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Transits on 19th April 2011 - Both Surya and Shukra in Uccha Rashi... PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 10:26
On 14th April 2011, Sun has entered Aries, its sign of exaltation. And, two days after that, on 16th April 2011, Venus too entered its Uccha Rashi, Meen (Pisces). Both these mutually harmful and totally diverse planets will leave their exalted states in the second week of May 2010. Venus leaves Pisces on 11th May 2011 and Surya leaves Mesh on 15th May 2011.

The other interesting transit is the retrograde motion of Mercury in Pisces, its sign of debilitation. It will prevent Venus from showing the full extent of its usually beneficial results in Meen Rashi. Four planets are together in Pisces - Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

In next three weeks we can expect more incidents of air crashes and other vehicular mishaps on land, water and air. A few famous celebrities, actors of yore, and some other popular figures, of a good old age, may leave their physical bodies after living a fulfilling life.

Crime against women and other sexual crimes will see a rise. some strict rules and regulations may be imposed on the industries related to porn and prostitution. The peoples' movements seen in various nations will suffer setbacks as the greed and backstabbing become the order of the day.

Natural calamities like landslides, earthquakes and cloudburst have a high chance of occurring in next three weeks, especially in the second week of May 2011. At the same time forest fires and other fire related incidents will also be on a rise all over the world.

The planetary transits as of today are as under:

- Sun is in Aries till 15th May 2011.
- Moon is in Libra and will keep changing signs every 54 hours.
- Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, becomes direct on 24th April, and leaves Pisces to enter Aries on 11th May 2011.
- Venus is in Pisces and will enter Aries on 11th May 2011.
- Mars is in Pisces and will enter Aries on 3rd May 2011.
- Jupiter is in Pisces and will enter Aries on 8th May 2011.
- Saturn is in Virgo, retrograde, and will stay there till November 2011.
- Rahu is in Sagittarius till 6th June 2011
- Ketu is in Gemini till 6th June 2011

The effect of planetary transits on the twelve moon signs and ascendants, in next three weeks, will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Good progress in education and work, better job offers, sudden travels, increase in expenditure on luxury items, problems in married life, secret affairs.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Good monetary gains, change of workplace, acquisition of a new residential property, legal problems related to property, new romance in life, a friendship turns into a love affair.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Good speed in work and smooth flow of money, establishment of a new business, finalising of new projects, health problems to father, conflicts in married life owing to the increasing pressure at work.

4. Cancer - Karka: Long distance journeys, gains from foreign trade, reunion with old friends, increase in income, increase in unexpected expenditures, improved performance at work.

5. Leo - Simha: Increased chances of suffering from injuries and serious ailments, foreign travel, short term secret romantic flings, sudden loss of money with equally sudden and unexpected gains of money from other than usual sources.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Serious conflict of thoughts with business partners, spouse and loved ones, extra marital affairs, health problems related to digestive system and genitals, big loss of money.

7. Libra - Tula: Rise of controversies, wastage of time and money, cordial relations turning into enmity, health problems related to liver, digestion and hypertension, damages to vehicle and extra expenditures on other vehicles.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: A sudden positive turn of events in matters of education but this may be only a short term relief, health problems to children, change of job, better job offers but with discomforts increasing in the existing job.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Profit from sale of a real estate, change of residence, change in workplace, health problems to mother, increased chances of vehicular accident and other damages to personal vehicle.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Business gains through calculated risks, increase in business profits, short term beneficial journeys, change in job, formation of a new business, a good time for those involved in competitive sports.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: A good time for entertainers, good gains from savings and investments, new developments are work, good gains in business, family reunions and other functions, better relations with romantic partner and spouse.

12. Pisces - Meen: Increase in worries about job and business, better job offers, a new love in life, health problems to spouse, loss of good relations with family members due to irresponsible and hasty expressions of thoughts.  

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