Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Transits in October-November 2010 - A short analysis
Transits in October-November 2010 - A short analysis PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 25 October 2010 06:46

On 20th October 2010, Mars entered its swagrahi sign of Vrishchik, Scorpio. Although this Jyotish sign makes mars very powerful and aggressive there are a lot of negative traits which are evoked by this transit of Mars in Scorpio. We will discuss this along with the earlier change of sign from Virgo to Libra on 17th October 2010 by both Sun and Mercury.

On 17th October 2010, Surya and Budh have shifted to Libra. Mercury is combust as it is very near to Sun in degrees and it will not be able to be potent again till 27th October 2010. Libra is the sign of debilitation for Surya which loses much of its good luck, confidence and ego when it transits through this sign ruled by Venus, its enemy. But, such a Surya promotes arts and entertainment and, as it is undergoing a Neech Banga due to its combination with Swagrahi Venus in Libra, it will promote them with extra vigour this time.

So, we have Surya, Budh and Shukra bestowing their combined and confusing but beneficial blessings on the sign of Libra. Surya will stay in Tula till 16th November 2010. Venus has already become retrograde in Libra and will not leave this sign for next two months. Mercury will enter Scorpio on 5th November 2010. From there on Venus will accompany Surya in Libra till 16th November 2010.

Scorpio is a sign which motivates selfish thoughts, partisan attitude, inflation of ego, false confidence and cruelty. Despite being a Swagrah (own sign) for Mangal, Vrishchik brings forth more of the negative and harmful side of Mars than the good and the beneficial side. Mars had entered Scorpio on 20th October 2010 and will leave this fixed watery sign on 30th November 2010. It will be joined by Mercury on 5th November and then by Surya on 16th November 2010. Meanwhile, Jupiter retrogrades to Aquarius, in fourth house from Mars, on 1st November 2010 and stays there till 30th November 2010.

These transits will bring some welcome changes for the world economy. The recent G20 meeting will have some positive breakthroughs but the powerful nations will be more interested in promoting their own interests at the cost of the developing nations. Mars in Scorpio does not allow the justice to happen in its true sense. Military spending too will increase in a much disguised form.

Stock markets will gain well from the second week of November 2010 onwards for the rest of the month. But, till then, the fluctuations will be quite frequent and one must be cautious when trading in stocks on daily basis. The tug of war between Sun and Venus will keep the stock markets on a roller coaster ride.

Investigations in recent Commonwealth Games scam will be conclusive but the filing of chargesheets may be delayed till 16th November 2010 when Surya and Mangal come together in Scorpio. The actual convictions and punishments may begin only in the last two weeks of December 2010. If the whole investigation and convictions are not finished before May 2010 then they will go on forever and this scam will also join the list of the increasing number of unsolved scams in India.

The general effect of the transits till the end of November 2010, on the twelve moon signs and ascendants, will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Job stability, a sudden gain of Income, increased vulnerability to injuries and accidents, conflicts with spouse or loved one, lack of harmony in existing business partnerships.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Better job opportunity, acquisition of or a new real estate, increase in income, a short term legal problem in business, health troubles related to lower alimentary canal and urinary system.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Good gains in business, a short term business travel, increase in income for those involved in finance and insurance related work, increase in personal debt, souring of relations with a good friend.

4. Cancer - Karka: Sudden and big expenditure on personal vehicle or property, purchase of a good real estate, good progress in business, gain of fame and money.

5. Leo - Simha: Profitable sale or purchase of a real estate, change in job, short term business travel, increase in income, unexpected windfalls, better relations with siblings and parents.

6. Virgo - Kanya: difficulties in existing job, change of job, rigorous travels, disagreements and conflicts with siblings, increase in expenditure, health problems, injuries or accidents.

7. Libra - Tula: Increase in income, business gains, reunion with old friends, health problems to spouse, investment in a new real estate, health problems to self related to head, mouth, teeth and throat.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Improvement in health, increase in confidence, control over expenditures, better inflow of money, good gains in job and business, promotion, name and fame.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Frequent travels at short notices, monetary gains, new love in life followed by conflicts and problems with spouse or romantic partner, unexpected expenditures, legal problems.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Good monetary gains, end of a serious legal problem, change of job, change in business, income through sale of a lucrative real estate.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: start of a new business venture, formation of a new business partnership, conflicts with existing business partners, travels to foreign nations, increase in income.

12. Pisces - Meen: Health problems, revival of a long forgotten legal issue, problems in job, change of job, long distance beneficial journeys, better relations with in laws, gain from inheritance.   




Jyotish Biz


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