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Q and A: Is my marriage possible this year. PDF Print E-mail
Questions & Answers
Friday, 18 June 2010 09:30

Kamal Baig asks: Can you tell me about when will I get married? Is it possible this year? What are the hinderances? What are the favorable timings? Please! Really appreciate your effort. Regards, Kamal. My DOB is 22nd Sep 1979, birth time is 8:05 am and place of birth is Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Astrologer Ashutosh: Mr. Kamal! Your horoscope shows one major failure of a marriage like relationship, a deep love affair or an engagement. The previous yoga for marriage was in 2006-2007 and it must have ended in this type of failure. But, in next one year you will have two powerful yogas for getting married.

The first yoga is in October 2010 and the second one is in March 2011. The first yoga is more powerful than the second one. Make best use of the planetary support on these two occasions. With proper remedies and precautions you will be able to get married and then stay happily married.

The remedies are needed because you have yogas for multiple marriage or relationships, at the same time, which can cause serious issues in your life. There are chances of separation from your wife due to your migration to another nation. This separation can cause the other relationships to take birth and to become strong riding on your own faults of less patience and devotion.

Some remedies:

1. Wear an Emerald in gold ring on little finger of right hand.

2. Avoid Red, Grey and Black in clothes. Wear more of Green and Blue.

3. After marriage, try to take your wife with you when going out of city or nation, as and when possible.

4. Avoid company of people with dubious character. Being in company of virtuous friends and people is a strong remedy for avoiding falling into any honey traps.

5. Hide your true financial status from everyone except your wife and family.

6. While looking at proposals for marriage it is better to go by what your family's decision. Your own decisions will always be shaky and confused.

7. Donate black garments, blankets or leather goods to needy on Saturdays.


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#2 Re: Thankyou for your Support ..Ashutosh 2010-06-25 06:09
Rahu is a yogakarak planet for you which means that it is beneficial although it will comes with its natural package of stress and uncertainty. There is no need to counter Rahu. To handle Rahu simply keep doing what is necessary and then leave the rest on destiny.

Rahu feeds on one's expectations and longings. Being practical with one's desires is the best way to deal with Rahu.

There are charities in US which accept clothes and all for the homeless. You can search on internet for them and then donate the garments to them.

The Emerald should be 6 carats or more. Buy a genuine emerald from good source. Better to buy from your hometown as in US the emeralds will be very expensive and also will be mostly the artificially treated or enhanced ones.
#1 Thankyou for your Support ..kamal baig 2010-06-20 18:24
Thanks a million for your time and reply .. really appreciat that. Yes .. earlier there was some problems which couldnt result in marriage at 2006-2007.Now about this year .. i have been told that i am going through Rahu Dasha and things are not very positive for me. Can you please help me understand this and how to counter that. I am already in USA ... on professional ground and marriage matters things are all just not working that great. I will be getting into immigration process in few months thats why i am looking to get married soon.

I want to settle here in USA and have a life here .. i can definately try doing remedies that you have suggested but since i live in US .. donating black garments and leather goods on saturdays .. i dont know who should i donate too ? Or can i ask someone at home outside US to do this for me. Also in case of emerald how much carrot should i use ? About Rahu Dasha .. can you give more info about what i should do to counter it.

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