Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Rahu enters Mithun - Ketu enters Dhanu - 7th March 2019
Rahu enters Mithun - Ketu enters Dhanu - 7th March 2019 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Thursday, 07 March 2019 05:21

After a long stay of around eighteen and half months in the Cancer-Capricorn axis Rahu- Ketu are changing signs today, on 7th March 2019. Rahu is now entering Mithun rashi and Ketu in Dhanu rashi. This new transit in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis will bring some relief to those born in ascendants or moon signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. For others the worries and stress in life could increase. Let us analyse this new transit in some more detail.

Rahu-Ketu are in transit in this Mithun-Dhanu axis from 7th March 2019 to 23rd September 2020. The next similar transit of Rahu-Ketu in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis will be from 11th October 2037 to 30th April 2039. The last few such transits were as follows -

- 30th July 2000 to 16th February 2002
- 24th December 1981 to 13th July 1983
- 19th May 1963 to 6th December 1964
- 12th October 1944 to 1st May 1946

Rahu is considered by some astrologers as being quite powerful or exalted in Gemini and Ketu as being exalted in Sagittarius. This means that the effects of Rahu and Ketu are more intense in these signs, more positive for those who are likely to gain from these new placements of Rahu-Ketu and more harmful for those for whom this transit is going to be more negative than positive.

Rahu-Ketu in the Mithun-Dhanu axis cause great political and economic turmoil. They end wars and also create new reasons for bigger wars. The WWII ended but the atom bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima during such a transit. The 911 incident too took place during such a transit of Rahu-Ketu.

For India, such Rahu-Ketu in transit in Gemini-Sagittarius has never been peaceful. Strikes, riots, rise in terrorist activities, political instability and economic problems have been witnessed during such transits in the past and same can be expected to happen in this new transit of Rahu-Ketu in 2019-20 too.

The troubles for those in power in the centre in India will rise and even the new government which is formed after the 2019 general elections will not be stable. Economic problems which were kept masked and hidden will be revealed and will become more difficult to handle.

In the first eleven months of this transit Saturn is placed with Ketu in Dhanu rashi in the 8th house in India's horoscope. This creates high chances of natural calamities and also other kinds of unexpected but serious mishaps. Jupiter will join this combination from 29th March 2019 to 23rd April 2019. It will again enter Sagittarius on 5th November 2019. Saturn will be in Sagittarius till 24th January 2020.

From 8th February 2020 to 22nd March 2020 Mars will be with Jupiter and Ketu in Dhanu rashi. A similar combination, but with Jupiter aspecting from Mithun Rashi, had caused the 911 incident in New York on 11th September 2001.        

The twelve ascendants and moon signs will feel following changes due to this Rahu-Ketu transit in the Mithun-Dhanu axis:

1. Aries - Mesh: The worries about job, business, home, parents and personal vehicle will reduce. Work related travels will increase along with an increase in other journeys too. Better health. Stronger will power and rise in interest in adventure and sports.
2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Rise in financial worries, mainly related to banking, investments and family wealth. Stress and worries about family affairs, parents and other relatives will increase. Father's health and welfare will be a big concern. Sudden and difficult problems in job and business. High possibilities of losing the job. Health problems related to kidneys, skin, liver, pancreas, hair, eyes and mouth. High chances of surgery.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Stress about family and finances will reduce. But, worries related to health will increase. High chances of divorce or separation till November 2019. Secret love affairs. Health of the spouse will be a big concern.

4. Cancer - Karka: Worries related to general health will decrease. The health issues will be more defined and easy to diagnose and treat. Health issues will be related to kidneys, skin, eyes, ears, reproductive system and lower intestines, but will be easy to cure. Rise in small expenditure and increase in unsuccessful efforts to control the expenses. Increase in legal problems. Frequent travels.  

5. Leo - Simha: A sharp decrease in legal hassles and wasteful expenses. Better health. Increase in income but the worries, requirement and hunger for money will also increase. The relations with friends and older siblings will be sweet and sour. Increase in the number of friends and acquaintances. Secret love affairs. High chances of marriage.  

6. Virgo - Kanya: A sharp increase in stress and anxieties related to profession causing a rise in efforts to expand or modify the business or to do better in job. For those who are in jobs the relations with boss will become strained and all efforts to please the seniors will backfire. Work satisfaction will reduce considerably. Worries about parents' health will increase. There will be benefits related to property and home.

7. Libra - Tula: Great relief from work and money related worries. Job and business will progress at a faster rate. Most of the efforts at work will yield good results. Work satisfaction will increase. Frequent long distance travels. Gains from travels and work in foreign lands. Better health.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Increase in health worries but the efforts to improve health will also increase. Health concerns about head, brain, mouth, throat, eyes, kidneys, skin, hair, urinary system and genitals. Serious differences of opinion with family members and other relatives. Gains from sale of property. Increase in wealth.  

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Serious health problems. Increase in expenses. Troubles in married life. Worries about health, behaviour and welfare of the spouse will increase. Work related high anxiety. Stress in all close relations. lack of devotion in relationships. Extra marital affairs.  

10. Capricorn - Makar: Improvement in relationships with close ones and friends. More meaning and happiness in married life. Better love life. Good progress in work. But, health issues will continue till February 2020. Frequent travels. Increase in expenses.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Unexpected monetary gains. Increase in income. Reduction in legal hassles. Better relations with friends. Improved social image. Better health. Increase in ambition, obstacles and worries related to education. Anxieties related to children and other dependents.

12. Pisces - Meen: Health issues related to heart, lungs and brain. Change of job with a gap between the jobs. Sudden but positive changes in business. Decrease in work related stress. Gain from sale of commercial property. Increase in worries about residential property, vehicle and the health of the parents.


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