Gemstones :: Gemstone Articles :: Venus in Scorpio - End of prolonged transit in Libra - 1st January 2011
Venus in Scorpio - End of prolonged transit in Libra - 1st January 2011 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 01 January 2011 00:01
Today, the four month long transit of Venus (Shukra) in Libra (Tula) ended as it entered the water sign Scorpio (Vrishchik). The next time when Venus enters Libra for such a long stay (including retrogression) will be from 1st September 2018 to 1st January 2019. A lot of developments, both positive and negative, have happened in past four months.

Scorpio is a sign ruled by Mars and Venus becomes a little lusty and greedy when it transits through this water sign. But, it is a good sign for Shukra and usually beneficial results of such a transit have been observed on all who have a yogakarak Shukra in their horoscopes. As Venus is quite potent these days due to its distance from the Sun, more of its positive effects will be felt during next one month.

Venus will stay in Vrishchik till 30th January 2011, for full 30 days. Its next transit in Scorpio will be from 28th October 2011 to 21st November 2011. During its present transit it will be accompanied by Mercury till 8th January 2011 and will be the sole planet in Scorpio for the rest of its transit in it.

While the automotive sector will gain well from this transit, there will be good boost seen in the Information technology and entertainment business too. For the common man, inflation and taxation problems will increase. The governments across the globe will go on imposing new laws and regulations without giving any respite to the common man.

The changes seen in the twelve moon signs and ascendants during this transit of Shukra in Vrishchik are as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Increase in expenses, unplanned but fun-filled journeys, many opportunities to enjoy good food, secret love affairs, health issues arising for spouse and mother.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Better romantic life, improvement in relations with spouse and business partners, collaborations with foreign business parties, change of residence.  

3. Gemini - Mithun: Loss of money through wasteful expenditure, serious conflicts in love life, health problems to spouse, disagreements with business partners, sale of an existing real estate at a loss, damage to personal vehicle.

4. Cancer - Karka: Improved creativity, better relations with children and other dependents, creative and artistic improvements in work, increase in income.

5. Leo - Simha: Gain of a new vehicle, acquisition of good residential property, increase in income, change of workplace, improved relations with parents.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Health improves, happiness comes in lives of siblings, degradation in mother's health, worries increase regarding a real estate deal, legal problems related to personal vehicle.

7. Libra - Tula: Good happenings in family, a new member joins the extended family, monetary gains, health issues for father increase, better job offers.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Disputes with family members due to financial reasons, new love in life, improved relations with spouse, outings and enjoyments, monetary gains through sale of a real estate.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Monetary gains through work for commission, marital discord, disputes with business partners, financial losses through hasty expenditures on unnecessary luxuries.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Good progress in business, monetary gains, gain of valuable gifts from close friends, legal problems, health problems related to heart and hypertension.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: New progress in business, good income, promotion in job, good returns from investments, better relations with parents and in-laws.

12. Pisces - Meen: Better relations with siblings and in-laws, conflict of interests with one business partner, new collaborations with foreign business houses, long distance journey, difficulties in job due to strained relations with immediate superior at work.


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