Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Q and A: Stability in Love Life - Liu Min
Q and A: Stability in Love Life - Liu Min PDF Print E-mail
Questions & Answers
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 09 July 2016 06:48

Liu Min asks: Even at 27 years of age I am not in any stable love relationship. I keep on having small time affairs but none of them materialise in anything long term. Can you tell me what is wrong? Is there anything I should do to be in a committed relationship or to get married? When will I get married? My DOB is 4th November 1988, TOB is 12:24 Hrs and POB is Shanghai, China.
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Liu Min! Your horoscope shows that the way you have been programmed by nature has caused the lack of stability in your love life. Sub-consciously you yourself shy away from commitments in relationships and get attracted towards people who themselves are unstable.

You were born under Capricorn (Makar) ascendant and Leo (Simha) moon sign. The presence of seventh lord Moon with Ketu in 8th house, Saturn in 12th house, debilitated Venus in 9th house and a debilitated Sun in 10th house of Karma, all point at an innate fickleness, lack of confidence and tendency to be easily attracted towards things of low quality and people of questionable character.

To change that, first of all, stay away from company of people who are not devoted and trustworthy. Look for good virtues and depth in personality rather than being impressed by outer looks only. Instead of short term and secret flings aim for long term stable relationships.

Second, you should do some introspection too. Your own behaviour is quite rash and fickle. You tend to change your opinions quite easily and try to find short cuts in relationships and in pursuit of worldly pleasures rather than taking the ethical and socially approved path.

You are going through the Mahadasha of Moon which has enhanced the lack of stability in relationships. This mahadasha ends in June 2017. From there on, your efforts in this direction of marriage and commitment will give better results. Start performing the remedies mentioned below and you will be able to be in a long term relationship or marriage before the end of 2017.

Some astrological remedies -

1. Feed a cup of milk to any stray animal everyday.
2. Avoid wearing White and Orange in your clothes. Wear more of Blue and Green.
3. Keep fasts on Mondays, if possible. When fasting, eat one full vegetarian meal and take fruits at other mealtimes.


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