Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Shani enters Dhanu Rashi - 26th January 2017
Shani enters Dhanu Rashi - 26th January 2017 PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 20:06

This year's India's Republic Day, 26th January 2017, also marks the entry of Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius. This transit of Shani in Dhanu rashi is happening after a gap of 26 years and this transit has not been easy for the ruling party in India. The last time Shani came in Sagittarius it caused great political instability in India and in other countries of the world. Let us see how it will affect India, other nations and the common people in general.

Now, some details about this year's transit, the previous transits and the next transit of Shani in Dhanu rashi. Saturn enters Sagittarius at 12:24 Hrs GMT or 17:54 Hrs India time on 26th January 2017. It will become retrograde in Sagittarius on 6th April 2017 and will retrograde back into its previous sign of transit, Scorpio, on 21st June 2017.

Shani will get into a direct motion on 25th August 2017, will re-enter Dhanu rashi on 26th October 2017 and will stay there till 24th January 2020. So, 2017 we will have a small four month transit of Shani back in Vrishchik rashi after this 26th January 2017 change of Saturn's sign to Dhanu.

Shani's next transit in Dhanu rashi will be from 7th December 2046 to 4th December 2049, with a short stay in Makar rashi from 6th March 2049 to 10th July 2049 during that transit.

Sagittarius previously hosted Saturn from 17th December 1987 to 14th December 1990, with a small forward and backward movement in Capricorn from 21st March 1990 to 20th June 1990. This period marked great upheavals in the political scenarios around the world. There were major changes and developments in areas of commerce, medicine and technology. Some of the major events which happened during that period were -

In India-

- Rajeev Gandhi. who had become prime minister with a clear and historical win in 1985 was not re-elected as prime minister in the 1989 general elections. His earlier 'Mr Clean' image was reversed by allegations of corruption in Bofors Scandal. VP Singh, a former defense minister in Rajeev Gandhi government, exposed the Bofors scam, gained popularity and became the next prime minister of India leading a coalition government.

VP Singh brought in force the Mandal commission recommendations for job reservations triggering riots in India. He too had to resign within a year of coming to power and Chandrasekhar became the next prime minister. Interestingly, Chandrasekhar too lost vote of confidence in parliament after a few months. Indians voted to elect a new government again in 1991 only when Shani had moved to Makar rashi. The government which was formed then completed its full term of five years. Saturn in Dhanu rashi did not allow a stable government to be formed in the center in India.

- Insurgency in Kashmir increased causing migration of Kashmiri Pandits.
- Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka was withdrawn.

International -

- Beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Soviet army's withdrawal from Afghanistan
- End of Iran-Iraq war
- Revolutions in East European countries of Soviet Bloc.
- Despots and dictators in many nations overthrown.
- Fall of Berlin wall. Reunification of Germany.
- Tienanmen Square protests in Beijing, China.
- Beginning of the end of communism in most communist nations.
- Release of Nelson Mandela from prison in South Africa.  
- First Gulf War (Kuwait war) takes place.  
- Nepal becomes a constitutional monarchy with multiparty democracy.
- Beginning of commercial dial-up internet.
- Spread of satellite Television, mainly owing to the live telecast of the Gulf war on dish TVs.
- First portable digital cameras come into markets.
- First known webpage is developed.

There were many more such revolutionary and new events during that transit of Shani in Dhanu rashi. Dhanu is a sign owned by Jupiter. It is a movable sign which denotes radical changes. It is also the primary sign for revolutionary spirit and explosive events.

In Shani's February 1958 to February 1961 transit in Dhanu, faster developments in the area of aerospace took place with formation of NASA and satellites from USSR landing on Moon. Cuba came under the communist rule of Fidel Castro. Tibetan uprising against Chinese occupation failed and Dalai Lama had to seek asylum in India. A Tibetan government in exile was formed in India. This formed the basis of the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict.

Several countries in Africa became independent with seventeen of them declaring their independence in 1960 alone. Most of these were previous colonies of France, Belgium and United Kingdom. In USA, movements against racial discrimination increased.

The December 1928 to April 1931 transit of Saturn in Sagittarius too marked great changes, revolutions, overthrowing of monarchies and beginning of dictatorships and republics in many parts of the world. Most of these changes were actually an indirect result of the Great Depression of 1929. Hitler's Nazi party's popularity in Germany increased manifolds during that transit of Saturn in Dhanu rashi.

In India, the freedom struggle was boosted further by new types of rebellions like celebrating 26th January 1930 as India's Independence Day by the Indian National Congress and the Dandi Salt March being organised by Mahatma Gandhi in March 1930. The previous year 1929 had witnessed the arrest of Bhagat Singh his fellow freedom fighters, their hunger strike in prison and their attempts to popularise this case to motivate Indians to rise against the British colonial rule. Shani was in Dhanu when Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged till death on 23rd March 1931. In 1931, New Delhi became the capital of India.
Interestingly, Donald Trump has taken over the Presidential position in USA just days before this change in Saturn's signs. He is compared to the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in many ways. Narendra Modi is also on a politically unstable ground after the recent demonetization he had imposed on India. Shani in Dhanu is not going to be kind to the political leaders, be it Trump or Modi.

In India's horoscope, which has Vrishabh lagna, this transit of Shani happens in the eighth house. Shani governs the ninth and tenth houses which denote the prosperity, stability and success of the nation, its people and its government in the horoscope of a nation. Ketu is already in transit in the 10th house and Rahu is in the 4th house till August 2017, causing distress to common masses through reckless actions of the government.

So, we can expect some big and unexpected changes in the economic and political scenario in India and some more drastic steps too, like the Demonetization, by the government till 21st June 2017, when Shani moves back to Scorpio for four months. But, the transit of Shani in eighth house may cause such drastic steps to backfire creating loss of popular support for the ruling party. There will be great political changes all over the world. Established systems will give way to new age thinking, revolutionary ideas and new political arrangements.    

On the other fronts like finance, commerce, trade, technology, medicine and defense, there will be some new changes which will have long term benefits for the people of India but whose real gains will be realized only when Shani moves to Makar rashi. Major changes could happen in the areas of law and education too.

The general effect of the transit of Saturn in Sagittarius on the twelve ascendants and moon signs will be as follows -

1. Aries-Mesh: Better health; frequent long distance travels; change of job; job offers from distant places; lowering of stress and hassles in job and business; good time for those who are involved in foreign trade.

2. Taurus-Vrishabh: Job problems; job loss; increased worries about health; useless frequent travels; better relations with spouse and business partners; increased interest in spirituality and occult.

3. Gemini-Mithun: Relocation; change of job; better job; improvement in business; change of residence; better health; increase in worries about parents' health; conflicts and problems in marriage.

4. Cancer-Karka: Health problems; marital conflicts; problems in business partnerships; loss of reputation due to matters of love and marriage; legal troubles; taxation issues; many and frequent travels; increase in income but increase in expenses too.

5. Leo-Simha: Better relations with parents; improvement in health; marital problems; new business partnerships; financial crunch; health problems for children; good progress in educational pursuits.

6. Virgo-Kanya: Change of residence; relocation to another city; health issues related to heart and kidneys; good progress in job and business; new business ventures; more spiritual inclination.

7. Libra-Tula: Better health; increase in travels related to work; better solution to property and family issues; business expansion; increased business worries; job stress; better income.

8. Scorpio-Vrishchik: Family disputes; health problems related to eyes, ears, head and heart; increase in savings; good progress in business and job; good income.

9. Sagittarius-Dhanu: Better health; more physically active life; change of job; change in business or business strategy; less expense and losses; increase in savings; increase in confidence; more spiritual inclination.

10. Capricorn-Makar: Health problems; legal issues; relocation to another country; high financial losses; poor relations with family members and close relatives; high chances of hospitalization for long duration.  

11. Aquarius-Kumbh: Better health; increase in income; more inclination to improve work and money flow; better job scenario; good progress in business; gains from foreign business.

12. Pisces-Meen: Change of job; relocation to another city or country; legal hassles; health problems related to lungs and heart; health problems for parents; job and business gains; good income from personal hard work; more spiritual inclination; better public image; success in politics.    






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