Forecasts :: Moon Signs This Week :: Pisces - Meen (28th Feb to 6th Mar 2010)
Pisces - Meen (28th Feb to 6th Mar 2010) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
pisces moon sign this weekExpenditure may be high and money could be spent on useless luxuries and indulgences this Sunday and Monday. This can also create a burden on health causing you to repent about your extravagance.

Worries about the welfare of children can cause a rift between you and your spouse on Tuesday. Be polite while discussing these matters and do some analysis of your own actions in this regard.

Romantic interactions with interested members of opposite sex may make this Wednesday quite enjoyable. Your pockets may become lighter due to your attempts to gain attention of your love targets. A neighbour may become romantically interested in you.

Thursday and Friday are favorable for travels, business deals and for implementing new untried ideas for improvements in work. Do take care of the health of your children on these two days. Some jittery incidents can take place increasing anxieties about your kids.   

Weekend may be spent making plans for future travels. The education of your kids may also become a focus of your thoughts. A short term out of town journey is also possible.  

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