Gemstones :: Gemstone News :: Rahu in Tula Ketu in Mesh- 23rd December 2012 - Rahu-Shani Yuti
Rahu in Tula Ketu in Mesh- 23rd December 2012 - Rahu-Shani Yuti PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Sunday, 23 December 2012 09:18

Rahu enters the last degree of Tula (Libra) leaving the first degree of Vrishchik (Scorpio) and Ketu enters Mesh (Aries) leaving Vrishabh (Taurus) today, 23rd December 2012. In Libra it will form a yuti with Saturn which will last for next 17 months. Rahu will leave Tula on 12th July 2014 thus ending this Rahu-Shani yuti. Shani will stay in Libra till 2nd November 2014.

Rahu and Ketu form the two ends of the Rahu-Ketu axis. They are constantly in retrograde motion and are exactly opposite in degrees to each other. Unlike other planets which enter a sign through its first degree Rahu and Ketu enter the rashis through their last degrees. These two shadow planets go through the 12 signs over a period of around 18 years spending around 17 months in each sign.

The previous transit of Rahu-Ketu in the Libra-Aries axis was from 19th May 1994 to 6th December 1995. The next transit will in this axis will be from 31st July 2031 to 16th February 2033.

Rahu and Shani keep coming together in same sign every eleven years or so. The last time they were together was in the sign of Vrishabh in 2002 and 2003, first from 16th February 2002 to 23rd July 2002 and then from 8th January to 7th April 2003. The next Rahu-Shani yuti will be from 29th March 2025 to 18th May 2025.

Shani and Rahu together create scenarios for great changes in the political, economic and social changes in the world. Depending on the sign in which they are transiting they can cause wars, revolutions, epidemics, natural calamities, riots, genocide and even the usage of nuclear weapons.

But, a Rahu-Shani conjunction in Libra has been quite rare and in last 800 years this has happened only five times.

1. 22nd October 1864 to 24th September 1865
2. 19th May 1808 to 16th October 1808
3. 1st August 1659 to 15th December 1660
4. 26th November 1510 to 9th April 1511, 23rd August 1511 to 2nd May 1512
5.10th March 1306 to 27th September 1307

 The previous yuti of Rahu-Shani in 1864-65 witnessed the end of American Civil War, assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, creation of new laws, reconstruction after the war and economic crisis. In a way it was the beginning of a new era for USA.

India was under British rule in 1864-65 and a number of acts were passed during this period like the Carriers Act, Succession Act and various others acts governing the functioning of courts, governance, irrigation, trade, etc. The first detailed census of Indian population in the north western provinces based on caste and religion was started in January 1865. This actually laid the groundwork for future caste and religion based politics in India.

In the 1659-1660 yuti of Rahu-Shani in Tula in when India was under Mughal rule, Aurangzeb got his popular and secular brother Dara Shikoh assassinated. Then, the Islamic ideology and rules were imposed over India thus overturning the secular and moderate system of governance laid down by Akbar.

As I write this article today, Delhi is witnessing a revolution of sorts as people are demanding stringent action against the rapists of a young girl in a moving bus. The anger is rising as the government is showing lack of enthusiasm in passing stricter laws against rape.

India's horoscope has Vrishabh (Taurus) ascendant and this yuti of Rahu-Shani is taking place in the sixth house of diseases, economic problems, rivalries and destruction. Saturn governs the tenth house representing the government of India. The next one and half years are going to be very tough for India and the Indian government.

For India and the world political instability will increase, economic crisis will deepen, stricter and laws will be passed which will be more harassing than helpful for the people, rumours will be spread and strange mysterious events will be reported from all over the world.

Libra is a sensitive sign for India. In the 1994-94 transit of Rahu in Tula, in September 1995, the infamous 'Hindu Milk Miracle took place when statues of gods were reported to be drinking milk from all over India and also from some parts of the world. That was a classic example of mass hysteria and delusion and it was a typical effect of a strong Rahu.

This transit of Rahu in 2013-14 will see coming up of new political leaders and end of old autocratic ones. In entertainment business some radical and interesting changes will happen. Seemingly simple films will break all records at box office. The 1975-77 Rahu transit was good for Amitabh Bacchan and the 1994-95 was the same for Shahrukh Khan.

The 1975-77 transit was also a period when a state of Emergency was in effect in india imposed by Indira Gandhi. The infamous and widely hated 'Nasbandi' (forced sterilisation) movement to control population of Indians was initiated by Indira's son Sanjay Gandhi.

The 1994-95 was the period when India joined World Trade Organisation and the mobile telephony and internet were introduced in India. The real estate price rise, its increasing demand and its usage as a mode of investment too started during this period. This way all is not bad when Rahu transits Libra and Ketu is in Aries.

So, we can expect changes, very big changes in the next one and half years. And, all changes bring discomforts and require adjustments and adaptations. Those who are flexible enough to adapt to changes will survive and thrive during this Rahu transit in Libra. Rigid and the orthodox unchanging people and notions will suffer.     

A brief look at the possible effect of this Rahu-Ketu transit in the Libra-Aries axis and the Rahu-Shani yuti in Tula on the twelve moon signs and ascendants -

1. Aries - Mesh: Change of job with increase in worries about job and income but despite worries the professional growth will be good. Watch the health of your spouse and avoid temptations to stray out of marriage. In business, new partnerships or collaborations will take the business to great heights.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Watch your health and your parents' health too. Business will expand and diversify. Job worries will deepen. Legal problems and debt will increase. But, the personal life including marital life and love life will improve.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increase in income, financial stability, reduced expenses and professional changes will happen during this transit. A job change involving relocation to another city in next six months can happen. Worries about welfare and health of children will increase.

4. Cancer - Karka: Parents' health and the relations with them will be affected. This can indirectly affect your love life and married life too. Worries and ambitions about residential property and personal vehicle will be high. Residence will change. After initial professional troubles the career will get a good and satisfactory boost.

5. Leo - Simha: Short distance and long distance journeys will happen. Great efforts to improve personal and professional life will be made. Conflicts and frustrations in intimate relations will happen. High chances of risky and adventurous love affairs are there. Health and behaviour of the spouse will cause worries. Problems in business partnerships will arise. Parents' health will improve and worries about home, assets and family will end.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Family troubles, financial strain, legal problems and ill health will be prominent in the next 17 months. Job will proceed well. Love life will improve.

7. Libra - Tula: You will acquire a better real estate but attempts to change residence will not be very successful initially. Worries about property, parents, children and vehicle will remain high. Income will be good and business collaborations with capable partners will give a good boost to your enterprise. In job too, the promotions and increments will be satisfactory. Watch out for persistent and mysterious health ailments.

8. Scorpio - Vrishichik: Change of residence or migration to another nation is possible. Possibilities of sustaining damages to vehicle and theft or burglary at home will be high. Mother's health will raise concerns. Real estate deals should be careful executed as they can be stuck midway. Professional life will be good. Job and business will flourish well. Expenses will go up but income will be good at the same time. Health will improve.   

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: After initial financial worries good monetary gains will take place. High returns from investments will increase the bank balance. But, the hunger for more money will also increase despite a substantial increase in income. Your circle of friends will widen though relations with some old friends will suffer due to misunderstandings and high expectations.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Your ambition and expectations from your hard work will increase. But, unseen and unexpected developments will keep the work targets at a distance creating big disappointments. Satisfaction from job and business will lower despite an increase in efforts and investments to improve your work. But, these extra efforts put into your work will mark a new beginning for your career in the years to come. Relations with boss and other superiors at work will not be good. Your health can suffer due to overwork and exhaustion. Parents' health too will cause worries.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Long distance travels and monetary gains from work related to foreign lands will mark the Rahu's stay in Libra. But, the frequent journeys will have an adverse effect on your health. Stay careful. Work related worries will be over. Your relations with your family members, relatives and parents will improve. Relocation to another city or country can happen.

12. Pisces - Meen: This transit of Rahu will directly and adversely affect your health. Mysterious, persistent and long term ailments will bother you. Relations with your in-laws will suffer due to impractical expectations from each other although your inclination towards them will be more as compared to that towards your parental family. Sudden monetary and wealth gains can happen due to death of a near relative. Work related worries will reduce.




Jyotish Biz



#2 RE: Rahu in Tula Ketu in Mesh- 23rd December 2012 - Rahu-Shani YutiRAVI DAWRA 2013-03-09 08:15
Sir, My dob is 29th June 1974. I want to know can i wear a yellow sapphire (pukhraj).
#1 India boiling.. 2012-12-25 05:16
Ashutosh Ji, hats off to you for this detailed analysis of the rahu-shani conjunction. We Indians are seeing the most tumultuous period of anarchy and political lethargy today. I think that the next few years will be very bad for India.
Are you writing any books on jyotish. If yes then please send me a copy as soon as you are finished. I don't know much about jyotish but I have now started really appreciating this ancient knowledge from India.

Regards, Sandeep.

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