Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Shani enters Kumbh Rashi - 17th January 2023.
Shani enters Kumbh Rashi - 17th January 2023. PDF Print
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Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 16 January 2023 18:00
Saturn enters Aquarius (Kumbh) on 17th January 2023. It will stay in this airy sign till 29th March 2025. Last year too, Shani had entered Kumbh rashi on 29th April 2022 but it had gone back to Capricorn in a retrograde motion on 12th July 2022. Now, finally, it is re-entering Aquarius for a continuous transit in this fixed sign.

Shani has two Swagrahi Rashis, its own signs, Makar and Kumbh. In Makar or Capricorn, which is a movable sign, Shani is fickle, unstable, brings great changes but does not allow people to accumulate wealth and to become prosperous. In Kumbh or Aquarius, which is a fixed sign, it has more stable and wealth generating effects though its negative effects too can be quite long lasting and very damaging too.

Shani's previous transit in Kumbh was from 5th March 1993 to 16th February 1996. During that 1993-96 transit of Shani in Kumbh, Saturn had moved twice to other signs for short periods. On 15th October 1993 Saturn moved back into Capricorn in a retrograde motion and then re-entered Aquarius in a direct motion on 10th November 1993. Then, on 2nd June 1995, Shani moved forward to Pisces but came back into Aquarius in a retrograde motion on 10th August 1995. It had finally left Aquarius on 16th February 1996.

Shani takes around 30 years to complete one full cycle of the twelve zodiac signs. So, after a period of around 30 years it comes back in the same sign. Saturn impacts the general life, politics and economics different ways in each sign, for more than two years' period in one sign. It has been in transit in Capricorn since 24th January 2020. This transit has brought about the greatest adversity which mankind has ever faced, the coronavirus pandemic. Now, we have to observe how this transit of Saturn in Aquarius will be.

Some of the previous transits of Saturn in Aquarius before the 1993-96 transit were-

- 27th January 1964 to 9th April 1966, 3rd November 1966 to 20th December 1966.
- 7th December 1934 to 26th February 1937
- 5th February 1905 to 20th April 1907, 7th October 1907 to 11th January 1908

After this 2023-25 transit in Kumbh rashi Shani will be back in Aquarius on 25th February 2052.

In the past, Shani in Kumbh rashi has brought about great natural calamities like blizzards, floods and earthquakes killing and effecting thousands of people. It has caused sudden changes in governments, coups, revolutions, assassinations and changes in long term policies of nations. Nations have divided and got independence too. The weak rulers have become more powerful while the powerful ones have become weaker.

It has brought economic growth, technological advancements and new scientific discoveries too. Each transit of Shani in Kumbh can have quite contrasting effect as compared to the previous one. Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment during the 1964-66 transit and he became the president of South Africa during the 1993-96 transit.

This 2023-35 transit of Saturn in Aquarius can be quite difficult for people in general. Initially, the economic problems will increase in most nations but by the end of 2024 the economic situation will begin to get back in control. There are high chances of wars and increased terrorist activities too. There can be loss of lives in high numbers through man-made and natural calamities. But, this Shani in Kumbh will motivate nations, governments and people to reinvent themselves and to formulate long term plans for peace and economic growth.  

The general effects of this 2023-25 transit of Shani in Kumbh rashi on the twelve ascendants and moon signs will be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: The first 10 months of this transit can be quite difficult for the health and safety. There are high chances of injuries, accidents and serious health problems. The affected areas of health can be related to bones, joints, head, eyes, ears, brain and spine. But, the health and safety risks will be reduced substantially from November 2023.

Financially and professionally, this Shani transit in Kumbh will be beneficial for Mesh rashi. There will be good progress in job, business and the income too will increase. There can be some unexpectedly big gains of money or wealth or other assets during this transit. The social circle will become more useful and meaningful. There will be new friends and contacts and some long lost friends too can come back in touch.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: The main beneficial effect of this Saturn transit in Aquarius for Vrishabh rashi will be on their professions. New job and business opportunities will be there. In the existing work too, there will be good progress, better control and better planning. Income will increase but the expenses too will remain high. There can be some unexpected and time consuming legal problems.

There will be good spiritual growth and Taurus rashi people will become more interested in spiritual and religious subjects. They will have frequent travels. Relocation from existing house or city is also possible during this transit. Health of the parents and the behaviour of the spouse will cause worries.  

3. Gemini - Mithun: Great improvement in health but there are high chances of suffering from injuries to limbs in 2023. There will be useful and meaningful travels for both business and pleasure. Relocation to another city or country is possible. There will be good progress in work initially and income too will increase. But, there can be high stress and worries about work from November 2023.

Marital life will be affected negatively in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, the health and welfare of the parents too will take up a lot of attention of Mithun rashi people. Mithun Rashi people could purchase a new property and a new vehicle too.

4. Cancer - Karka: stress related to work and income will persist till November 2023. After that, there will be good progress in both job and business. Frequent travels will be there, both inland and abroad. There will be heightened interest in subjects related to occult, spirituality and religion.

Problems in family life and marriage can be there. There can be unexpected gains or money or inheritance. Health of the parents will cause worries in 2023. The Karka rashi people should be more careful about their own health too during this 2023-25 Shani transit in Kumbh. There can be persistent and long term health issues. More discipline about food and lifestyle is advisable for them to avoid such health problems.

5. Leo - Simha: This Saturn transit will be financially and professionally beneficial for Simha Rashi. The financial losses and unwanted expenses will reduce. Income will increase. There will be stable progress and good performance in job and business. Health too will improve a lot in 2023-25. But, some health precautions related to heart, digestion, lower back and knees will be required. New business collaborations will be done.

Relocation to another city is possible. There will be frequent travels too. Family life and marriage will become more meaningful. All confusions in personal relationships will end. There will be more interest and involvement in spiritual activities.  

6. Virgo - Kanya: The health issues can become more persistent and severe. New health problems related to bones, joints, kidneys and nervous system can happen. The first ten months of this transit of Saturn in Aquarius are more critical for the health of Virgo rashi people.

There can be unexpected problems in ongoing course of education. But, for those who want to pursue education in medicine, finance, banking or any other related streams will be benefited by this transit of Shani in Kumbh. Business and job will progress well. There can be problems in close relationships, marriage and business partnerships. Worries about the health and behaviour of children will increase.

7. Libra - Tula: This Shani transit in Kumbh will bring a good increase in income, excellent performance in education, wealth generation, success in job and business, fame, rewards and appreciation for the Tula rashi people. There will be fewer worries about the health of the parents.

But, stress and anxiety about relationships, marriage and partnerships will persist till November 2023. Health problems related to liver, pancreas, intestines, reproductive organs, kidneys, lower limbs and lower back can trouble Libra rashi people during this transit of Saturn.  

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Relocation to other city or country can happen in 2024. Or, a change of residence can take place. This transit of Shani in Kumbh will give benefits related to work, income, real estate and wealth to Scorpio rashi people. Those who are involved in work related to public relations, media and entertainment will get plenty of good opportunities and a lot of success in their work due to this transit.

Health issues related to liver, blood sugar, cholesterol, kidneys, digestion and heart can trouble Vrishchik rashi people. It is advisable for them to be more alert and disciplined about their food habits and lifestyle in order to stay healthy in 2023-25.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Frequent long distance travels will be there. Increase in confidence and success in business enterprises will be there. Change of job is possible. Better job opportunities will be there. May 2023 to October 2023 can be quite difficult for health. Ailments related to stomach, kidneys, joints, nervous system and lower limbs are possible.

Sagittarius rashi people should be more cautious about their investments and their expenses during this transit of Saturn in Aquarius. For the Dhanu rashi students there can be unexpected difficulties in their studies. But, it is a favourable transit of Shani for students of engineering, biochemistry, medicine and veterinary sciences.

10. Capricorn - Makar: In the first ten months of 2023, health problems related to heart, lungs, hypertension, migraine and eyes can trouble Makar rashi people. The health will improve greatly after this period is over. There will be improvement in the personal relationships and family affairs too.

Work will start progressing in a more predictable manner. There will be positive changes in jobs and businesses of Capricorn people. Their income will increase, they will be able to generate more savings and they will gain from resolution of some dispute or matters related to family assets too.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: There will be more stability of thoughts, more focus on work, better health and increase in income during this transit of Saturn in Aquarius. Last three years have not been peaceful and have brought a lot of ups and downs in the personal and professional lives of Kumbh rashi people. All that will change for better when Shani enters Kumbh rashi.

Health will improve a lot and there will be more focus on making the lifestyle healthier. But, there can be some health issues related to lungs, nervous system and muscular strength. There will be good progress in work. For many Kumbh rashi people, job change can happen. In businesses, new opportunities and more chances of success will be there. In personal relationships too, there will be more clarity, meaning and satisfaction.

12. Pisces - Meen: The existing health problems of Pisces rashi people can increase during this transit of Shani in Kumbh. New health issues can arise too. Ailments related to eyes, ears, brain, teeth and head can trouble them in 2023. In 2024, additional care about joints, bones, skin and lungs will be required.

Their income will increase along with the expenses. There can be some stress and uncertainty about work from May to October 2023. Job and business will progress well after October 2023. Family issues can keep them quite involved and busy in next two years, increasing stress and anxiety unnecessarily.   

Jyotish Biz

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