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Questions & Answers
Written by Ashutosh   
Wednesday, 02 June 2010 09:59

Question: My D-O-B details are Jan 7th 1974, time: 17: 45 P.M, Place: Mumbai, India. My lagna as well as moon Rashi is mithuna. I am not having a job at all since Mar 2009....Kindly let me know when and what kind of a job i will get and what about my financial condition in year 2010 and 2011. Thanks!

- Vikas Sharma

  Astrologer Ashutosh: Vikas! yes, your ascendant is Gemini and your Moon sign too is Gemini. In 2009, Jupiter (Guru) was in transit in its sign of debilitation (Neech Rashi) for most part of the year. Also, it was in conjunction with Rahu, the planet responsible for worries, frustrations and failures. As Jupiter governs the career related factors in your horoscope you had lost your job and all efforts to get a new job had also been in vain.

 The present transit of Jupiter in Pisces (Meen) is very beneficial for you regarding your job. Keep trying and you will get a good job in last two weeks of June 2010. Your job will be in IT sector or a related field. Your financial condition will improve much by October 2010 and over the next five years it will improve more with maximum gains coming in 2011 and 2012.

 Remedies: Avoid wearing Red and Grey in clothes. Keep fasts on Saturdays. Wear a white sapphire or an Opal in silver ring on ring finger of right hand as a gemstone for Venus (Shukra). Develop more patience and consistency. Avoid intoxicants of all kinds.



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#3 RE: Q and A: Job Problem 2010-06-06 05:41
Namaste Ashutosh ji-

My question is regarding career. Can you please let me know if I would be successful in finding a job soon? Thanks so much!


DOB: 17 March 1985
Time: 13.27
Place: Visalia, California - USA


#2 RE: Q and A: Job Problem 2010-06-02 13:25
My DOB is 28 April 1960, 19:25 PM, Chettipuzha (near Changanacheri), Kerala. I got married in 22 April 1990, and though I have had some luck in finding jobs, I have been having a very unsettled life since 1992. I quit my job in 22 March 2008, and tried to start a business. One of the strengths on which I had started on this bold venture was that I own a flat, which was rented out. But 5 months after I set out to do business I lost my tenant, and since then I have been struggling with no job, and very little money, and no success at whatever I have tried. i am so stressed now, that I do not know what exactly to do. So the questions are should still try doing the business, or should forget about all this and try and get a job? In fact I have already started trying for jobs, but I am not getting any luck. I am also not getting any luck with finding a tenant. What is going on with my life??
+1 #1 RE: Q and A: Job Problem 2010-06-02 11:28
Dear Sir

Fol are my birth details

Name Priyanka arora
D-O-B Jan 6 1976
Time 13 25
Place: new delhi-iNDIA

My husbands details:-

Vikas sharma
Jan 7 1974
17 45 evening

Question:I have been married in Nov 2008 since that time very unsettled in relationship with my husband as well professionally.when will iIhave my own house and car and settled life with my husband

2) when will i settle professionally?
3) which is the golden period of my life?

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