Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Venus enters Pisces - Exlated and Potent - 2nd March 2010
Venus enters Pisces - Exlated and Potent - 2nd March 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 10:09
Today, 2nd March 2010, Venus (Shukra), the planet of love, intimacy, beauty, luxuries, music, arts, entertainment, good food, travels, vehicles and hospitality, enters the sign of Pisces (Meen). In Jyotish, Venus is considered as exalted or ' Uccha' in Pisces. An exaltation means that the planet is showing its best possible good results.

Jyotish texts mention that Venus gives its best positive results in three signs which are Taurus (Vrishabh), Libra (Tula) and Pisces (Meen). Out these three Taurus and Libra are its own signs, which means that it rules over these two signs. Pisces is the sign of its enemy Jupiter but Venus shows its best results in Pisces.

During this transit in Meen Rashi Venus will finally be able to bestow its goodies on all who are in a position to receive them as per their own natal horoscopes. Till now, Venus was weak and powerless due to its proximity to Sun in degrees. Now, as it has gained some distance over Sun and has changed the sign too, the areas of life which are governed by Venus will finally see a good boost.

Hospitality, Travel and Food industry along with the entertainment industry will be able to book some profits from now on as Venus is on a victorious march towards a position of retrogression which it will attain in October 2010. This shows an upward graph of its increasing powers as it adds to the gap between itself and the Sun.   

People born under different signs and ascendants will experience following results:

1. Aries - mesh

Travels abroad, good gains of luxuries, those in fields of arts and entertainment will perform well, increase in celebrations and enjoyments, increase in expenditures and conflicts in personal life with loved ones and close partners. 

2. Taurus - Vrishabh

Good progress in business and job, Financial gains, better love life, comfortable travels, better health and better social status.

3. Gemini - Mithun

Progress in work, high creativity, improved relations with parents, appreciation from co-workers and boss at work.

4. Cancer - Karka

Fruitful travels and financial gains fom these travels, forex and foreign trade related gains, better performance for artists and musicians, gains of money through inheritance or transfer of property.

5. Leo - Simha

Changes in job and business, improved relations with spouse and in-laws, better cooperations from business partners, family celebrations, parties and enjoyments.  

6. Virgo - Kanya

Better family life, romance blooms, improved relations with business partners, acquisition of a new residence or vehicle, work related comfortable travels.

7. Libra - Tula

Increase in health problems, financial troubles with increasing debt, big expenses on useless luxuries, accidents, injuries. But, those who are in fields like advertising and entertainment will get good professional gains.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik

 Good financial gains, improved relations with children and friends, better opportunities in profession, increased creativity, satisfactory outcome of the projects in hand.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu

Gains in real estate, purchase of new vehicle, financial gains, better and much improved conditions at work, health problems to mother but improved relations with both parents.

10. Capricorn - Makar

New developments at work, new business deals and ventures, travels related to work, health problems to mother, better relations with siblings, those who are in fields of performing arts will do very well.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh

Family celebrations, new developments and progress in family ventures and businesses, real estate gains, income from real estate, gains through inheritance.

12. Pisces - Meen

Increased health problems, improved relations with siblings and loved ones, gains related to parental property, injuries, accidents, losses related to vehicle, long distance comfortable travels. 

Venus will leave Pisces to enter Aries on 26th March 2010. It will re-enter its sign of exaltation only on 16th April 2011.

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