Consult Jyotishi :: Rahu enters Vrishabh - Ketu enters Vrishchik - 23rd September 2020
Rahu enters Vrishabh - Ketu enters Vrishchik - 23rd September 2020 PDF Print
Jyotish Biz News - Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 07:14

Rahu and Ketu are changing signs on 23rd September 2020. Rahu will enter Taurus (Vrishabh) rashi and Ketu will enter Scorpio (Vrishchik) rashi. They were in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis since last eighteen months. As you know, these two planets always travel in retrograde motion and they will now enter the Vrishabh-Vrishchik through their last degrees after exiting Mithun-Dhanu through their first degrees.

Rahu had entered Gemini and Ketu had entered Sagittarius on 7th March 2019. Their stay in Mithun-Dhanu saw a lot of unprecedented changes and problems around the world, which were aggravated a lot after Saturn entered Makar Rashi on 24th January 2020. Due to the 6th-8th or Shadashtak yoga which was then formed between Saturn and Rahu the coronavirus epidemic had begun to affect the health and economy of the masses all over the world. This yoga ends on 23rd September 2020 when Rahu enters Taurus and Ketu enters Scorpio.

Rahu-Ketu will stay in this Taurus-Scorpio axis till 12th April 2022. Saturn will be consistently in Makar rashi during this period. This will create 5th-9th or Pancham-Navam yoga between Rahu and Saturn for the whole transit period of Rahu in Vrishabh rashi in 2020-22. This is a rare astrological phenomenon of 5th-9th yoga between Rahu and Saturn for the whole eighteen month long transit of Rahu in a sign.

Some of the previous transits of Rahu-Ketu in this Vrishabh-Vrishchik axis were as follows -
- 16th February 2002 to 6th September 2003
- 13th July 1983 to 29th January 1985
- 6th December 1964 to 25th June 1966
- 1st May 1946 to 18th November 1947

The subsequent transit of Rahu-Ketu in the Taurus-Scorpio axis after this 2020-22 transit will be from 30th April 2039 to 17th November 2040.

Vrishabh is a rashi ruled by Shukra ( Venus). It is a fixed sign and governs general comforts, traditions, rituals, agriculture, animal husbandry, stability and general wealth. Vrishchik is a fixed water sign and governs political strategies, secret schemes, irrational ambitions, and attempts to increase control through all means. Now, you can see how this Rahu and Ketu transit will affect these two signs. Rahu will bring more troubles but more sustained efforts and focus on the areas governed by Taurus. Ketu will bring more strength, decisiveness and also more volatility in the areas governed by Scorpio.

As both Rahu and Saturn will be in transit in Earth signs in a 5th-9th yoga during this 2020-22 Rahu-Ketu transit, the natural and man-made calamities will be very frequent and unusually high in intensity. Political upheavals, public unrest, protests, riots and war too are very likely to happen during this transit.

On the scientific front, there will be fast progress related to space sciences, robotics, transportation, medicine and warfare. New inventions and innovations will make life easier and more comfortable. But, there are high chances of unusual vehicular accidents too including aircrafts, naval vessels and space vehicles. Industrial accidents causing large scale disruption and loss of life are also very likely to happen.

As the 6th-8th yoga between Rahu and Saturn ends on 23rd September 2020 the fear and panic associated with covid19 epidemic will gradually subside. It will mark the beginning of the end of this epidemic. This does not mean that the virus will vanish but the panic associated with it will go away, more likely due to the availability of vaccines and medicines or due to new revelations or research about this disease.   

In world politics, many surprising changes will happen. People's faith in their existing leaders will diminish and hitherto lesser known new leaders will rise in popularity. Death of a few popular leaders is also possible. This Rahu-Ketu transit in Vrishabh-Scorpio axis can also cause violent protests, riots and killings on big scale.

This transit will not be peaceful for most nations, more so for India and USA. The existing leaders of both nations, Donald Trump and Narendra Modi, have debilitated Moon in Scorpio in their horoscopes and Ketu’s transit in Scorpio is going to make things very volatile and very difficult for them. Both of them are very likely to take irrational and drastic steps due to the effect of Ketu in Vrishchik rashi. For Donald Trump, it is actually Rahu-Ketu return in his horoscope. This means that the Rahu-Ketu will transit over their actual natal positions in his horoscope.

The 2002-03 transit of Rahu-Ketu in Taurus-Scorpio axis had brought the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi into the limelight, when he was a lesser known leader and the newly appointed Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat, mainly due to his alleged role in the Gujarat riots of February-March 2002. Those riots contributed to the creation of his hardliner Hindutva image which gave rise to the brand Modi. That Brand Modi was a basis for his success in the subsequent state elections in Gujarat and in the general elections in the centre in India in 2014 too.

Let us see how this 2020-22 transit treats him as there is nowhere higher to go from his present position as the Prime Minister of India. The 2002-03 Rahu-Ketu transit in Vrishabh-Vrishchik created his image but this 2020-22 similar transit can break that image if he is not careful enough. Ketu in Scorpio can create unexpected situations of either great benefit or great difficulty for him motivating him to take highly risky and illogical decisions. Also, Rahu in Vrishabh is not good for his health and safety.   

The Rahu-Ketu transits in Vrishabh-Vrishchik axis has brought about two wars for India, three major riots and two popular Prime Ministers have died during such transits.

India got its independence from the British rule on 15th August 1947. Rahu is placed in the ascendant in Vrishabh Rashi in India's birth chart. Rahu's transit in the ascendant has always disturbed India but it has also brought more focus on the removing the weaknesses and improving the defence, security and the economic stability of the nation.

The 1946-47 transit of Rahu-Ketu in Vrishabh-Vrishchik axis was very traumatic and difficult for both India and Pakistan. The partition of British India and the creation of the two nations resulted in riots and genocide, and, millions of innocent people were killed. The first Indo-Pak war began in October 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru rose as a popular leader and became the 1st Prime Minister of India during that 1946-47 transit.

The 1964-66 transit of Rahu-Ketu in Taurus-Scorpio axis turned Lal Bahadur Shastri, the erstwhile Prime Minister of India, into an iconic leader who is still appreciated, respected and loved by all. The 2nd Indo-Pak war took place during that transit. India increased its strength in terms of defence and also in terms of production of food grains and milk. Another iconic leader, Balasaheb Thakare formed his political party, Shiv Sena, during that transit, on 19th June 1966.

The Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died of a heart attack on 11th January 1966, in the same transit. Indira Gandhi became the next Prime Minister and gradually became the most powerful leader of India ever. Interestingly, she was assassinated by her own bodyguards during the 1983-85 transit of Rahu-Ketu in the same Taurus-Scorpio axis.

During that 1983-85 transit of Rahu-Ketu in the Vrishabh-Vrishchik axis, the Sri Lankan civil war began between Sri Lankan forces and the LTTE. The militancy in the state of Punjab in India increased and hundreds of people were killed by the extremists. The Harmandir Saheb complex in Amritsar was turned into an armoury and headquarters by the Militant leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his followers.

In June 1984, Indian armed forces launched Operation Blue Star to remove the militants from the Harmandir Sahib complex. In retaliation, the erstwhile Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards on 31st October 1984. That assassination triggered anti-Sikh riots across North India in which thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed. In another tragic incident called the Bhopal Gas Disaster the leakage of a highly poisonous gas killed thousands and injured or permanently disabled hundreds of thousands of people in Bhopal in India in December 1984.

In the 2002-03 transit of Rahu-Ketu in Taurus-Scorpio, four bogeys of a train carrying Hindu pilgrims was burnt in Godhra in Gujarat state in India on 27th February 2002. This incident incited riots which killed and displaced thousands of people in Gujarat in February-March 2002. During the same transit of Rahu-Ketu in the Taurus-Scorpio axis US and allied forces invaded Iraq in March 2003. This invasion finally ended the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq but it began a long period of strife and instability for Iraq.  
The effects of this 2020-22 transit of Rahu-Ketu in Taurus-Scorpio on the twelve ascendants and Moon-Signs will be as follows -

1. Aries - Mesh: Increased problems related to savings and investments; more attention on family problems but souring of relations with family members and relatives at the same time; health issues related to mouth, hair, skin and allergies; good progress in work; increase in regular income.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: More worries about health; mysterious health issues; increase in body weight; better relations with family and relatives; increase in savings, improvement in job and business; frequent travels.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increase in expenses; unexpected monetary losses; legal hassles; health problems related to eyes, ears and skin; better and more meaningful relations with spouse; happiness in love life.

4. Cancer - Karka: Increase in income combined with an increase in the requirement and desire for more money; unexpectedly high expenses; increase in the number of friends and acquaintances; disappointments in existing friendships and close relations; success in politics; good progress in academics; change in the existing course of studies for a better course; better intuition; success in spiritual pursuits.

5. Leo - Simha: Unexpected changes, challenges and troubles related to job and business; increase in ambition; decrease in work satisfaction; more worries about parents' health; bad relations with co-workers and seniors at work; good progress in matters related to residence and real estate.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Easy and smooth progress in job and business; better relations with seniors and co-workers at work; frequent travels; good health; reduction in worries about the health and welfare of parents; good progress in academics.

7. Libra - Tula: Mysterious health problems; allergies; sudden gains and losses of money and wealth; good returns from investments done in the past; inclination towards subjects related to occult and divination; many unplanned and unfruitful travels.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Troubles in marriage and love life; secret affairs; increased worry about the health and behaviour of spouse and close ones; more readiness to take risks; success in job and business; bigger circle of friends and acquaintances.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Legal hassles; high expenses; urinary problems and allergies; improvement in family relations, marriage and love life; success in work; good income; spiritual inclination.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Good health; increase in income; success in all enterprises; increased worries about the health and welfare of children; obstacles in academics.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Change of job; sudden but positive changes in business; better organised and less burdensome work; relocation; unexpected problems related to vehicle, home and real estate; change of residence; increased worries about health and behaviour of parents.

12. Pisces - Meen: Increase in confidence; frequent travels; good progress in job and business; success in foreign trade and foreign related work; improved luck, souring of relations with siblings; increased worries about the siblings; less stress related to the health of the parents.






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