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Mangal Dosha - My experiences and observations : Astrologer Ashutosh PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish Articles
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 27 April 2009 08:09

  Astrologer Ashutosh clarifies some misconceptions about Mangal Dosha. Ashutosh has an expertise in dealing with the astrological aspects of the marriage, love and related matters. He has been giving his expert advises in fields of Jyotish and Vastu since last 20 years. 

Mangal Dosha is one of the most dreaded doshas and a mere mention of it is enough to discourage all worthy proposals for marriage. The attempt here is to break the myths associated with this Jyotish Yoga.

Ashutosh Says:

Mangal Dosha has been hyped as the major potentially harmful dosha which can destroy happiness in marriage. According to common belief Mangal Dosha can bring about some devastating results such as:

- Marital Conflict.

- Divorce.

- Separation while remaining legally married.

- A serious and life threatening sickness to either husband or wife.

- Serious injuries and accidents causing death.

and many more such imaginable results.

The question is, "Is Mangal Dosha really so harmful, or is it a big misconception created by astrologers?"

In my studies of Jyotish, I came across several couple who have been living together blissfully for more than 40 years. Almost half of such happily and successfully married couples were those in which only one partner was Mangalik. According to Jyotish principles this should have caused their marriage to fail or to diminish the happiness in their marriage in one way or another. But, the truth was very different.

Coincidentally, they were not aware of their mangalik status and their horoscopes were not matched when they got married. One wonders what would have happened if their horoscopes had been matched and their marriage would not have taken place.

Then, there were many cases among my clients where both husband and wife were Mangalik but they had serious marital problems. There were a few cases where they had gone for a divorce. The majorly popular remedy for Mangal Dosha, that this dosha gets cancelled if both husband and wife are mangalik, had proven to be wrong here. What was the reason?

This set me on a new research about this Dosha. What I found out was:

1. If Mars is a planet which owns important and beneficial houses in a horoscope, the negative results of the Mangal Dosha are not experienced. A planet which has been programmed by destiny to provide good results to the individual will give good results only. If Mars governs the house of intellect then it will give the individual the insight into his anger, aggression and desires. Such a person will be able to reduce the chances of discord in his marriage by using his wisdom instead of increasing them.

2. After the age of 28 Mangal Dosha is greatly controlled and its negative results are reduced. The reason behind this lies in the hormonal growth and cycle in human beings. Mars governs anger and sexual energies. In teenage, when body starts producing sexual hormones and the teenagers have mood swings due to the hormonal surges, Mangal Dosha is at its peak. Then, as the individual becomes emotionally mature and gets worldly wise with age the effects of this dosha reduce.

In India, till 50 years ago, child marriages and teenage marriages were very common. In such a social environment Mangal Dosha was bound to have very serious negative results and thus it gained negative hype and people started fearing it.

Today, when even in India, the average age of marriage among educated people is somewhere between 25 and 30, and people are unmarried even beyond the age of 30, Mangal dosha has lost its relevance. So, a person who is getting married after the age of 28 need not fear about Mangal Dosha.

Mars is actually the least harmful among all those planets which can harm the marriage. Mars' effects decrease with age but the effects of Rahu, Saturn and Sun increase with age. I have found out that Jupiter causes more problems in married life than Mars does despite the popular omni-beneficial image of Jupiter. In fact, any planet can be a destroyer of marital happiness depending on its placement in horoscope. Same way, any planet can be a saviour too, Mars or Saturn or Rahu.


Jyotish Biz



#1 2010-07-21 10:53
Nice article about astrology. This is very informative article.

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