FAQ :: Gemstone FAQs :: What is a Rashi in Jyotish?
What is a Rashi in Jyotish? PDF Print E-mail

A Zodiac sign is called a Rashi in Jyotish. There are twelve Rashis which are as follows -

1. Mesh (Aries)

2. Vrishabh (Taurus)

3. Mithun (Gemini)

4. Karka (Cancer)

5. Simha (Leo)

6. Kanya (Virgo)

7. Tula (Libra)

8. Vrishchik (Scorpio)

9. Dhanu (Sagittarius)

10. Makar (Capricorn)

11. Kumbh (Aquarius)

12. Meen (Pisces)

There are twelve bhavas (houses) in a horoscope. So, one house has only one Rashi, and the graha transiting in a particular Rashi is seen as placed in that house in which the Rashi is. For example, if Sun is transiting in Kanya Rashi and the ascendant (1st house) is Simha then the Sun will be seen as placed in the 2nd house of the horoscope because the Kanya Rashi is in the 2nd house.


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