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Q and A: Career Front PDF Print E-mail

Kamil asks: Over the past year, I have had numerous problems in the career front without any luck at all. I finished my master's degree one year ago and since then, I have tried and tried but have yet to clinch any opportunity. Can you advise on the prospects of my career for the near future? Thanks very much for your insight. Best, K. My DOB is February 20, 1983, 10:30 AM in Chennai, India.

Astrologer Ashutosh: Kamil, you are in Rahu- Saturn antardasha which is not much favorable for career growth. Saturn's transit in your horoscope's 6th house is also causing the setbacks and delays in getting the right kind of job. The transits in past one and half years were also not helping you much.

But, the coming months of 2010 will be good for you. Try for a job in an MNC based in India (if you are in India) or in a company which can take you to a foreign land due to the nature of your job. The present month of June 2010 will bring some lucrative job offers but they may materilise finally only by August 2010 end.

You are destined to go out of India and to settle abroad. Once you get a job the growth in it will be rapid and very steep. The only setback can be due to your own extravagance, laziness and lack of discipline. Improve upon these vices and you will never see a downfall in career ever again. 

To improve your chances of success and stability in career perform following remedies:

1. Wear a Cats Eye in silver ring on ring finger of left hand. This should be done on Sunday morning.

2. Wear a good quality Ruby in copper/gold ring on ring finger of right hand. This again should be done on Sunday at sunrise.

3. Keep fasts on Saturdays. Eat one full meals and take milk and fruits at other meal times.

4. Avoid wearing Grey, Black and Green in clothes. Wear more of Orange, Yellow, White and Red shades in colours.


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