ears, eyes, hair, skin, liver and pancreas.  

3. Gemini-Mithun: Income will increase but the worries related to work and money will increase too. There are high chances of romantic affairs and liaisons. There can be misunderstandings and conflicts in existing relationship or marriage between May and November 2023. Good chances of getting engaged or married. Income will increase and money flow will become smoother from November 2023. There will be good progress in education and there are high chances of success in competitive examinations.

4. Cancer-Kark: Work related ambitions, enthusiasm and ambitions will increase. But, there can be unexpected legal issues related to work, taxation and expenses. Frequent travels related to work will be there. There will be gains from foreign trade and foreign travels. Social image and social status will improve after some initial confusions, misunderstandings and hitches. Relocation to a new residence or purchase of a property is possible. Health issues related to ears, brain, head, lungs and skin can happen.

5. Leo-Simha: There will be good progress in work. Financial problems will reduce. Expenses will increase but financial losses will decrease. Legal hassles will increase. Health problems related to kidneys, liver, nervous system, allergies and auto-immune disorders can happen. Worries about the health, behaviour and welfare of children will increase. Students will have unexpected problems in their studies. Those students who want to study abroad can have some unwanted delays and difficulties in such attempts till the end of October 2023.  

6. Virgo-Kanya: Health problems related to cholesterol, heart, liver and blood sugar can become more troublesome. Unexpected and heavy financial losses can happen. Worries related to the health and behaviour of parents, in-laws and spouse will rise. There are high chances of accidents and vehicular mishaps, more so between April and November 2023. Property and residence related matters will cause big headaches.

7. Libra-Tula: Health will improve but the chances of gaining weight and obesity are also high. Till November 2023, the relations with spouse and business partners will continue to be stressful despite some relief in the stress from May 2023. Income will increase and work will progress well. Wasteful expenses will reduce. New business deals with more dependable business entities will be done.

8. Scorpio-Vrishchik: Difficulties related to education and studies will be there. But, those Vrishchik students who are studying subjects related to health, diseases, medicine, therapy, finance and banking have better chances of success. Still, for them too, there will be some hindrances, delays, distractions and anxieties related to the progress of their academic pursuits till the end of October 2023. Expenses will increase greatly. Health should be given more attention. Digestion, blood sugar and cholesterol related ailments can occur. The behaviour and health of children too can cause worries.

9. Sagittarius-Dhanu: There will be a lot of movement and changes in the life. Health will need more attention. Kidneys, urinary system, reproductive system and digestion can be the affected areas of health. The focus on children’s health and welfare will increase, more so in the first six months of this transit. There can be unexpected changes at work. Income will be good but work related stress can increase. There will be several long distance travels. Worries related to studies and higher education will be there despite better progress in the studies.

10. Capricorn-Makar: Till the end of October 2023, health problems related to heart, blood pressure and lungs can happen. But, the health will improve greatly after October 2023. Matters related to residence and property will keep causing stress and confusions till November 2023. So, it is better to delay all property related deals till that time. There will be some big changes at work which will improve the quality of work. Income will increase along with the increase in expenses too.

11. Aquarius-Kumbh: The ongoing bonhomie with the family members will turn into mistrust and disappointments in relationships. Struggles, conflicts and unwanted disputes will increase. There will be an increase in income and work related gains will be good too. In love relationships and marriage there will be more stability and less confusion. There will be several long distance travels.

12. Pisces-Meen: The first six months of this Jupiter transit in Aries can be really difficult related to work and finances. There can be serious health problems related to eyes, ears and mouth; stress and worries related to family; financial worries; accidents and injuries. After October 2023, there will be much relief from these problems but focus on health will remain high. Financial situation and the situation at work will improve.  

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