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2016 Moon Sign Forecasts PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Tuesday, 05 January 2016 13:30

After a little delay the forecasts for 2016 for the twelve moon signs are uploaded and published. The delay happened due to a small fault with the website's server settings which now has been corrected. The forecasts are based on the moon signs or janma rashis but those who are aware of their ascendants should read the moon sign forecast for the same. For example, if your moon sign is Libra but the ascendant is Gemini then you should read the forecast for Gemini-Mithun.

If you are not aware of the ascendant and know only the janma rashi or the moon sign then read the forecast for the same. The forecasts are generalized ones. For accurate predictions about your horoscope consult a jyotishi with your exact birth details.

The twelve forecasts can be read by following this link - Moon Signs 2016

Brihaspati enters Simha - 14th July 2015 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 14 July 2015 02:43
Brihaspati ends its thirteen month long transit in its uccha rashi, Karka, and enters Simha, the sign ruled by Surya today, 14th July 2015. Simha or Leo is a mitra-rashi or friendly sign for Jupiter. Brihaspati generally plays a beneficial and positive role during its transit in Simha. It will stay in Leo till 11th August 2016. During this 2015-2016 transit in Simha, Brihaspati will be joined by Rahu on 30th January 2015 forming a Guru-Chandal yoga till 11th August 2016.

The previous transit of Jupiter in Leo was from 30th July 2003 to 27th August 2004. And, the next similar transit of Brihaspati in Simha will be in 2026-2027, first from 31st October 2026 to 25th January 2027 and then from 26th June 2027 to November 26th 2027.
2015 Moon Signs Forecasts
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 05 January 2015 11:34

The forecasts for the twelve moon signs or Chandra rashis for 2015 are now uploaded and published on this website. The way of reading the correct forecast for you is very easy. If you know the ascendant of your jyotish horoscope then you should read the same in these forecasts. For example, if your ascendant is Kanya then you should read the Virgo-Kanya forecast.

 If you are not aware of the ascendant and know only the janma rashi or the moon sign then read the forecast for the same. These are generalized forecasts and may not be applicable to you in totality. For more precise predictions about your horoscope you should consult a good astrologer with your exact birth details.

The twelve forecasts can be read by following this link - Moon Signs 2015

Shani enters Vrishchik - 2nd November 2014 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Sunday, 02 November 2014 10:04

The slowest among the nine Jyotish planets and the most natural malefic, Shani ( Saturn) has ended its long transit in Tula and has entered Vrishchik today. Saturn completes the full circle of twelve zodiacs and re-enters a sign after almost 30 years. Its past two transits were in its friendly signs but now it has entered the sign owned by its natural enemy, Mars, and will stay in it till 26th January 2017.

This change in Shani's rashi ends the Sade-Sati for Kanya rashi and begins the Sade-Sati for Dhanu. Tula and Vrishchik are still in their Sade-Satis. Kanya rashi people will begin to feel the relief at most within two weeks of this change in Saturn's sign. Tula will be free from Sade-sati when Shani moves to Dhanu in January 2017. Vrishchik will have the Sade-sati till Shani enters Makar on 20th January 2020.

Rahu enters Kanya, Ketu enters Meen - 12th July 2014 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 12 July 2014 01:50

After a stay of around 19 months in the sign of Libra and being in a constant yuti with Saturn there Rahu is entering Virgo today. Ketu, which is the opposite end of the Rahu-Ketu axis also changes signs and leaves Aries to enter Pisces. This transit of Rahu in Kanya and Ketu in Meen will be till 30th January 2016. This change of signs finally ends the tumultuous combination of Saturn and Rahu in the sign of Libra. The exalted Saturn which will stay alone in Libra now will be able to show its full effects again.

The next Rahu-Shani yuti will be from 29th March 2025 to 18th May 2025. And, the next Rahu-Shani yuti in Tula will be from 11th October 2161 to 23rd November 2161.

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