Leo - Simha - 2014 Forecast Print
Moon Signs - 2014 - Moon Signs This Year
Written by Ashutosh   

Leo - Simha - Moon Sign - 2014 - Jyotish Forecast. 

leoIn 2014, the Leo or Simha moon sign people will have to stay alert regarding their finances, health, family happiness and welfare of children. There will be many long distance travels. Their interest towards religion and spirituality will increase in 2014.

HEALTH: Health prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:
Health precautions are suggested in January, April and June 2014. Hypertension, problems of digestive system and joints and bones will trouble them. A few Simha rashi people can suffer from ailments related to eyes and head in the first half of 2014.

In the second half of this year there can be health problems due to rise in sugar levels and a weakness of liver. The most liklihood of such problems is in July, August and November 2014. Proper medication and a balanced lifestyle is suggested for Simha rashi people in 2014.

JOB: Job prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

The new year will bring job related gains for Simha rashi people. In January 2014 itself they can change jobs or rise to better positions and will be at better salary levels than before. If this change does not take place in January then it will happen in May 2014.
Job satisfaction will be good this year and recognition and appreciation for work will also be as desired. There will be many challenges at work but Simha rashi people will be able to face all of them with confidence and tact in 2014.
BUSINESS: Business prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

Simha rashi businesspersons will find 2014 very challenging but they will make best use of the opportunities which this year provides to them for business growth. This year can be divided in two distinct halves on basis of the costs and profits.

In the first half the business costs will be less and profits will increase, The best gains will be received in January, March, May and June 2014. This is also a time when new business tie ups can be done for long term business growth.

There are planetary yogas in the second half of 2014 for an increase in costs and reduction in profits. Simha rashi entrepreneurs should make use of such yogas by re-investing profits in their ventures. This way there will be no losses and the yoga for expenses will also be fulfilled.

EDUCATION: Education prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

In the first half of 2014 the Simha rashi students will perform in excellent ways in their studies and examinations. Those who are eager to appear for important exams should do so in January, February, April and May 2014.

The second half brings some setbacks and delays in studies. But, the same planetary yogas which make this second half bad for normal educational pursuits makes it beneficial for the Simha rashi students who want to pursue distance or foreign education. 

WEALTH: Wealth prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

Simha rashi people will earn well in 2014. They will be highly successful in saving money and accumulating wealth in form of bullion and fixed assets too in the first six months of this year.

But, unwanted increase in expenses can prevent creation of savings and long term investments in the second half. They should be very careful not to indulge in useless showing off of riches. Too much generosity can be detrimental for the pocket in 2014.

REAL ESTATE: Property related prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

In the first half of 2014 there will not be many opportunities to invest in good real estate. But, the second half of this year brings many such lucrative opportunities mainly in August, September and October 2014.

As it has been already mentioned above that there is a yoga for great expenses in the last six months of 2014 an investment in real estate will fulfill such a yoga while creating good asset too at the same time.

VEHICLE: Prospects related to vehicles for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

The best time to buy a new personal vehicle is in September 2014. There will be a temptation to buy a high end expensive vehicle which is beyond the budget but fulfills the social ambitions. Simha rashi people are warned that such temptations should be resisted and only a vehicle which falls comfortable in the budget should be bought in 2014.

October and November 2014 are not good for buying a new vehicle. Colours of the vehicle like Red, Yellow, Orange and Gold will be beneficial for Simha rashi people in 2014.

LOVE: Love and Romance prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

There will be a few short term love affairs in the first seven months of 2014 and no decision in matters of heart will be made during this period. Confusion, frustration, jealousy and disappointment will rule in these seven months.

But, from August 2014 onwards the luck swings in favor of Simha rashi people as cupid's arrows turn sweeter and lovelier. Love will prevail and true love will be realized. Simha rashi people will be very satisfied and happy with their love lives by the time 2014 ends. 

MARRIAGE: Marriage prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

Although there will be unwanted oppositions and problems to the desires to get married, 2014 will finally see many Simha rashi people tying the knot. The best months for getting married are January, April, May, August and September 2014.

Those who are facing marital conflicts will experience an increase in the intensity of problems in February, March and July 2014. It is advisable for Simha rashi married people to be more patient and tolerant than usual in these months.

FAMILY: Prospects related to family and relatives for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

Parents' health and the relations with them will be good in 2014. Family happiness will be the foremost priority for Simha rashi people this year.

Siblings will be supportive to much extent in 2014 but there can be some worries related to the welfare and health of one of them. There can be some disagreements with them regarding family property and assets between April and July 2014.

The first six months are favorable for conception or birth of a child. Other children will do well in their areas of work in this period. But, the second half of 2014 brings increased concerns for their health and behaviour.

TRAVEL: Travel prospects for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

The first six months will not bring many journeys. But, the second half of 2014 involves frequent travels, domestic and foreign. Travels for pleasure, pilgrimage, foreign education and business may be done in the second half of this year.

The best time for travelling is in May, August, September and December 2014.

REMEDIES: Jyotish remedies for 2014 for Leo or Simha moon sign born people:

Wear a Sindoori coral in a gold ring on ring finger in January or May 2014. 

Avoid drinking alcohol till August 2014. Do not wear garments of Grey and Black colours. Instead, wear more of Red, Orange and Yellow. 


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