Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Brihaspati enters Meen Rashi - 13th April 2022
Brihaspati enters Meen Rashi - 13th April 2022 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 18:46

Jupiter is ending its transit in Aquarius and entering Pisces on 13th April 2022. This most positive and benevolent planet among all nine planets is entering its own house, Meen after a period of twelve years. This time Brihaspati's transit in Meen rashi will be from 13th April 2022 to 22nd April 2023. There will be no going back to Kumbh rashi in this one year period unlike the previous few transits of Jupiter in Pisces.

Pisces is a sign symbolizing creative imagination. It is a dual-natured sign. Pisces is Brihaspati's own house. It is termed a Swagrahi in Meen rashi. In this sign, Guru is mild mannered, wise, disciplined, creative and benevolent. It has more interest in the classical arts and traditions and encourages the same in Pisces. The positive aspects of the religions and traditions get more importance than the orthodox and the negative ones when Jupiter is in Pisces.  

Guru rules over two signs and is exalted in one. It governs the fire sign Sagittarius (Dhanu) and the water sign Pisces (Meen). It becomes exalted in Cancer (Karka). It completes a full cycle of the twelve zodiac signs (Rashis) in approximately twelve years. So, it comes back to the same rashi after a period of twelve years.

Brihaspati's previous transit in Meen rashi was in 2010-11 from 2nd May 2010 to 8th May 2011. It went back in retrograde motion to Aquarius on 1st November 2010, then it became direct and re-entered Pisces to become Swagrahi again on 6th December 2010.

Before that, in 1998-99 the transit of Jupiter in Pisces was from 26th May 1998 to 26th May 1999. Brihaspati had gone back to Aquarius in a retrograde motion on 10th September 1998. It re-entered Meen rashi on 13th January 1999 and stayed there in direct motion till 26th May 1999 when it had entered Aries (Mesh).  

This time, in 2022-23 transit, Brihaspati will stay in Meen rashi only with no retrograde backtracking into Kumbh rashi. This will be its continuous stay in Pisces after a long time. So, the effect of Jupiter in Pisces on all of us will be consistent for next one year. The next transit of Guru in Meen rashi will be in 2034-35 from 28th March 2034 to 6th April 2035.

During this 2022-23 transit of Jupiter in Pisces there will be some big changes in the ways governments function. The rulers will try to impose more restrictions on people. There will be rebellions and protests too in many nations. New and effective forms of protests will become more popular. Police, security forces and judiciary will become more efficient.

The demand for gold will increase substantially. Financial markets and stocks all over the world will see serious fluctuations. New trends and new arrangements in international banking and trade will happen.

The effect on the twelve moon-signs and ascendants of this transit of Brihaspati in Meen will be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: More inclination towards religious and spiritual subjects; sudden rise in unnecessary and avoidable expenses; success in legal matters; purchase of a new vehicle or a new house; renovation, repairs, decoration work in the residence or workplace; enjoyable long distance travels for both work and pleasure.  

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Good monetary gains; increase in regular income; wise and dependable friends; job promotion; success in business; new business partnerships; excellent performance in academics; high chances of getting married; gains through inheritance, lottery or other types of windfalls.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Success in business endeavours; new business ventures; new business partnerships and collaborations; better job or promotions in existing job; increase in income; less wastage of money and efforts; improvement in health; heightened interest and more participation in religious and spiritual activities; good relations with parents; acquisition of new residential and commercial properties.  

4. Cancer - Kark: Great improvement in health; reduction of expenses; more returns from business and investments; success in job; several long distance travels, both domestic and international; relocation to another city or nation; success in studies and important examinations; more recognition and fame; increased confidence, courage and eagerness to take risks; success in legal matters; more interest in work related to writing, composing music and arts.   

5. Leo - Simha: More gains from job and business; acquisition of a new house; purchase of a new vehicle; more interest in subjects related to religion, spirituality, traditions and occult; health problems related to blood sugar, liver and cholesterol; success in academics; frequent meaningless travels; unexpected and high expenses; monetary gains from inheritance, lottery or in other unexpected ways.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Better health; success in business; more recognition and promotion in job; good increase in income; new love in life; good chances of getting married; more love, devotion and dedication in married life; better relations with business partners; new business collaborations; shifting to a new residence.  

7. Libra - Tula: Health problems related to cholesterol, liver, pancreas and obesity; increase in expenses; unexpected legal problems; success in politics and other public work; new business ventures; more infusion of money in business; new job for job seekers; increase in competition but success over all rivals in work and personal life; more expenditure of time, money and energy on spiritual, religious and social work.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Great success in academic pursuits; excellent performance in all important examinations; new and well-paying job; success in business; good returns from investments; less expenses and higher income; better health; several long distance travels; new love in life; more creativity in work; birth of a child in the family.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: New job offers; promotion and recognition in existing job; more confidence about job and business; new business ventures; good relations with parents; purchase of a new residential or commercial property; more comforts and luxuries in life; purchase of a new vehicle; more participation in religious and spiritual activities; fame and appreciation in social circles; gains related to inheritance.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Increased confidence, boldness and inclination to take risks; success in job and business; great increase in income; less expenses and wastage of time and money; new job; new offers and ideas for enterprise; high chances of getting married; more meaningful and satisfying relations with spouse or beloved; good support and cooperation from siblings and friends; frequent and beneficial travels.  

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: More stability in job and business; new job with a better salary; new business ventures; improvement in relations with parents; more inclination towards family and better relations with family members and other relatives; increase in income along with an increase in savings too; good returns from investments done in the past; less worries and good gains related to property and vehicle; health problems related to blood sugar, cholesterol, liver, eyes and ears.

12. Pisces - Meen: Great improvement in health; better position in job; more interest in switching from job to business; new business in a new area of work; success in studies; less worries about children and other dependants; good chances of getting married; new love in life; increase in confidence; better creativity; fame and recognition; enjoyable long distance travels for both work and pleasure.

Jyotish Biz


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