Consult Jyotishi :: Mercury in Aries (Mesh) - 30th March 2010 - A roller coaster ride for Budh
Mercury in Aries (Mesh) - 30th March 2010 - A roller coaster ride for Budh PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 30 March 2010 00:00

On 30th March 2010, Mercury (Budh) entered Aries after ending its stay in the watery sign Pisces (Meen). Aries is not a friendly sign for Mercury as it is ruled by Budh's enemy Mars. It also sheds some of its fickleness, verbosity and uncontrolled curiosity in this 'straight as hammer blow' sign.

Mercury will show some interesting and very diverse behaviour in next two months before it moves to the next sign in the zodiacal circle, Taurus (Vrishabh), on 6th June 2010. This delay in Mercury's progression to the next sign must mean that it will go retrograde in next two months. Let us see when and how it changes its movements.

1. Mercury enters Aries on 30th March 2010.

2. It becomes retrograde, moving backwards in Aries, on 18th April 2010.

3. It becomes direct in Aries on 12th May 2010, after one month of retrogression.

4. It enters Taurus on 6th June 2010.

Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun and has the smallest orbit among all planets. This is why it becomes retrograde every few months, almost twice or thrice a year. This is one of reasons why it is considered very fickle minded and unstable planet. This behaviour can be observed in people who are mainly affected by Mercury.  

As it enters Aries now it comes in a Yuti (Conjunction) with Venus (Shukra) which is already in transit in Aries. But, these two planets do not come at same degree due to the slowing down and then retrogression of Mercury while Venus goes on at its normal pace. This Budh-Shukra yuti ends when Venus enters Taurus on 20th April 2010. In between this period of yuti, Sun joins this combination on 14th April 2010.

This Venus-Mercury yuti will give boost to the business sectors like entertainment, media, beauty and cosmetics and fashion. This yuti will be quite beneficial for Moon Signs and ascendants like

Gemini (Mithun), Cancer (Karka), Leo (Simha), Libra (Tula) and Capricorn (Makar).

The Sun-Mercury yuti which begins on 14th April 2010 and goes on till 15th May 2010 will be highly fruitful to moon signs and ascendant of Gemini (Mithun), Leo (Simha), Libra (Tula), Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Aquarius (Kumbh). Leo, Gemini and Libra will gain financially through this yuti. Other two will benefit in business and interpersonal relationships.

The business sectors which will get a boost from this Sun-Mercury yuti are - metals, stock markets, IT sector, banking and print media.

For most part of this prolonged transit of Mercury in Aries, Mars will be in transit in Cancer. As the ruler of Aries will be debilitated some negative results may also be observed. Such a combination creates ripe environment for spread of communicable diseases like influenza, cholera, malaria, dengue, etc.

For India, this transit will not be peaceful as it will take place in India's horoscope's (Taurus ascendant) twelfth house. There may be strikes and protests by the government employees, security personnel and media personnel. Rumours will be spread like wildfire and the government will be forced to take strong actions to curb the spread of misinformation.

On the positive side, subsidies and discounts in telecom and Information Technology sectors will give a boost to these industries. Some landmark decisions may be made and implemented by the government bodies to regulate these industries for the benefit of the common man. Government spending on its own media of information will also be as per the requirements.  

The next retrograde movement of Mercury will be in the sign of Leo (Simha) from 21st August 2010 to 13th September 2010.


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