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Juliana Swanson: An Interview with a Universal Astrologer
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Sunday, 07 March 2010 15:04
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Juliana Swanson: An Interview with a Universal Astrologer
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Astrologer Ashutosh: Mars does not act as exalted when retrograde. In fact, its negative influences have increased, and negative energies have become almost unbearable.


Juliana: For some of us, worse than others.

Astrologer Ashutosh: Yes, and the people who are ruled by negative forces…the anti-social elements, the greedy ones, the shady ones, have been getting powerful. For them, the retrograde Mars could be acting as exalted.


Juliana: This is an interesting perspective, and it makes sense to me. As an energy healer, I want to relate this back to the body and the subtle energy system. Mars relates to the will center...the 3rd chakra, where we digest our food and also our experiences, where we get our fire going to help us put our inspiration into action. In Cancer now, Mars’ fire energy gets washed out. So, our will to act can feel somewhat stifled or smothered at times.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Exactly. The will to fight back the evil forces has gone down. Everyone is waiting for something to happen but no one is willing to make it happen.


Juliana; Yes, and we may feel overwhelmed, like we do not have the fire to purify and transmute the negative energies...


Astrologer Ashutosh: Yes!


Juliana: The word “quagmire” keeps coming to me…meaning, “a soft miry land that shakes or yields under the foot, or a difficult, precarious, or entrapping position or predicament.” Mars is bhoomi karaka, relating to the ground of the Earth itself, and we have had some devastating earthquakes recently, such as in Haiti and Chile. Mars has been especially strong since being retrograde, but strong for what is the question. There is emotional, physical, and collective instability in this transit.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Three more months of Mars in Cancer remain. What effects did you see on US economy in last five months?


Juliana: Real estate sales may be showing some slight improvement in certain areas of the country, but lending is still sluggish. Buyers are still looking for bargain-basement prices, foreclosures are jamming up the system, and sellers are holding out for higher offers. Banks are still closing. The jobless rate has apparently peaked, but political upheaval, corruption, and outrage toward the government remain the order of the day. I don’t think we will see great improvement in the economy and other matters until Mars leaves Cancer, which is currently in the evil 8th house of the US Kelleher chart.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Governments, business houses and even the common man all have been promoting and believing in unrealistic goals. Hopefully, as Mars leaves Cancer things will start getting to affordable levels.


Juliana:  Yes, one hopes...and I do believe that all one can ultimately do is be responsible for one's own consciousness in all this mess. So when we see all this confusion, suffering, greed, insanity, oppression, evil, fraud, anger and hatred, we must look inside where these things also exist and forgive ourselves and release ourselves from the vision of negativity we have projected on the world. There is so much fear in the mass mind in the US now...I thought it might ease up when the lunar nodes left Cancer and Capricorn...but now Mars is transiting very close to the point of the solar eclipse of last July 2009...and it is getting ready to station...debilitated in the 8th house...this reflects fear, suffering and difficult karmic events. The only solution is to keep purifying ourselves and letting go of the darkness...invoking compassion and spreading light. Am I sounding like a fanatic or a Pollyanna?


Astrologer Ashutosh: No, I agree with you. This is the actual truth today. 


Astrologer Ashutosh: Jupiter will enter Pisces on 2nd May, 2010. Its last transit in Pisces was very short. This time it will be for a complete year, until 8th May, 2011, with one month of retrogression back to Aquarius in November 2010. This should be extremely good for the economies all over the world. But, any correction in established order requires the destruction of the existing system, and Jupiter actually succeeds in doing just that as Pisces is a dual-natured sign


Juliana: It may bring a good cycle in the it will be in the US chart 4th house which is very strong in Sarvashtakavarga. And for India's Independence chart it will be the 11th lord in the 11th house in its own sign and also extremely strong in Sarvashtakavarga.


Astrologer Ashutosh: So, we can expect great changes in economic policies. Venus will also become retrograde in Libra this year, just like it did in 2002. It has an eight year cycle. Venus was creative then…it marked the beginning of the real estate boom in 2002 from September to December when it was in Libra. If you notice, every eight years it does the same. Before 2002, it was in 1994, when real estate markets shot up. So, this year, it will be a combination of Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces, both strong beneficial forces. Both are teachers, gurus, one for gods and one for demons.


Juliana: The double dharma-karma effect of Saturn in Virgo aspecting (opposite) Jupiter in Pisces will also make some big things happen, and in the Virgo-Pisces axis, this can be in part about healing and transformation.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Judiciary, education, real estate, etc. will be boosted. The humanitarian values will increase; the social organizations will be strengthened. Mars in Cancer is actually necessary to bring the evils of the society to the fore, through some purging of society. This is a necessary cycle.


Juliana: Yes, it is the way of the world.


Astrologer Ashutosh:  A preparation for the next good phase.

Juliana: This is hopeful. Thank you, Ashutosh!





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