Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Shukra In Vrishabh For Four Months - 28th March 2012
Shukra In Vrishabh For Four Months - 28th March 2012 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Thursday, 29 March 2012 08:26

Venus has entered Taurus yesterday. Every two years the most alluring and brightest of planets, Venus, gets into a retrograde movement. During this process of retrogression Shukra ends up staying for unusually longer periods in one or two Jyotish Rashis. This year it will stay for four long months in Vrishabh, its own sign where it becomes a Swagrahi.

Venus came into Taurus (Vrishabh) yesterday, 28th March 2012, and it will leave this sign to enter Gemini (Mithun) Rashi on 31st July 2012. Meanwhile, It will become retrograde in Taurus on 15th May 2012 and it will come back into a direct motion on 27th June 2012.

Shukra's previous prolonged stay in Vrishabh Rashi was from March 28th 2004 to July 31st 2004. But, that year Venus had gone into Gemini on 8th May 2004 before becoming retrograde and coming back into Taurus on 28th May 2004. Shukra's next retrograde movement in Vrishabh will be from 28th March 2020 to 1st August 2020.

As Vrishabh is Shukra's own sign we can expect some good results for those who have Venus as a Yogakarak planet in their horoscopes. But, its benefits will also depend on the placement of Vrishabh rashi in their horoscopes. As during this transit in Taurus Shukra will be constantly in company of Ketu the benefits and harms from this transit will be in extremes.

Ketu is going to be in Taurus till the end of December 2012. Surya will join Venus in Vrishabh from 14th May 2012 to 14th June 2012. A speedy Budh ( Mercury) will come into Taurus from 21st May 2012 and will hurriedly leave this sign on 4th June 2012. And, during this four month long transit of Venus in Taurus one more important yuti will be created when Jupiter enters Taurus on 17th May 2012. From there on Brihaspati, Shukra and Ketu will be together till 31st July 2012.

On 6th June 2012 Venus will pass in front of the Sun as it goes retrograde and becomes fully combust. This is the last time in this century that such a phenomenon will be seen. A similar movement took place on 8th June 2004 too when Venus was retrograde in Taurus. Some astrologers have given a negative interpretation of this movement, but it is actually only an astronomical phenomenon which is interesting to the students of astronomy. In Jyotish this movement will be seen simply as a normal combustion of Venus during its retrograde movement and nothing negative or highly positive is associated with it. Its results will depend on the position of planets in an individual's horoscope and the effect of this transit on them.

This transit of Shukra will be beneficial for the automotive industry and some new technologies may be introduced to make the vehicles more comfortable and fuel efficient. This transit will also be good for the industries related to entertainment, apparels, food business, hospitality and travel. There will also be a good increase in demand for real estate which will be for a short term and will again go down after Venus leaves Taurus.

Following will be the results of these interesting transits on the twelve moon signs and ascendants:

1. Aries - Mesh: Good monetary gains, family happiness, increase in wealth, marriage or engagement, birth of a child in the family.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Good health, romantic affairs, increase in income, change in job, business gains, increased fame and improved confidence.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increased expenses, purchase of a new vehicle, foreign travels for pleasure, marital conflicts, secret love affairs, good gains for those who are in entertainment industry.

4. Cancer - Karka: Monetary gains, good growth in business, increased circle of friends, souring of relations with some old friends, better job, sale or purchase of a lucrative real estate.

5. Leo - Simha: Change of job, better job, business gains, setup of a new business, health problems to father, new love in life, increase in income.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Good fortune, foreign travels, increase in wealth, change of residence, acquisition of a new real estate, family happiness, better health.

7. Libra - Tula: Health problems, unexpected monetary gains, gain of inheritance, unplanned long distance journeys, injuries and accidents.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Romantic affairs, marriage, formation of a new business partnership, long distance travels, health problems for spouse, good gains in job and business.

9. Sagitarrius - Dhanu: Health problems to self, increase in financial debt along with an increase in income, souring of relations with a good friend, increase in expenses, good growth for those in businesses and jobs related to insurance, banking and finance.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Happiness and satisfaction in relations with children and other dependents, good progress in education, an unprecedented and unexpected change in the course of education, increase in income, increase in creativity, fame and social recognition.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: A new personal vehicle, acquisition of a new real estate, increase in income, good growth in business, better relations with parents and children, foreign travels, those seeking to migrate abroad have very high chances of doing so.

12. Pisces - Meen: Frequent and pleasurable short term journeys, good relations with siblings and friends, change of job, change in business setup, better health, increased inclination towards music and other arts.




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