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Vriksharopan Samadhan - The Jyotish Remedy of Tree Planting PDF Print
Jyotish Articles
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 12 November 2010 14:30

VriksharopanSeveral varieties of remedies or Upayas have been popular and are practiced in Jyotish since time immemorial. Gem Therapy, colour therapy, fasts, donations, havans, poojas, yantras, mantras, etc are some of the well known Jyotish remedies. But, there are some lesser known but highly effective upayas and samadhans in Jyotish which can easily be performed by everyone. One such upaya is the 'Vriksharopan Samadhan'. This term literally means 'The remedy of Planting Trees'.

Gaj Kesari Yoga - Discussion with Astrologer Ashutosh PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 09:59
Jyotish Biz: Ashutosh Ji! Gaj Kesari Yoga is one of the most popular of all yogas in Jyotish. Anyone who knows even a little about Jyotish has heard about Gaj Kesari Yoga. What exactly is this Gaj Kesari Yoga.

Astrologer Ashutosh: First of all, we must know what a Yoga is. A yoga is a combination of planets or a special placement of a planet or planets in horoscope which gives enhanced positive or negative qualities to the native. There can be thousands of yogas in a horoscope but all of them are not important.
Karmic Debt, Indians and Jyotish PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 13 February 2010 09:00
A karmic debt is created when someone provides you with a service, help or a useful item but you fail to do or give anything in return.

This is the most damaging kind of debt whose burden the soul carries even to the next birth. It can be harmful in ways of damages to health, both physical and mental, decrease in family happiness, failures in enterprises, loss of fame and social respect, etc. The karmic debt increases the strength of Rahu which is the planet responsible for all frustrations in life.
Mars in Cancer - India will bear the brunt PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Written by Ashutosh   
Thursday, 24 September 2009 15:02

Mars will be in Debilitation from 5th October 2009 to 26th May 2010.

This will be due to the retrogression of Mars in Cancer. The normal stay of Mars in a sign or around 40 days. But, every two years Mars goes retrograde and therefore it stays in one or two signs for more than its usual period of stay in a sign. Its last prolonged transit was in Gemini. This year it is in Cancer.

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