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Questions & Answers
Monday, 07 June 2010 00:00

Chandra Nath Kundu asks: I have applied to a Central Govt. Job in August'2009, I want to know whether I will get this job or not and if yes then please tell me time and also if remedy is required please tell me. D.O.B. is 19th Nov 1982, time is 5.45 p.m, at Kolkata, in West Bengal, India.

Astrologer Ashutosh: Mr. Chandra Nath! You were born under Taurus (Vrishabh) ascendant and Sagittarius (Dhanu) moon sign. Your horoscope shows that you will be in a good and high status job in government sector.

The result for the application is likely to be declared by the end of August 2010 and you have high chances of being selected for this job. The actual joining may be delayed till December 2010.

To improve your chances of success you can perform following remedies:

1. Keep fasts on Wednesdays for next one year.

2. Donate any green garment to a needy child on every second Wednesday.

3. Wear a White Sapphire in silver ring on ring finger of right hand.

4. Wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) in silver ring on middle finger of right hand.

5. Chant the following Mantra 108 times every day using a sphatik (rock crystal) mala - "Aum Shun Shukraayah Namah".

Your job will be of a very challenging nature and you will be transferred very frequently to different branches and cities as a part of your job. In 2012, you will apply for either a promotion or for a change in job. Either of these will bring a big change in your work setup. This change will be a little stressful and it will be accompanied by a serious and sudden problem related to your health.

So, keep an eye on your health while handling the pressures of your job. The gemstones which I have prescribed above will shield you from these problems to much extent. Just ensure that you wear the authentic, natural, unused and untreated gems.

Best wishes.


Jyotish Biz


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#2 Re: Kindly reply when shall I expectAshutosh 2010-07-01 17:50
Due to problems of spamming the asking of questions through comments form has been discontinued. To ask such questions please use the contact form on the 'Contact Us' page which can be accessed through link on Top menu on top right side of the website after logging into the website.
#1 Kindly reply when shall I expectprasaad msrh 2010-06-29 15:08
Dear Sir,
Pls reply to my questions as below
1.When Shall I expect better Job with better salary?
2.Shall I expect Job in good organization in future?
3.Any growth indications in future career wise and financially?
DOB:27-02-1972 11:24am - Guntur - Andhra Pradesh
Sincere Rgds,

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