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Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani Samsaptak PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 01 May 2010 03:48

On 2nd May 2010, Brihaspati leaves the sign of Aquarius (Kumbh) and enters Pisces (Meen). It will stay in its own sign, Meen, for one year, till 8th May 2011, with a one month long retrogression back to Aquarius in November 2010. It will retrograde back to Aquarius on 1st November 2010 and will become direct to re-enter Pisces to become Swagrahi again on 6th December 2010.

According to Jyotish texts, Jupiter is the most benevolent and beneficial of all planets. It is also known as Guru and Brihaspati in Sanskrit. One other name for it is 'Jeeva' given to it because it is considered karak for all births and beginnings. But, very few people are aware that 'Jeeva' is also a taker of life at times. The 'Jeeva' gives life and takes it too.

Guru rules over two signs and is exalted in one. It governs the fire sign Sagittarius (Dhanu) and the water sign Pisces (Meen). It becomes exalted in Cancer (Karka). As Jupiter stays for an average of one year in each sign, it completes a full cycle of the twelve zodiac signs (Rashis) in approximately twelve years.

Pisces is a sign of creative imagination. It is a dual nature sign trying to balance between the positive progress and the negative stagnation in life. Jupiter becomes a Swagrahi in Pisces and it becomes very mild mannered, wise, disciplined, creative and benevolent in this sign. It encourages the classical arts and traditions. The positive aspects of the religions and traditions get more importance than the orthodox and the negative ones.

The previous transit of Jupiter in Meen was from 26th May 1998 to 26th May 1999. It had entered Pisces on May 26th 1998 but had retrograded back to Aquarius on 10th September 1998. It re-entered Pisces on 13th January 1999 and stayed there in direct motion till 26th May 1999 when it had entered Aries (Mesh).  

During this 2010-2011 transit of Guru in Meen it will be in a constant Samsaptak Yoga with Shani which is in transit in Kanya till November 2011. In this Samsaptak yoga Jupiter and Saturn will come at exactly opposite degrees on three occasions, first on 23rd May 2010, then on 17th August 2010 and finally on 29th March 2011. The previous exact Samsaptak was on 17th May 1991, nineteen years ago.

The Jupiter-Saturn opposition is highly regarded in terms of spiritual growth and for activities in the areas of social welfare. The spiritually enlightened people, saints, seers, people who are psychics, who have high intuition and all those who think beyond the mundane material needs of life are positively affected by this opposition. This samsaptak marks a big change in the lives of those who already have this Guru-Shani yoga in their natal charts.

We can expect a better political system, some landmark changes in judicial system in all nations, changes in existing structure of governance and positive modifications in educational systems in most of the nations. But, this transit of Jupiter in Pisces can bring some high fliers down to their knees. There will be unexpected toppling of the governments due to coups and rebellions and the will of the majority will rule over the greed for power of a few.

There may be assassination attempts on political leaders and some of which may be successful too. Politicians and Judicial authorities will have to increase their security and safety measures. The developing countries of the Asia-Pacific and South Asia are more likely to face such political troubles during next one year.

For India, this one year long transit of Jupiter in Pisces will bring better economic growth and increase in nation's wealth. The foreign investments will increase and industries will get necessary impetus to grow as planned. The existing government will face some serious problems and it will become difficult for it to stay in power. One or two famous political leaders may die untimely deaths in next one year in India.

In USA, the real estate industry will stabilize. The whole system of real estate loans and registrations will be rectified to avoid any future real estate debacles. The focus will shift more to internal problems then to the existing focus on the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Patriotism will rise and the well meaning US citizens will come forward to bring back the economy from the brink of collapse.

This Guru transit in Meen will give the following effects to people born in the twelve moon signs or ascendants:

1. Aries - Mesh : Lots of travels, foreign travels too, big investments, gain of a real estate, increase in religious and spiritual desires.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Better business contacts, monetary gains, improved relations with family and friends, long term positive changes in job and business.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Good progress in business, better job, promotions, more responsible and respectable position at work, improved relations with parents.

4. Cancer - Karka: Increase in spiritual and religious desires, long distance travels, increase in creativity, health gains, decrease in wasteful expenses.

5. Leo - Simha: Better relations with own family and in laws, good business growth, increase in expenses, gain of inherited property or wealth, health problems.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Real estate gains, change in residence, better love life, marriage, formation of stable business partnerships, business gains, increase in income, better health.

7. Libra - Tula: Legal problems, increase in expenses, foreign travels, serious health problems and treatment of an already existing malady, positive changes in business, increase in income.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: A good time for students, better creativity, better income, positive and big changes in job and business, travels, birth of a child, better health.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Better relations with parents and in laws, real estate gains, change in residence, health problems to mother and self, sudden but positive changes in business setup, increase in income, religious and spiritual growth.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Legal problems related to business and job, change in job, better relations with siblings, better efforts for business gains with big risks involved, better health.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Increase in income and wealth, improved relations with family members, improved social image and respect, increase in religious desires, health problems due to wrong food habits.  

12. Pisces - Meen: Better job, improvement in business, setting up of new enterprise, health problems, better relations with children and other dependents, foreign travels, increase in income.


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Jyotish Biz




#11 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani SamsaptakAshutosh 2010-06-02 10:53
Vikas! The answer to your question is published in the 'questions & answers' part of this website under the 'consult' menu. All jyotish personal and unpaid queries will be published there from now on. One can ask such queries through the contact form on 'contact us' page or through the comments' forms.

- Ashutosh

Quoting vikas sharma:
Dear Sir

My D-O-B details are as

Jan 7 1974
time: 17: 45 P.M. Place-Mumbai India

My lagna as well as moon Rashi is mithuna
Question: I am not having a job at all since Mar 2009....Kindly let me know when and wat kind of a job i will get and wat abt my financial condition in year 2010 and 2011

#10 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani Samsaptak 2010-06-01 17:02
Dear Sir

My D-O-B details are as

Jan 7 1974
time: 17: 45 P.M. Place-Mumbai India

My lagna as well as moon Rashi is mithuna
Question: I am not having a job at all since Mar 2009....Kindly let me know when and wat kind of a job i will get and wat abt my financial condition in year 2010 and 2011

+2 #9 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani SamsaptakAshutosh 2010-05-27 09:13
Sanjukta! For Kanya Rashi, Jupiter governs both love life and job. As it has entered a powerful sign, you can expect all good changes in both these areas of life. Since last one and half years Jupiter was not in a good position to give any protective influence for the Kanya rashi people.



Quoting Sanjukta:
As per your calculations, this transit will be good for Kanya rashi. I really hope so. Because in the start of 2010, I hav lost love and my job both. I wish thinks better as per this transit. Thank you
#8 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani Samsaptak 2010-05-24 13:47
Thank you, Ashutosh, for taking the time to respond to my posting. You may be right about having to change my area of work as though I have resisted looking for opportunities too far away from my locale, of late I have started looking for anything and everything that is even remotely suitable for my talents, out of desperation. So, i have decided that even if I have to live in a different town, i am prepared to do that.
When i do have the money, I'll probably consult you. Thank you and best regards.
#7 Kanya Rashi 2010-05-24 12:57
Namaste Pandit ji,

As per your calculations, this transit will be good for Kanya rashi. I really hope so. Because in the start of 2010, I hav lost love and my job both. I wish thinks better as per this transit. Thank you
#6 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani SamsaptakAshutosh 2010-05-24 07:10

For both Tula Lagna and Vrishabh Rashi, this samsaptak will be beneficial financially and professionally but there will be great changes in work style and the area of work. There may be some big expenses too which will lead to more progress in coming years.

#5 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani Samsaptak 2010-05-21 20:54
I read your article with great interest, as i am hoping that this Guru-Shani Sahamsaptak, and the Grahamalika yoga on the 23 may 2010 is going to bring changes for me. Being a Vrishabha Rasi/Thula Lagna, I have not had a very progressive 2 years, between 2008 to 2010. Everything I have tried has failed. So, i hope there are going to be changes fast, as i have just turned 50. Regards. George
+1 #4 Excellent.. 2010-05-04 09:40
very informative...excellent as usual by Panditji.
+1 #3 RE: Jupiter enters Pisces - 2nd May 2010 - Guru Shani SamsaptakAshutosh 2010-05-02 11:32

This Guru-Shani samsaptak will be very beneficial for Cancer ascendant born people. Also, in next three years, Brihaspati will transit over their ninth (Bhagya), Tenth (Karma) and Eleventh (Labh) houses.

These three years will be very different than the three years which have gone by.

I hope to see another good creation from you, a publication of another interesting book.


+2 #2 2010-05-01 15:11
Thank you for sharing your insights, Ashutosh, of the Samsaptak yoga of Jupiter and Saturn. With the first opposition occurring this month in May, it makes the month of May even more of a shift point since as you know Mars will leave Cancer on May 26 and Saturn will station direct on May 30 perhaps adding more impetus to the first Jupiter Saturn opposition.

Of the other dates you mention in the Jupiter entry into Meena in 1999 as well as the Jupiter Saturn opposition in 1991, both of these time periods were auspicious for me as a Cancer lagna. Of course other astrological aspects were in place; I recall for instance that I completed my book during Jupiter’s stay in Pisces in 1999. However, as I recall Saturn was in Mesha and possibly Mars as well at that time and there may have been a kal sarpa yoga in effect as well.

When I checked the date for Jupiter entering Pisces late today May 1, I also saw that Cancer received Jupiter’s 5th aspect and Jupiter also was in Cancer (exalted) in Navamsa. I am hoping this combination will be even more auspicious for Cancer lagna and Moon, especially after Mars long debilitation in Cancer this past 7-month transit.

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