Consult Jyotishi :: Q and A: Health Issue and Surgery - Katie Dean
Q and A: Health Issue and Surgery - Katie Dean PDF Print E-mail
Questions & Answers
Saturday, 29 October 2011 00:03

Katie Dean Asks: I am facing health problems since the beginning of this year. I had a surgery performed for uterine cysts in August. How long will these health issues go on and how serious can they be. Do I have a short life? My DOB: 29th December 1982, TOB: 13.20 Hrs, POB: Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Ms Katie! You were born under a Taurus (Vrishabh) Ascendant and a Gemini (Mithun) Moon Sign. According to Jyotish calculations you are in a Ketu antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha from January 2011 to December 2011. Ketu is placed in your horoscope's eighth house with Venus and Surya. This has brought about these health issues and the surgery.

With the end of Ketu antardasha your health problems will be cured to much extent. The seriousness of the malady will be over. Over the next 4 years a little more care about your health, a positive change in lifestyle and thinking will be required. But, you can rest assures that you have a very long life and you will be able to lead a normal life from 2012 onwards with small but curable health issues coming up from time to time.

Gynecological problems and depression will be the main health issues which will bother you from time to time. And, in your horoscope, both of them are interrelated and interdependent. I am suggesting some Jyotish remedies which you can perform with ease and which will help you in dealing with both the mental and physical maladies.

1. Avoid wearing Yellow and Grey in colours in your garments. Avoid these colours in other things of your day to day use too .

2. Plant three orange, apple or plum saplings in your vicinity and make sure that you are able to take care of them as they grow. Then, when they start giving fruits gift their fruits to your friends and well wishers every year. Do not consume the fruits yourself.

3. Wear a Gomedh (Hessonite) in a silver ring on the middle finger of left hand. Make sure it is a Sri Lankan Gomedh and of a good quality. Take 6 or more carats of a single piece of this gemstone. Wear it on Saturday morning.

4. Get 7 copies of any religious or spiritual book of your choice and either gift them to your friends or donate them to libraries or religious charitable organisations.

Perform these remedies and keep a positive thinking. You will certainly gain a lot from these remedies.



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