Jyotish :: Jyotish Articles :: Q and A: Stability in Love Life - Maria Hernandez
Q and A: Stability in Love Life - Maria Hernandez PDF Print E-mail
Questions & Answers
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 06 April 2015 06:54

Maria Hernandez asks: My DOB: 12th April 1984, TOB: 17.22 Hrs and POB: Delano, California, USA. I want to ask about my relationships. I am not able to stay in a love relationship for long despite my best intentions to make it work. Everyone with whom I have been close to has blamed my short temper for the break up. Will I ever be in a long term satisfying relationship? Will I ever be happily married?
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Maria! You were born under Virgo (Kanya) ascendant and Leo (Simha) moon sign. You have well placed exalted Venus in the house of love and marriage but all its blessings are not reaching you due to the presence of Sun too in the same house. Sun hinders the free expression of emotions and love and it also tends to reduce devotion towards your partner.

People get easily attracted towards you by your initial easy going nature and helpful attitude, even towards the strangers. This enables you to get into love relationships easily too. But, then your hidden insecurities caused by ego and dominance issues come out as, a comfort level develops in the relationship, and things start going bad. You do not trust others easily and this easily becomes apparent to others through your verbal and non verbal expressions. 

You have two extremes of behaviour. You can be very loving, affectionate and passionate but you also have terrible and explosive anger coupled by a blind stubbornness which always ends up harming your relationships. Your anger arises from a deep set fear of losing control over things and people around you. This in turn ends up resulting in the very same eventuality which you were afraid of. So, you need to be more relaxed, passionate and open in your expressions of love and show more trust and confidence in your near and dear ones.

Since April 2008 you have been going through Mars mahadasha which is a bad phase for your personal life and also for professional success. Thankfully, this dasha is ending on 29th April 2015 thus ending a bad phase of seven years for you. The next dasha of Rahu will brings much reduction in your short temper and insecurity issues and there will be more stability in your relationships and other aspects of life too as a result. And, if you perform the suggested remedies properly you will get married in the second half of 2016. The chances of success too will increase in your marriage.

Wear a Gomedh (Hessonite) in silver ring on the middle finger or on a locket. Wear it on Saturday at sunrise. Strictly avoid wearing Red, Pink and Orange in your garments. Wear more of Green, Blue, Grey, Black and Brown.

Do not do any important personal or professional work on Tuesdays. Avoid going on date, getting engaged or getting married on Tuesdays and Sundays. The best days for you for this purpose are Wednesdays and Fridays.

Try to donate blood in a nearby blood bank, on a Tuesday, once a year, as and when possible. Learn meditation and yogic techniques of relaxation to reduce your insecurities and to have more inner peace and confidence. 





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#1 Gemstone to wear ?Marcia Merlin Mary 2016-05-25 12:44
DOB: 18 July 1989. please advise which gemstone to wear. I am already wearing yellow sapphire.

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