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Written by Jyotish Biz   
Monday, 27 April 2009 08:08

 Kal Sarpa Yoga - The term itself means 'The snake of death'. This meaning is enough to terrify anyone who is told that he/she has this horrifying yoga in his/her horoscope. Now, the time has come to demystify this yoga.

We asked Astrologer Ashutosh about this yoga.

Given below is the interview with Astrologer Ashutosh:

 JB: Ashutosh Ji! what exactly is Kal Sarpa Yoga?

AA: Kal Sarpa Yoga or KSY has come to popular notice around 15 years ago. Before that no one had even heard of this yoga. The popular and main belief is that this yoga is formed when all seven physical planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. It is said that this yoga blocks all growth in life and all kinds of negative results imaginable have been attributed to this yoga.

JB: But, are all these notions actually true? Is KSY a real yoga?

AA: Well! A yoga technically means a combination or arrangement of planets. This way we can have thousands of Yogas owing to the fact that we take into consideration nine planets, twenty seven Nakshatras and the numerous sub-divisional charts. But, each and every yoga cannot be looked into because most of them are unimportant. The ancient texts on Jyotish had specifically mentioned the important and crucial yogas. And, believe it or not, KSY is not mentioned in any Jyotish text. In fact, I had never heard or read about this yoga throughout my days as a student of Jyotish.

     KSY is a yoga invented by some clever astrologer whose primary aim of life has been to scare people to death. It is easy to empty pockets of people who are scared than of those who are hopeful and cheery. A fearful name and mysterious aura, thats what was given to KSY by this clever gentleman. The name is so catchy and strange that KSY soon became the most popular yoga in Jyotish.

JB: So, is it really anything. Any real effects.

AA: No. KSY is a useless, non effective and very negligible yoga. This is proved by the fact that the KSY believers are not able to attribute any specific effects, bad or good, to this yoga. They tend to blame anything and everything which is going negative in life on KSY.

JB: Does that mean that a person having KSY need not be worried?

AA: Yes! I have seen people who have KSY in their horoscopes and who have risen to great heights in their careers. People with KSY have done very well in their jobs, businesses, politics, etc. And, there are people who have suffered great miseries and setbacks despite having no KSY in their horoscopes.

JB: What is the reason behind that?

AA: There are nine planets in a horoscope. These planets and their good/bad status is judged by studying their placements, interactions, their positions in vargas, etc. Each planet governs one or two crucial aspects of horoscope. For example, in Cancer ascendant, Mars governs the intellect and career of a person. Now, if Mars is well placed, strong in natal chart and vargas, and the Mahadasha too is of Mars then it will give great rise to the person, KSY or no KSY.  

JB: Oh! So, one should never jump to conclusions one basis of any popular notion.

AA: Exactly! Jyotish is a very vast science and without studying the horoscope a a whole one should not be making any predictions or doing any remedies.

JB: But, these days we find astrologers in every nook and corner of the world. How can a layman know who is good and who is bad?

AA: First sign is whether the astrologer is alleviating your fears or is he exploiting your insecurities. Each horoscope shows both good and bad aspects of life. A true and honest Jyotishi will tell one about both good and bad sides of life. He will give correct solutions and he strive to increase hope and enthusiasm in life.

Only one out of a thousand people who call themselves astrologers is truly an astrologer. Rest others are either hobbyists, amateurs or simply con men. Also, one must remember that the temple priests are not astrologers in true sense. An astrologer need not belong to any specific religion. Astrology is a science and it is open to all who believe in it.


Jyotish Biz





#4 RE: Kal Sarpa Yoga - Clarified 2010-07-07 16:39
What is the truth about Rahu and Ketu? KP system does not use it. And I have even heard that in the age old vedic system there is no usage of Rahu and Ketu. Have these imaginary planets being used to highlight the importance of eclipses?
#3 Kaal Sarp Yoga 2010-07-07 06:19

Thanks for your reply! I now understand that there may be other factors in a kundali besides KSY which are responsible for the hardships in life.

I will try to learn some more about vedic astrology so that I can better understand its concepts.


#2 RE: Kal Sarpa Yoga - ClarifiedAshutosh 2010-07-07 05:53
Mr Rajender! Little knowledge often does more harm than good. Further, as you are not well versed with astrology how can you judge that the people supposedly affected by this yoga are not having other planetary causes of their miseries in their horoscopes?

The effort here is to educate the layman like you about the hoaxes like Kal Sarpa Yoga. Rest depends on your wisdom and judgement. One is free to believe what one wants to believe.



Quoting Rajender:
Dear Sir,

I really do not agree with you when you say Kaal Sarp yoga is useless. Am not very well versed with astrology but what ever little I know about afrims my belive in this yoga as I have seen lots of people effected by this yoga.

#1 Kaal Sarp 2010-07-06 04:24
Dear Sir,

I really do not agree with you when you say Kaal Sarp yoga is useless. Am not very well versed with astrology but what ever little I know about afrims my belive in this yoga as I have seen lots of people effected by this yoga.


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