Consult Jyotishi :: Mars enters Leo - End of its prolonged debilitation - 26th May 2010
Mars enters Leo - End of its prolonged debilitation - 26th May 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:28
Mars - God of WarSince last eight months Mars has been in transit in its sign of debilitation, Cancer (Karka), bringing progress to s standstill and revealing the worst behaviour and intentions of mankind. This transit of Mangal in its Neech Rashi ends on 26th May 2010 bringing renewed hope and respite for all as it enters its stable and progressive sign Leo (Simha).

Mars will stay in Leo from 26th May 2010 to 20th July 2010 when it enters Virgo (Kanya). The previous transit of Mars in Leo was from 21st June 2008 to 10th August 2008. Interestingly, after the upcoming transit of Mangal in Simha, the next transit in same sign will be a prolonged one from 30th October 2011 to 21st June 2012 during which it will go retrograde in Simha.

Simha is a fixed (Sthir) sign ruled by Surya ( Sun). It lacks pioneering movement but it nurtures the growth which has been motivated by the movement of other planets. It is a positive and friendly sign for Mars and Mars becomes quite powerful, benevolent, helpful and courageous in this sign. We can expect a return of confidence in the hearts of people with better economic reforms all over the world. Better and effective actions will be taken to curb the ills that have been plaguing the economies and governments in all nations since last two years.

For India, this transit will take place in its horoscope's fourth house. This indicates increased conflicts with the voices of dissent and separation but, at the same time, better and effective measures taken by the government to curb these harmful forces. The people in responsible positions like the leaders in industry, government and politics will start behaving sensibly once again (as sensible as they can be expected to be).

Business sectors like information technology, real estate and agro-products will get a boost by this transit of Mars in Leo. Steps to improve internet security and measures against hackers may be taken. Banking sector too will bring in some remarkable reforms during this transit of Mars.

Following results of this transit of Mars in Leo may be experienced by the people born in the twelve moon signs and ascendants:

1. Aries: Progress in scholarly pursuits. Positive but forceful changes in job and business. Increased financial gains coupled with increase in expenses. Health gains.

2. Taurus: Gains related to property. Better relations with near ones and spouse. Good financial gains. Profitable recovery of money which was blocked in past investments. Formation of new business collaborations and partnerships.

3. Gemini: Good gains from business efforts. Improved financial status. Better growth in job and business. Return of happiness and harmony in family affairs.

4. Cancer: Better health. Ripening of the fruits of the efforts done in past eight months for business growth. Increase in family disputes. Profitable returns from past investments.

5. Leo: Gains related to property through purchase or sale of a real estate. Foreign travels. Improved confidence and enthusiasm. Better health.

6. Virgo: Increase in expenses. Foreign travels. Better relations with friends and dear ones. Better health.

7. Libra: Good jump in business growth. Better and profitable business collaborations and partnerships. Improved relations with parents. Better performance and recognition at work.

8. Scorpio: Better status and position at work. Business establishment. Improved confidence. Better health.

9. Sagittarius: Foreign travels. Business gains. Success in legal matters. Health gains.

10. Capricorn: Improvement in marital life. Better harmony in business partnerships. Damage to self and vehicle through accidents. Sudden unexpected gains of money.

11. Aquarius: Business gains. Better flow of income. New collaborations and partnerships in business. Better health. Improved relations with parents.

12. Pisces: Improvement in health of children and better relations with them. Change in job. Better job and position. Problems of health to self. Increase in expenses.



#1 RE: Mars enters Leo - End of its prolonged debilitation - 26th May 2010 2010-05-27 07:38
This article is really helpful for me. I visit this site daily and I don’t require to go any other astrologer for my future predictions.

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