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Mars-Ketu prolonged yuti in Makar - 2nd May 2018 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Wednesday, 02 May 2018 14:57

Today, on 2nd May 2018, Mangal has entered its uccha rashi and has joined Ketu there. It will stay in Makar rashi till 6th November 2018. Ketu is going to be there till 7th March 2019 which means that this Mars-Ketu combination will be there till 6th November 2018. Mars, the planet of aggression, courage, war and invention, has entered a rare six month long transit in its sign of exaltation, Capricorn.

Every two years Mangal gets into a retrograde motion and this prolongs its transit in one or two signs. From a usual transit of around forty days in a rashi the length of the transit may increase to around six months when Mars becomes retrograde.

Makar rashi is the Uccha rashi, the sign of exaltation, for Mangal. This means that Mars is at its best and in its most powerful state in Makar rashi. Though Mars' such long transits are commonly witnessed in other signs, in its sign of exaltation this happens quite rarely.

The last such transit in Capricorn, when Mars became retrograde in it and stayed in this sign for around six months, was from 21st April 1971 to 24th October 1971. A similar retrogression of Mars and an unusually long transit in its exalted state, before 1971, was in 1939 from 6th May 1939 to 8th November 1939. In 1939, during such a transit of Mangal in its uccha rashi, the world witnessed the official beginning of World War II. The 1971 transit brought about the creation of Bangladesh.

The last transit when Mars-Ketu were together (Mars was not exalted) and Mars was in a retrograde transit was in 2001 which was marked by the catastrophic events of 911 when the twin towers were destroyed by the terrorists.

What can we expect from this year's Mars-Ketu transit in Capricorn? Well, Mars being the rules of war and aggression this transit will increase the chances of violent conflicts all over the world. Politicians who are desperate to create war like situations to save their own seats of power will get or create many opportunities to do so.

Loss of life and property due to riots, terrorist activities and natural calamities will happen more frequently. Financial irregularities will plague the economies all over the world and harsh actions to cure these ills may create a lot of discomfort for the common people.  

There will be new inventions and breakthroughs in the field of science and technology because Mars rules over technology too. Such developments will be primarily in the areas related to warfare, information technology, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Looking at the state international affairs around the world and the hard headed leaders in most nations today, this prolonged transit of Mars-Ketu in Makar rashi may begin a new but difficult era for the mankind.

The effects of this transit on the twelve ascendants and moon signs may be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: Change of job; change of workplace to another city or nation; sudden but positive change in the work profile or a change from job to business; health issues related to hypertension, lungs and brain.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Foreign travels; better relations with spouse and loved ones; gains from abroad; increase in income; good progress in education; legal hassles.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increased chances of injuries and accidents; chances of a surgery; hypertension and related health issues; increase in income; sudden monetary gains; frequent unplanned travels.

4. Cancer - Karka: Good progress in work; big and positive change in job and business; frequent travels; good progress in studies; increased contact with influential people; fame and recognition.

5. Leo - Simha: Health issues related to heart and blood pressure; legal problems; increased conflicts with rivals and enemies; political gains; foreign travels; increase in debt; financial problems.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Good increase in income; heightened creativity; good progress in academic pursuits especially in technical fields; health issues related to stomach, kidneys, liver and limbs.

7. Libra - Tula: Health issues related to heart, hypertension and liver; a surgery related to cardiac issues is possible; high chances of injuries and accidents related to vehicles; good progress in work; increase in income; gains related to property.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Frequent travels; increased conflicts and fights with people over trivial issues; good progress in work; a good time for those who are in professions related to sports, police and defense forces; good health; improved confidence and an increase in desire to take high risks, both physical and financial.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Increase in income; good gains from investments; health risks related to eyes, ears, mouth and brain; disagreements with family members; good gains in academics.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Gains from sale or purchase of property; sudden monetary gains; increase in circle of friends; better health; improved confidence; frequent travels including travels to foreign nations.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Sudden change in profession; legal hassles; increase in expenses mainly on electronic goods and litigation; frequent travels related to work; father's health becomes a concern; a good time to expand business to distant cities or to other nations; high chances of getting a job in a foreign nation.

12. Pisces - Meen: Sudden and unexpected financial gains; gains from job or business related to foreign nations; frequent travels; good performance in sports; relocation to another country for work.




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