Jyotish :: Jyotish Articles :: Surya Swagrahi in Simha - 17th August 2010 - Budh Aditya Yoga
Surya Swagrahi in Simha - 17th August 2010 - Budh Aditya Yoga PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 10:17
Today, the most powerful and the brightest of all nine Jyotish Planets, Surya, has entered its own sign, Leo (Simha). Sun joins its natural friend, Mercury, in this fixed but fiery sign. Leo enhances the natural dominance, confidence and governing abilities of Surya to a high extent. But, it being a fixed sign, the ego and self esteem are more in control than what is observed when Sun is in its sign of exaltation, Aries (Mesh).

Surya rules over only one sign, Simha, unlike the other physical planets which have two signs under their governance. The only other planet which rules over one single sign is Moon which is lord of the sign Cancer (Karka). Every year, from mid August to mid September, Sun stays in Leo. Those born during this period are extremely lucky, magnanimous, talented, clever, very opportunistic and wealthy.

As Sun joins Mercury in Leo, these two form a powerful Budh Aditya yoga. Children born under this yoga will have enhanced communication skills, logical thinking, oratory skills and they will do well in fields like stock trading, economics, banking, etc. They do also well in areas involving much use of verbal communication like journalism and television media. This Budh Aditya will continue during the full one month of Surya's stay in Simha as Budh will leave Simha only in the end of September 2010 whereas Surya will end its stay in Leo on 17th September 2010.

This yuti of Surya and Budh will have quite positive effect on stock markets all over the world, especially in the first two weeks of September 2010. The public sector banks will gain the most from this transit. Real estate sales and purchases rate will go up and more business will come to the institutions financing the real estate industry. The governments will plan and impose new regulations on the banking sector and the money markets.

For India, this transit brings improvements in the internal affairs. But, satisfactory results and total cessation of conflicts will not happen till this month of August ends. Kashmir riots, Farmers' agitation in Uttar Pradesh and the flood situation in North and Western India will come under control only by the beginning of September. But, the improvement will start from today itself. Similar positive results will be there for Pakistan too where floods have wrecked havoc on common people and the hollow promises of the politicians have fallen flat. Sun in Leo will make the voice of the common man loud enough to open the muffled ears of their leaders.

The general effects of this transit in next one month on the twelve Moon signs and ascendants will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Better job offers, change in job, business gains, new and better business partnerships in September, recognition in public fields like politics and social work.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Improvement in family affairs, gain of property, purchase of a better vehicle for personal use, long distance travels, foreign stay, business gains.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Improvement in work, better business leads, short term beneficial travels, increase in income and business profits, improvement in health.

4. Cancer - Karka: Improved confidence, profits from investments in stocks and bonds, further investment in long term savings schemes, better relations with relatives, physical injury due to fire or vehicular accident.

5. Leo - Simha: Health gains, good monetary benefits, change in business setup, better job position or a new job, gains from past investments, better relations with family members and friends.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Legal problems, health deterioration, sudden and big expenses or loss or money, difficulties in job, conflicts with father.

7. Libra - Tula: Goods gains in business, increase in support from business partners, increase in income, gains from travels, foreign journeys, improved confidence, job change, promotion.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Establishment of a new enterprise, profits from existing business ventures, promotion in job, satisfactory completion of projects in hand.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Work related journeys with excellent results, clearing of foreign journey related hurdles, relocation of workplace, change in job, business partnership with overseas business houses, health problems to father.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Health problems, sudden losses in business, unexpected changes and cancellation of travel plans, injuries to self due to fire or accidents, bone and joint problems, an unexpected gain of inherited wealth.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: A business collaboration with an employee, improvement in family life, improvement in health, monetary gains through unethical means, change in workplace.

12. Pisces - Meen: Serious differences with business partners, damage to personal vehicle, health problems, marital discord, legal hassles related to loans and other financial matters.

Jyotish Biz



#2 Stock market goes up 2010-09-08 11:06
How true! Amazing. Mr. Ashutosh, you should be giving more such stock market predictions.

Quote: This yuti of Surya and Budh will have quite positive effect on stock markets all over the world, especially in the first two weeks of September 2010.
#1 RE: Surya Swagrahi in Simha - 17th August 2010 - Budh Aditya Yoga 2010-08-20 07:22
Now that Surya and Mercury (Budha) are together forming a Budh-Aditya yoga how does one figure out the effects of a retrograde Mercury that starts from 21st August till 13th September in Simha rashi along with Surya? Because whatever literature that I've read about Mercury retrograde, it cause lot of mis-communication, electrical and electronics problems.

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