Jyotish :: Jyotish News :: Venus in Virgo (Kanya) - Debilitated and Afflicted - 1st August 2010
Venus in Virgo (Kanya) - Debilitated and Afflicted - 1st August 2010 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 02 August 2010 12:20

As per Jyotish transits Shukra ( Venus) has entered the sign of Kanya (Virgo) yesterday, on 1st August 2010. As we all know, Kanya is the Neech rashi for Shukra, which means that this brightest of all planets becomes debilitated and weak in this parched and dry sign ruled by Mercury.

The previous transit of Venus in Virgo was from 10th October 2009 to 3rd November 2009. Its next similar transit in Virgo will be from 10th September 2011 to 4th October 2011. In the ongoing year, 2010, Shukra will stay in Virgo for one month, from 1st August 2010 to 1st September 2010. This is a little longer than usual period of 25 days for Venus' stay in any sign. This is due to the slowing down of Venus before it stalls in Libra and then goes retrograde in Libra in October 2010.

Virgo is a dry, emotionless and quite non-artistic sign. Venus, on the other hand, is promoter of arts and entertainment, love, affection, luxuries and peace. Such a benevolent, warm and 'freedom of thought' advocating planet becomes trapped in the dry, parched, non-affectionate and barren limits of Virgo. Further, the inherent wisdom and tolerance which Venus displays in other signs are also curbed and suppressed when it transits in Virgo. Here, Venus cries out for support from other planets to keep up its positive attitude and happy outlook towards life.

There is some support for Venus in Virgo this time and it comes from Saturn and Mars which are already in a yuti in Kanya. Also, Jupiter directly aspects Virgo from Pisces where it is in a retrograde motion these days. These three planets will compensate the weakness of Venus by throwing in their own powers into the combination of these four planets. So, the lack of warmth and affection which is usually seen when Venus is in Virgo will be greatly compensated by the aggression and desires of Mars and the benevolent helpfulness of Jupiter. Saturn gives stability to this combined play of these planets.

The result will be a general increase in the work efficiency of people. Any work which has been stalled due to lack of motivation will begin now. Although this is not a time to buy new vehicles or to enter a new home, any plans which were already underway will be implemented with full force. This is also a beneficial period for those who are in businesses of raw material supply for construction work, vehicles, infrastructure development and electronics industry.

The negative results of this transit will be mainly on the sale of finished and high end products in these very industries. Automobiles sales will be negatively effected. There can be big setbacks in the travel and tourism industry. As this transit takes place in the tenth house from Rahu, the terrorist activities may be responsible for some major setbacks to these industries.

Natural calamities, epidemics and vehicular accidents will increase. The crime against women will go up. The lust and greed will dominate over logic, morality and self control. Some major steps of progress may be taken by those who stand for the rights of the people with abnormal sexual preferences.  But, at the same time some rules and regulations over the socially unacceptable pleasure industries will be imposed in some parts of the world by the authorities.

This transit of Shukra in Kanya will have following results on people born under the twelve Moon Signs or ascendants:

1. Aries - Mesh: Health problems, conflicts with business partners, ill health to spouse, romantic liasons with persons of questionable character, damages to vehicle and injuries to self.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Health problems and other troubles to children and employees, injuries to self, bleeding injuries, ill health to father, sudden obstructions in ongoing business deals and projects, revival of an old love affair.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Sale of an old vehicle or purchase of a used vehicle, repairs on existing vehicles and residence, legal issues related to a real estate, health problems to mother.

4. Cancer - Karka: Short term uncomfortable journeys, damages to vehicle or other related problems, change of residence, acquisition of a low standard real estate, progress in business, better job offers.

5. Leo - Simha: An additional to family, birth of a child, health problems to spouse, increase in income, family disputes, increase in expenses.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Bodily injuries, health problems, damage to vehicle, conflicts with romantic partner or spouse, high chances of straying out of present relationship, foreign travels.

7. Libra - Tula: Wasteful expenses and investments, losses related to real estate and vehicle, health problems to self and spouse, uncomfortable travels, increase in business income, good opportunities for foreign trade, loss of money and energy on useless lusty pursuits.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Foreign travels, income from foreign sources, income from sale or lease of a property, repairs on existing property, forming of new friendships with members of opposite sex, marital conflicts and misunderstandings, conflict of interests with business partners.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Business growth and income from supply of raw material, disputes and conflicts with female co-workers, income from past investments, change of workplace to an uncomfortable one for a short time.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Long distance travels, difficulties in a foreign nation, income from foreign trade, a love affair with a person from a far away land, gains in business with secret help from a member of opposite sex.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Serious health problems to self, bodily injuries, vehicular accident, sudden lucrative opportunities in business, income from past investments, litigation related to real estate and vehicle, losses in court matters.

12. Pisces - Meen: Secret love affairs, conflicts with spouse because of a friend of opposite sex, ill health to spouse, increase in income with support from close friends, travels to uncomfortable places due to business requirements.    

Jyotish Biz



#3 How accurate 2010-08-17 03:02

During this month of august I have faced some major and unprecedented problems in my life. Then I read this article of yours and I realized the importance of transits in a horoscope.
I am keeping low now trying to pass on this month anyhow.
My moon sign is virgo and ascendant is aquarius.

thanks and regards,
#2 Cargo ships collide in mumbai 2010-08-08 10:41
cargo ships collided off mumbai coast yesterday. Vehicular accident. Another prediction coming true. Kudos to Ashutosh Ji.
#1 Cloud burst in Leh 2010-08-08 10:23
Natural calamities, epidemics and vehicular accidents will increase - Ashutosh Ji, you had predicted this about this shukra neech transit. Your prediction came true when cloud burst in Leh.
Will there be more such calamities..

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