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Juliana Swanson: An Interview with a Universal Astrologer
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Sunday, 07 March 2010 15:04
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Juliana Swanson: An Interview with a Universal Astrologer
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Astrologer Ashutosh: How many different systems of healing, metaphysics and divination have you tried and implemented, Juliana, in part or whole, in your daily practice?

Juliana: I studied occultism, Theosophy, Philosophy and Comparative Religion. I attended psychic school. I also work with the Runes, Tarot and Western astrology, and of course Vedic astrology. I have been a registered nurse since 1977 and have long been interested in alternative healing. I work with homeopathy, color healing, acupressure and massage, foot reflexology, crystals, flower essence and gem elixir therapies. I practice herbal healing, Reiki and MariEl, Polarity Therapy, and Rebirthing (Sacred Breath Work). I am a sound healer and use toning, crystal bowls and tuning forks to clear and balance energy fields. I have explored Ayurveda, Vastu and Fen Shui. I have been a recipient of Shamanic healing and Rolfing myself. I study Huna and Ho’oponopono, which are Hawaiian spiritual practices. I studied Zen Buddhism and also took a class in Tibetan Buddhism at Naropa University long ago with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. I have been involved with yoga for 40 years and practice Nada and Kriya Yoga meditation and Mantra Japa.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Juliana! The exposure and knowledge of so many diverse fields must have worked towards increasing your intuition to great levels.


Juliana: Yes, it has enhanced my natural abilities. I believe that we all have intuitive power but it requires training and effort over time to develop.


Astrologer Ashutosh: There must be times when the mind leaps to correct conclusions without even noticing the leap. I used the term “leap” instead of “jump” because that happens when intuition gets sharpened with experience.


Juliana: Yes, that is an apt description. I like your use of the word “leap”...I am reminded of a ballerina flying across the stage with utter grace!


Astrologer Ashutosh: Almost effortless to an observer…seemingly effortless.

Juliana: But it does require effort…lots of practice and firm intention, and then, intuition can be a double-edged sword. When I am doing astrological counseling or healing, I can often sense the potential for difficult things that will happen based on my intuitive perception of the chart...sometimes I see pictures or hear statements about what will happen, and then I have to transmute the “negative” implication through wisdom and my own process of inner purification.


Astrologer Ashutosh: I understand. Then, there is the task of revealing the future difficulties to the client.


Juliana: Yes, it has to be discussed very gently and carefully, keeping in mind the concept of free will with karma, using open-ended and indeterminate qualifiers, and informing clients that it is impossible for astrology to be absolutely certain regarding the interpretation of character or future events. Because I am empathic, dealing with another person’s karma can feel like a heavy burden, and I have to be careful not to take it on psychically. So I always do energy healing with my readings, whether in person or remotely, to help transmute some of the karma for my clients and myself.


Astrologer Ashutosh: You have mentioned energy healing and Polarity Therapy. Please tell more about it.


Juliana: Polarity Therapy is a comprehensive natural health care system comprising energy-based body work, energy exercises (Polarity Yoga), nutritional counseling and self-awareness. It was developed in the 1940s by the late osteopath and yogi Dr. Randolph Stone. Polarity represents a synthesis of his revelations about various healing systems and theories. According to the Polarity model, health is experienced when energy systems function in their natural state, and when energy flows smoothly without significant fixation or blockage. In the body-work component, a Polarity practitioner stimulates an electro-magnetic relationship of positive and negative poles that corrects the flow of blocked energy. That is the straightforward explanation, though it is much more complicated than that.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Interesting. When and where did you learn it?


Juliana: I studied it from 1988 to 2001, and became an advanced practitioner of it. My instructor was Nancy Risley, in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Her school at the time was called the “Polarity Realization Center.” I was fortunate to have such an enlightened healer as my teacher.


Astrologer Ashutosh: Some astrologers and psychic healers end up as emotional garbage bins.


Juliana: Yes that is a fitting expression—“emotional garbage bins.”


Astrologer Ashutosh: This happens due to the one-way transfer of emotions and negative energies from some clients. How do you manage with it and does Polarity Therapy help with it?


Juliana: Through Polarity and other methods, I have learned to heal with spirit. In order to do this, I have to develop my own consciousness, and to realize that the Divine Spirit manifests in everything as vibration or energy. I consciously attune myself to this higher vibration to bring healing to myself and others in all relationships, including with my astrological clients. My intention is to bring them into their own state of unconditional self love, and to help them access their personal power so they can bring it into the world in whatever way is dharmic.


Astrologer Ashutosh:  OK.



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