Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Jupiter retrograde in Pisces and Mercury enters Leo - 23rd July 2010
Jupiter retrograde in Pisces and Mercury enters Leo - 23rd July 2010 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 24 July 2010 00:05

Yesterday, on 23rd July 2010, Jupiter ( Brihaspati) became Vakri ( retrograde) in the Jyotish sign of Meen (Pisces). Around the same time Budh has begun its unusually long stay in Simha (Leo) during which it too will get into a retrograde motion for 23 days. In Jyotish, such retrograde motion of two planets at same time is given very high attention and importance.

First, let us take the case of Brihaspati going Vakri. Jupiter has been in transit in Pisces, its own sign, since 2nd May 2010. As it becomes retrograde, its effects on life on Earth increase manifolds but in quite a surprising way. Those who have been experiencing a positive flow of events in life may find the movement stopping or even moving backwards. But, for those who were looking forward to getting the benefits of a strong Jupiter but were devoid of its blessings till now will be pleased to receive the bounties now.

The last two weeks were disturbing for many of us due to the stalling of Jupiter in Pisces before going retrograde. But, now, the speed returns and some important bills and resolutions which are in pipeline in the parliaments will get cleared and new and effective laws will be implemented. Most of such laws will be citizen friendly and for the long term good of all. This will be observed in most of the countries.

At the same time the corrective forces which fight against the injustice and corruption by the people in authority will also become stronger. People's voice will receive a hearing when the deaf ears are pounded open by the strong forces of justice. Jupiter will stay in retograde motion till 18th November 2010. Its backwards motion will take it back into the sign of Aquarius (Kumbh) on 1st November 2010. It will re-enter Pisces on 6th December 2010.   

Now, the case of Budh entering Simha and its subsequent retrogression in this fiery sign. Mercury will go into a forward-backward-forward motion in Leo from 23rd July 2010 to 30th September 2010. It will become retrograde on 21st August 2010 and will become direct on 13th September 2010. Simha is a fixed Jyotish sign ruled by Surya. It has power, dominance, stability and perseverance.

The banking sector, especially the public sector banks, will gain the most from this transit of Budh in Simha. Their stocks will go up. Other finance related sectors too will see a jump in their business. Stock markets will see a stable upward graph during this two and a quarter month long stay of Mercury in Leo. The most gains will be observed between 17th August and 17th September 2010 during which time Budh joins Surya in a powerful Budh-Aditya Yoga.

For India and Indians, this transit will bring new developments in the are of real estate financing. Affordable interest rates and easy availability of home loans will give a boost to the real estate sector. But, some difficulties for the ruling government will come up in form of dissent and lack of support from other parties in the ruling coalition. The government may have to bow before the demands of these dissenting voices to keep the coalition together.

Now, a short look at the effect of the forward-retrograde motion of these two planets on the twelve moon signs and ascendants:

1. Aries - Mesh: Opportunities for business, increase in expenditure, change in job after 16th August 2010, better and comfortable job, a boost for those in IT related jobs and businesses.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Gain of property after selling off an old property, monetary gains, better relations with friends, improved business contacts, improved relations with parents, change in job in last three weeks of September 2010.

3. Gemini - Mithun:  Sudden positive developments in work, better job offers, conflicts with existing business partners, short term but quite frequent travels, increased work energy and enthusiasm.

4. Cancer - Karka: Increased creativity, better business gains, good profit from stocks and bonds, long distance travels, improved health.

5. Leo - Simha: Health problems, monetary gains, gains related to inheritance, improved business setup, better job, gain from sale of property.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Health problems, increased expenditure, legal hassles, hospitalization, foreign travel, spiritual pursuits.

7. Libra - Tula: Foreign travel with business gains, increase in expenses, more investments in business, better job offer, job change in September 2010 end.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Work related foreign travels, progress in business, health problems for father, increase in income, discord in married life.

9. Saggitarius - Dhanu: Travels involving both pleasure and business, acquisition of a lucrative real estate, purchase of a better vehicle, gains from foreign trade.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Difficulties in job and business, foreign travel, fame and status gains from socially useful work, sudden gains of money, gains from inheritance.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Purchase of new vehicle, change of residence, better and loving relations with spouse or beloved, new love in life, fame from participation in arts and entertainment.

12. Pisces - Meen: Setting up of new enterprise, conflict and disagreement with business partners, change in job, monetary gains through recovery of blocked investments.

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