Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Brihaspati (Jupiter) enters Kumbh (Aquarius) - 5th April 2021
Brihaspati (Jupiter) enters Kumbh (Aquarius) - 5th April 2021 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 06 April 2021 04:08
Jupiter has entered the sign of Aquarius on 5th April 2021, at 11.37 PM India time or 19.07 PM GMT. Since last one year Brihaspati was in and out of Makar Rashi, its sign of debilitation, and was troubling the masses quite seriously owing to the covid-19 epidemic. Now, as it moves in to its next sign, Kumbh, we can expect a final solution or an end to this coronavirus mystery and a return to normal life and business, in most nations.

Aquarius is a sign ruled by Saturn and Jupiter generally gives positive and long term benefits in this Earth sign. In Kumbh, Guru is considered pious and very beneficial for the people. The losses due to the policy failures, confusions and irrational decisions of the governments which trouble the people in the Jupiter transit in Capricorn end when Jupiter enters Aquarius. As the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter ends, both planets will now be able to affect the life on Earth in their own natural and independent ways.

In 2021-22 Brihaspati will be in Aquarius from 5th April 2021 to 13th April 2022 except for a short two month long return back into Capricorn from 14th September 2021 to 20th November 2021. It will become retrograde on 20th June 2021 and will retrograde back into Makar Rashi on 14th September 2021. On 18th October 2021 it will become directional again and it will then re-enter Kumbh rashi on 20th November 2021.  

The previous few transits of Guru in Kumbh were as follows -

- 1st May 2009 to 30th July 2009, 19th December 2009 to 2nd May 2010.

- 8th January 1998 to 25th May 1998, 10th September 1998 to 12th January 1999.

- 26th January 1986 to 2nd February 1987

The next transit, after this 2021-22 transit of Brihaspati in Kumbh will be from 17th March 2033 to 28th March 2034.

This transit of Jupiter in Aquarius will be generally positive for most of the people as Saturn becomes free from the negative influence of a debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter has calm, positive and long term stable effects in Aquarius. So, with a swagrahi Shani in Makar and a pious Jupiter in Kumbh, we can expect good progress in almost all areas of life, for most of the people.

But, political upheavals will happen in many nations, mainly in the developing nations. In India, the political leaders are very likely to take such irrational and radical steps which could isolate the nation in the international community harming the peaceful image of the nation. The difficulties for Prime Minister Narendra Modi will increase and there will be more voices of dissent from his own party and supporters.

This transit of Guru in Kumbh will bring new developments in areas related to Information Technology, Space Sciences, Health, Education and Business. The effects of such developments will be for long term and a new world order will be finally created and accepted by all.

The effects of this 2021-22 transit of Jupiter in Aquarius on the twelve ascendants and Moon Signs will be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: Great relief from stress related to work and legal problems; promotions in job; increase in income; good monetary gains; more helpful and useful friends; good progress in studies; success in important examinations; more stable and progressive business; frequent and beneficial travels; more peaceful and meaningful personal life; high chances of marriage or a long term relationship.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Change of job or promotion in existing job; better relations with seniors and colleagues at work; long distance travels related to work; new enterprise; success in overseas business; increase in income; better relations with parents and other family members; increase in fame and recognition.  

3. Gemini - Mithun: Much improvement in personal life; better relations with siblings and friends; increase in income; many long distance travels; good gains from overseas and other long distance businesses; Change of job; better and more stable job; good progress in academic pursuits; improvement in health and confidence; increased interest in religion and spirituality; more inclinations towards arts, music and writing.

4. Cancer - Karka: More meaning and stability in personal life; much reduction in stress; increase in expenses; improvement in relations with own family and with in-laws too; many travels; health problems related to live, blood sugar and cholesterol; purchase of a new vehicle or a new house or both; increased in interest in occult and spirituality; increase in legal hassles.

5. Leo - Simha: Great improvement in health; more meaningful love life; peace and love returns in married life; much reduced expenses and losses; relief from legal hassles; association with good and helpful people; increase in income; success in business and job; good progress in studies; birth of a child in the family.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Success in academic pursuits and important examinations; increase in expenses; health problems related to cholesterol, digestion and blood sugar; souring of relations with seniors at work; office politics; increase in debt; success in political activities; activities; good progress in business; difficulties related to business partnerships; problems in love life and marriage.     

7. Libra - Tula: Improvement in health; good income; gains related to property and other assets; promotion in job or change of job; success in business; excellent progress in academic pursuits; increase in fame and recognition; many long distance and beneficial journeys; happiness related to children and other dependents.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Better health; improvement in confidence; success in business; promotion in job; acquisition of a new house or a new vehicle; resolution of issues related to family assets; increased interest in religion and spirituality; frequent travels; better relations with parents and other family members.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Great improvement in health; increased flow of money; frequent travels; increased inclination to take both physical and financial risks; good monetary gains; happiness related to love life; good chances of marriage; good relations with parents and siblings; unexpected legal troubles.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Improvement in health; success in studies and important examinations; better relations with family members and in-laws; more stability and peace in married life; promotion in job, change of job; good progress in business; health problems related to digestion, liver and cholesterol.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Increase in income; unexpected monetary gains; health gains; more peace and stability in thoughts; better relations with family members; happiness related to love life and marriage; birth of a child in the family; increased confidence; change of job; good progress in business; less expenses and losses; many enjoyable travels; relocation to another city or country.

12. Pisces - Meen: Health problems related to blood sugar, liver, cholesterol, blood pressure and heart; increase in income but increase in expenses and losses too; frequent and meaningless travels; legal hassles; relocation to another city or country; losses related to property and vehicle; worries about health and welfare of parents.  

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