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Mangal-Ketu-Shukra conjunction in Mesh - 12th April 2013 PDF Print
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Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 12 April 2013 23:02
Today, Mars moved into the fiery sign of Aries which is its own house (Swagraha). As Ketu and Venus are already in transit in Mesh these three planets have now become conjunct. On 14th April 2013 Surya and on 28th April 2013 Budh too will join them in making it a yuti of five planets in Mesh Rashi.

The last time when any of these planets had joined Ketu in Aries was in 1994. On 19th May 1994 when Ketu had entered Aries it had joined Mangal which was already in transit there. But, the yuti of Ketu with Venus, Budh and Surya in Aries could happen only in the subsequent year of 1995. In the last century, Venus, Budh and Surya have been found to be giving company a to Ketu a few times in Aries in months April and May and at times Saturn and Jupiter have joined them. This is the first time that Mars is involved in this yuti of multiple planets in Mesh in past hundred years.

Mars-Ketu yuti is a highly explosive one and it usually gives rise to unexpected and severe kinds of violent incidents. The massacre of Nepalese royal family and the 911 incident are a few examples of it. Looking at the combination of planets in Aries and Libra and the war clouds hovering over Korea it can be said that the next forty days of Mars in Aries can trigger some serious man-made and natural calamities for mankind. Mars will leave Aries to enter Taurus on 23rd May 2013.

Such negative conclusions are being made also because Saturn is present with Rahu in Tula and it is now in an opposition ( Samsaptak) with the planets in Mesh. Such planetary combinations are powerful enough to cause great changes all over the world. Economic crisis combined with political agendas of developed countries could bring about action or inaction both of which can cause the existing global power balance to change.

Terrorist activities will be at a high. These planetary yogas can bring about such terrorist action and destruction the kind of which world has never seen. These events will be triggers to other events which will finally change the economic policies, governments and political systems all over the world.

Revolts against establishment can take violent turn. Crime against women and sexual crimes will increase. Serious vehicular mishaps especially those involving air crafts are possible. Political leaders will show increase in adamant and autocratic attitude. The true severity of the economic problems and the hidden political agendas of corrupt leaders which have been under wraps till now will be revealed causing more unrest in common people.

The results of these planetary movements in Mesh over the twelve moon signs and ascendants will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Heightened aggression; health problems related to eyes, ears, heart and blood pressure; good performance at work; discord and disagreements with near ones; an increased tendency to act on impulse without thinking.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Marital discord; serious disagreements with business partners; serious and sudden health problems related to heart, hypertension and genitals; legal problems; loss of money and a sudden increase in expenses.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Monetary gains; bad relations with close friends; short term long distance travels; injuries to limbs; surgery.

4. Cancer - Karka: Unexpected, great but positive changes in profession; job change; good performance at work; health problems for parents; conflicts with colleagues and boss at workplace; high energy levels; improvement in health.

5. Leo - Simha: Long distance unexpected journeys; good gains in job and business; chances of injuries to limbs through accidents; a new personal vehicle; legal problems; health problems for parents.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Legal hassles; chances of losses through theft or burglary; injuries by accident or physical attack; surgery; souring of relations with in laws; death of a near one.

7. Libra - Tula: Business partnership with capable people; breaking up of an existing business collaboration; emotional roller coaster ride in personal life, love and marriage; health problems related to digestion and genitals, high energy levels, good gains at work.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Health problems like infections of blood, allergies and arthritis; increase of burden of debt; victory over rivals and enemies; improvement of public image; increase in expenses.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: High chances of physical injuries; better creativity and intuition; health problems for children and parents; good gains of money; business gains; change of job.

10. Makar - Capricorn: Good and sudden monetary gains; conflicts with parents; health problems for parents and self; high energy performance at work; business gains; change of workplace or residence; damage of personal vehicle; repairs at residence; gains related to real estate either by sale of purchase of property.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Frequent journeys; great progress in business; unexpected but positive changes at work; conflicts with immediate superior at work; health problems for parents; disagreements with siblings; sudden developments leading to violent incidents; increased aggression; injuries and accidents.

12. Pisces - Meen: Serious problems and conflicts in family; death of a near one; high chances of accidents and injuries; change of residence or workplace; unexpected monetary gains; health problems related to arthritis, heart and hypertension. 


#2 Iran earthquake...Chintamani Chintak 2013-04-16 11:51
Earthquake in Iran an hour ago. Ashutosh Ji, please tell me if the world is going to end..as you have said in this article -
'it can be said that the next forty days of Mars in Aries can trigger some serious man-made and natural calamities for mankind.'
#1 Accurate and uncanny predictionsChintamani Chintak 2013-04-16 10:48
The Boston blasts yesterday and the Bali plane crash on 13th April are uncanny confirmations that your predictions are very accurate. I am really amazed.
I feel that I have found a real astrologer today. Thank you Ashutosh Ji. Please mention to me your email id.

Thank you

quoting ashutosh ji from this article -

'Serious vehicular mishaps especially those involving air crafts are possible.'

'Mars-Ketu yuti is a highly explosive one and it usually gives rise to unexpected and severe kinds of violent incidents.'

'Terrorist activities will be at a high. These planetary yogas can bring about such terrorist action and destruction the kind of which world has never seen.'

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