Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Q and A: Lack of stability in love life - Abraham Ganiec
Q and A: Lack of stability in love life - Abraham Ganiec PDF Print E-mail
Questions & Answers
Written by Ashutosh   
Wednesday, 19 May 2021 07:17

Abraham Ganiec asks: I am 36 years old but I am still single and not settled in business too. I want to be in a long term relationship but somehow that is not happening. Can you give me an idea about how my love life is going to be in future and what should I do to make it more meaningful? My parents want me to get married and settled down but I am still undecided and confused. My DOB is 9th March 1985, TOB is 2.45 Am and POB is Miami, Florida, USA.Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Abraham! You were born in Sagittarius (Dhanu) ascendant and Virgo (Kanya) Moon sign. There are some contrasting planetary yogas in your horoscope which create confusions and emotional conflicts in your mind and do not allow you to be in any long term and stable relationship.

The samsaptak yoga created by exalted Venus and debilitated Mercury in Meen rashi in 4th house, and, Moon in Kanya rashi in 10th house, gives you an attractive personality and people do get attracted to you by your calm, understanding and jovial nature. You get into love relationships quite easily too and there have been numerous intimate relationships in your life. But, none of them lasts for long. And, this will go on if you do not consciously try to change yourself.

The reason for this lack of stability and longevity of love relationships is a deep insecurity regarding marriage and family life. You seem to be scared of any commitments and you shy away from getting tied down with anyone. This is seen by the presence of debilitated Jupiter, which is also the lord of 1st and 4th house, in the 2nd house, which represents family life, and, the presence of 2nd lord Saturn in the 12th house in Scorpio. This combination and placement of planets has created a personality full of conflicts.

So, the first step towards a stable and committed relationship should be to understand and realize your fears and insecurities about being tied down in a relationship. It is not an achievement but a failure because in the end everyone needs a family of sorts. No one can live alone for long. Accept this fact and then try to make the small changes accordingly. That way you wil be able to be in a fulfilling and satisfying long term relationship within next one year.  

Some remedies and suggstions for you -

- Avoid using Black, Grey and Green colours in your clothes and other belongings.

- Use more of Red, Pink, Yellow, light Blue and Brown colours.

- Start saving more money. The more savings and investments you have the more stable will be your love life and marriage.

- Improve your communication and relationships with your parents, siblings and other relatives. Be more helpful towards them, try to understand their problems and their perspectives towards life and try to avoid arguments or any other useless ego tussles with them. Be more tolerant and patient with your family and relatives.

- Be more clear, firm and truthful in your statements and promises, both in personal and professional life. Be more reliable and honest so that people can trust you and your advices. Be more predictable. People are not comfortable in close relationships with unpredictable people.

- Wear a Ruby, the gemstone for Sun, in a gold ring on the ring finger of right hand. Also, wear a Cat’s-Eye in a silver ring on the ring finger of the left hand.

- If possible, keep fasts on Saturdays. When fasting, eat one full meal, vegetarian only, and consume milk and fruits at other meal times.

Jyotish Biz


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