Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Brihaspati (Jupiter) enters Vrishchik (Scorpio) - 11th October 2018
Brihaspati (Jupiter) enters Vrishchik (Scorpio) - 11th October 2018 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Thursday, 11 October 2018 09:30

Jupiter, the heaviest planet among the nine Jyotish Grahas, the most beneficial one, is changing signs today. It ends its thirteen month long stay in Tula (Libra) rashi and enters Vrishchik (Scorpio) today, 11th October 2018. This will bring new and welcome changes for several moon signs but will generate new troubles and begin fresh ordeals for the others.  

In this 2018-19 transit Brihaspati will enter Scorpio on 11th October 2018. It will enter Sagittarius (Dhanu) on 29th March 2019. On 10th April 2019 it will get into retrograde motion and then it will retrograde back into Scorpio on 23rd April 2019. Jupiter will finally exit Scorpio on 5th November 2019. Its next transit in Scorpio after this 2018-19 transit will be from 25th January 2030 to 17th February 2031.

During this 2018-19 transit of Guru in Scorpio, Saturn will be constantly in Sagittarius, Rahu will be initially in Cancer till 7th March 2019 and then in Gemini, Ketu will be in Capricorn till 7th March 2019 and then in Sagittarius.  

Previous transits of Jupiter in Vrishchik in last 50 years were as follows -

2006-07 - 27th October 2006 to 22nd November 2007

1994-95 - 11th November 1994 to 7th December 1995

1982-83 - 26th November 1982 to 22nd December 1983

1970-71 - 11th December 1970 to 6th January 1972

This transit of Brihaspati in Scorpio will bring some relief for people with Taurus (Vrishabh), Scorpio (Vrishchik), Pisces (Meen) and Capricorn (Makar) moon signs and ascendants. But, for Aries (Mesh), Gemini (Mithun), Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Libra (Tula) this transit will bring up unexpected and new problems. More details are given in the predictions for each moon sign below.

Jupiter in Scorpio denotes struggle, research, search for truth and penance. But, Scorpio being a friendly sign for Jupiter the positive effects associated with Jupiter will be felt more than the negative ones, during this transit. So, we can expect more emphasis on better delivery of justice, more reasonable decisions by the judiciary and justified opposition to suppression and injustice by the masses.

Vrishchik (Scorpio) is a fixed sign ruled by Mars (Mangal). This increases the chances of war, riots, violent clashes and terrorist activities. Mars also rules technological advances, especially in the Information Technology sector. In August 1995 Windows 95 was launched. In June 2007, Apple Inc's iPhone was released and the work towards making android a better and alternative OS for smartphones was started in November 2007. So, we can expect new technological breakthroughs having long term effects on day to day life in this 2018-19 transit too of Jupiter in Scorpio.  

The effects on this transit of Jupiter in Scorpio on the moon signs and the ascendants will be as follows (those who are aware of their ascendants should read the predictions for them first, for more accurate results) -

Aries - Mesh: Increase in serious health issues related to liver, pancreas. cholesterol and gall bladder. Legal problems. Uncontrolled increase in expenses and losses. Frequent but useless travels. Purchase of a new car or a new residential property. Change of residence.  

Taurus - Vrishabh: Reduction in losses and expenses. Increase in income. Better health. Change of job. New romantic relationships. Better chances of marriage for singles. Marital conflicts for the married ones. New businesses in partnerships with friends.

Gemini - Mithun: Serious financial troubles. Health issues related to liver, blood sugar, lungs, heart and high cholesterol. Instability in job. Losses in business. Increase health related worries about parents. Serious conflicts in love life and marriage. Health and welfare of the spouse will also cause concerns. For those who are in professions related to medicine, healing, advertising, personal relations, human resources and politics, this will be a favorable transit for professional success.  

Cancer - Karka: Better health. Increase in income. Unexpected big monetary gains. Reduction in expenses and losses. Better creativity. Success in academics and educational pursuits. New romantic relationships. Birth of a child in the family. Good progress and success in job and business.  

Leo - Simha: Stability and progress in job and business. New job. Increase in both income and expenses. Minor health issues related to cholesterol, heart, blood pressure, blood sugar and liver. Acquisition of a new residential property. Change of residence. Purchase of a new personal vehicle. Good relations with parents. Success in academics.

Virgo - Kanya: Increase in income. Success in business ventures. Promotion in job. Frequent but useful journeys. Increase in circle of friends. Good health. Increased interest in religion, spirituality and music. Meaningful but adventurous love relationships. High chances of marriage.

Libra - Tula: Financial troubles. Discontent among family members. Disputes related to family money and assets. Health problems related to eyes, ears, mouth, hair, blood sugar and liver. Good progress in business. Job promotions but no substantial increase in income.

Scorpio - Vrishchik: Improvement in health. Freedom from legal hassles. Less expenses and more savings. Long distance fruitful journeys for both work and pleasure. Good success in studies and examinations. Improved creativity. Professional and financial success. Better relations with family members, relatives and dependants. Birth of a child in the family. Happiness related to children.

Sagittarius - Dhanu: Sudden increase in health problems related to bones, joints, nervous system, liver, pancreas, heart and gall bladder. Huge losses of money. Increase in expenses. Losses and legal hassles related to financial issues, property and vehicle. Troubles in personal relationships, love and marriage.

Capricorn - Makar: Monetary gains. Good relations with siblings, friends and acquaintances. Success in business and job. Good performance in academic pursuits. Short term frequent travels. Health worries about the mother. Birth of a child. New love relationship, engagement or marriage.

Aquarius - Kumbh: Great success in business. Promotions and rewards in job. Increase in income. Change of job. Relocation of the business premises. Frequent travels related to work. Increase spiritual inclination. Good relations with parents, family members and other relatives. Minor health problems related to liver, blood sugar and cholesterol.

Pisces - Meen: Improvement in health. Reduction in expenses. Increase in income and savings. Long distance travels for both business and pleasure. Good chances of relocating to another city or nation. Success in academics. Improved creativity. Heightened interest in arts, dance and music. A highly favorable time for music composers, poets and writers.  



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