Jyotish :: Jyotish Articles :: Mangal in Simha for next eight months - 30th October 2011
Mangal in Simha for next eight months - 30th October 2011 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Sunday, 30 October 2011 11:30

     Every two years Mars goes retrograde and stays for a long period of around eight months in a Jyotish sign. Today, it enters Leo (Simha), a very friendly sign for it, and stays there for next eight months. Let us get some idea about what effects this interesting transit will have on all of us.

     Its previous retrograde and prolonged movement was in Cancer from 5th October 2009 to 26th May 2010. We had covered that transit on this website. The next such transit will be  in the signs of Libra and Virgo from 4th February 2014 to 5th September 2014. During its retrograde movement a planet can go back to its previous sign where it goes direct and then re-enters the sign where it had started its retrograde movement.

     You must be wondering why a retrograde movement of a planet is so important. When a planet has to go retrograde it slows down until it stalls. Then, its backward movement begins. The direct motion is from the first degree of a sign to the 30th and last degree. But, in retrograde movement the planet starts moving backwards towards the first degree and can even go into the previous sign if this retrograde movement does not end.

     The end of retrograde movement also brings another slowing down and stalling of the planet before it gets direct. These retrograde and direct movements cause the planet to stay in one sign for more than its normal duration and, therefore, showing the results associated with that sign for an extra long period.

     Astronomically seen, a retrograde planet is nearer to Earth in distance and thus has a stronger effect on the life on Earth. Sun and Moon never go retrograde and Rahu- Ketu are in a perpetually retrograde movement. The shorter the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the shorter is its period of retrogression. Mercury, for example, has the shortest and more frequent retrogressive period, happening every few months, as it has the shortest orbit around the Sun.

    Coming back to the main topic, Sun is a close ally of Mars and Leo is the home territory of Surya. So, being in a friendly and positive sign Mangal brings out most of its positive qualities and this is a welcome change after the weakened state it had to undergo in the sign of Cancer. Simha makes Mars bold, courageous, straightforward, adventurous, dominating and enterprising.

     Simha is a fixed sign and the gains achieved through Mars' transit in it are long lasting and stable. Governments are able to take better decisions and to enforce rules and regulations in more efficient ways. So, we can expect some wisdom in the new policies by governments all over the world. As Mars will be under a positive aspect by Jupiter till 17th May 2012, the government formation in Libya can be expected to be more influenced by military ambitions and the hard-line Islamic forces will become more powerful in coming months.

     Agricultural production will improve and agro-industries will get good profit from their enterprises. Metals like copper. brass and zinc will have good demand and their prices are also likely to go up. Government sponsored projects will go on steadily but the private sector will take a beating due to stringent rules and financial constraints.

     For India, this transit will have mixed results. While a good agricultural output will boost economy a little, the political unrest will again come to fore in the major cities. This time the protests and demonstrations against the political powers will be longer and more severe. The political coalition in power will breakup and new parties will join this coalition. The government will be able to manage the next eight months by use of both diplomacy and force.

     For the twelve moon signs and ascendants the result of this eight month long transit of Mars in Leo will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Increase in income, change of job, good business gains, better health, more focus on welfare of children, birth of a child in the family.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: A new partnership in business, acquisition of a new property or vehicle, health problems to spouse, increase in income, better performance at work.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Good business gains, profit from risky enterprises, frequent short term travels, conflict of interests with siblings, better chances of marriage, a new romance in life.

4. Cancer - Karka: Good returns from past investments, disputes in parental family, health problems, high vulnerability to injuries and accidents, better performance at work, health risks to spouse, change of residence.

5. Leo - Simha: Better health, gain of a new real estate, foreign travels and long term foreign stay, better relations with parents and siblings, marital conflict, formation of a new business partnership.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Health problems, marital conflicts, secret romantic affairs, a business collaboration fails to work, serious legal problems, disputes in family over family assets, damage to personal vehicle.

7. Libra - Tula: Business gains, increase in income, recovery of blocked money, good gain in job, loss of a good friendship, gain of a lucrative real estate, new love in life, better chances for marriage, a new business collaboration.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: High energy drive for next eight months, promotion in job, increase in income, setting up of a new business, foreign travels, health problem to parents, change of residence.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Birth of a child in family, good progress in education for students, good chances for a foreign education, abroad travel, increase in expenses with an increase in income too, better results from business efforts, better relations with parents and siblings.

10. Capricorn - Makar: A new business venture, change in job, career gains, high chances of injuries and accidents, health problem related to heart and circulatory system, gain of money through unethical practices, legel problems, property disputes, change of residence, loss, theft or damage related to personal vehicle and residence.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Better health, better income, good gains in business, long term abroad travels and stay, expansion of business in other cities or nations, promotion in job, better job offers, new business partnerhships with more capable people.

12. Pisces - Meen: Unexpected gain of inherited assets, gains from lottery, frequent but meaningless travels, better relations with parents and other relatives, development of a long lasting health problem and worsening of the existing ones, ailments like hypertension and cardiac problems, change in job, relocation to another city.

Jyotish Biz


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