FAQ :: Jyotish FAQs :: Q and A: Self Employment or Job - Sofia
Q and A: Self Employment or Job - Sofia PDF Print E-mail

Sofia asks: My DOB is 7th July 1985, TOB is 18:01 Hrs and POB is Chiklachilar, Bulgaria. I have been employed with a law firm as an office assistant since last five years. I have now finished my law degree and want to start my own practice as a legal advisor. But, since past few months all my efforts in this direction are in vain. Everything is getting delayed. Is it good for me to work as an independent legal adviser or should I continue with my existing job?
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Sofia! Your horoscope clearly indicates a profession related to law or legal subjects but it does not hold much promise about work as an independent lawyer. This is due to the debilitated state of Jupiter in your horoscope. This weakness of Jupiter has already delayed your higher education and is not allowing you to be self employed.

You were born under Vrishchik (Scorpio) ascendant and Kumbh ( Aquarius) moon sign. Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation in the third house of your horoscope. But, other planets like Sun, Saturn, Mars and Rahu which indicate success in a career related to law are supportive in your horoscope. 

I suggest that you should either practice with your existing employer firm as a lawyer or should join another law firm instead of trying to start your own independent practice. After August 2017, you should try to get a job as a public prosecutor or attorney where you are paid a salary by the government. Your horoscope promises success as an expert in criminal law.

Since February 2016, the transit of Rahu in your horoscope's house of profession has made you very confused about your professional goals. It will keep on diverting your mind to other options for next fourteen months. So, do not bring any intentional major changes in your profession but keep yourself open to good opportunities which present themselves. 

Some remedies -

- Wear a Ruby in a gold ring on the ring finger of left hand, on Sunday at sunrise.

- Avoid wearing Black, Yellow and Green colours and wear more of White, Pink and Brown as and when possible.

- If you can, then keep fasts on Thursdays. When fasting, eat one full meal and take fruits and milk at other meal times.

- If you have any religious vow unfulfilled or if there is any pilgrimage pending since long, then try to complete these unfinished tasks as soon as possible.


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