Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Jupiter in Aries - 8th May 2011 - Big changes ahead.
Jupiter in Aries - 8th May 2011 - Big changes ahead. PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 24 May 2011 13:01

The benevolent planet Jupiter (Guru) or Brihaspati has already changed signs on 8th May 2011. It has left its swagrahi rashi, Meen, and has now entered the fire sign Aries or Mesh. This fiery sign Aries is a friendly sign or Mitra-Rashi for Brihaspati and it allows Jupiter to show some of its very positive, beneficial and long term effects on all of us. Jupiter will leave Aries and will enter Taurus (Vrishabh) on 17th May 2012.

The last time Guru was in Mesh rashi was in the year 1999-2000. Jupiter had entered Aries on 26th May 1999 and had left it on 2nd June 2000. The next transit of Brihaspati in Mesh rashi will be from 22nd April 2023 to 1st May 2024. In 1999-2000 Jupiter was in a yuti with Saturn in Aries and during the present transit it will again enter a yoga with Shani when Saturn comes opposite to Brihaspati on 15th November 2011. But, this time it will be a samsaptak yoga and not a yuti.

Aries is a movable sign and is one of the four signs which represent leadership. It paves way for new and revolutionary changes and gives boost to the already ongoing changes which make life better for the mankind. But, being a fire sign the changes which it brings about are not always peaceful. But, the hegemony of rulers and monopolies in businesses are challenged and ended when Jupiter transits through Aries.

One fine example for this has been the end of 34 year rule of communist party in West Bengal in India as soon as Jupiter changed its sign. The movements for transparency in governance and punishment for the guilty, all over the world, will now intensify. At the same time stricter laws will be imposed on people by the governments and attempts will be made to stifle the voices advocating freedom of information.

Next one year will also see the economies of the nations like USA, UK and Europe recovering to much extent. But, the real and noticeable recovery begins only when Saturn comes in opposition to Guru in November 2011. After that, for next six months, the Guru-Shani opposition will bring about some radical changes in economic policies and the governance in many nations.

But, for India, next one year will be full of legal troubles for the government and the ruling party. A lot of mud-slinging and back-stabbing will be witnessed among the politicians of all political parties. Unwise investments and wrong decisions will cause huge losses to the government and the public sector banks. More financial scams will come to light. At the same time, the terrorist activities will increase and there are strong chances of small war like situations on the northern and western borders.

In Business sector, IT and Education related industries will get the maximum benefit of this transit of Brihaspati in Mesh rashi. Bullion will keep on its upward march. One other industry, which is not actually counted as an industry, which will get benefit from this transit is of the religious tourism.    

The effect of this transit on the twelve Moon Signs and Ascendants will be as follows:

1. Aries - Mesh: Improvement in health, better job prospects, change of job in October-November, foreign travels, decrease in expenses, better confidence, better performance at work, better chances to find new life or to get married.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Major investments in business, acquisition of another real estate, health problems related to liver and heart, increase in wasteful expenditures, foreign travels, legal problems, souring of relations with close friends.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Better relations with friends and colleagues, increase in inflow of money, business and job gains, improvement in father's health but a downfall in mother's health, better chances of new love in life, improved chances for marriage.

4. Cancer - Karka: Great improvements in work, change of job, new and positive developments in business, improvement in relations with parents, fame, recognition, travels to foreign lands for work, increase in spirituality and religiosity, more discipline an punctuality in daily life.

5. Leo - Simha: Health gains, foreign travels with business gains from abroad, good progress in education, birth of a child, increase in income, change of job, decrease in expenses, decrease in personal and business debts.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Increase in marital discord, secret love affairs, increase in health problems, increase in expenses, unplanned religious journeys, conflicts and disagreements with family members, damages to personal vehicle, losses in real estate investments, legal hassles.

7. Libra - Tula: Better job offers, improvement in performance at work, business gains, increase in income, real estate gains, purchase of a new and better vehicle, health problems to spouse, worsening of any existing marital problems, increase in fame, promotions and rewards in job.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Change of residence, foreign travels, increase in expenses, litigation, health problems related to liver and pancreas, marital discord, hasty investments resulting in blocking of money in real estate, problems in job, increase in business losses, heavy burden of debt.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Change of job, increase in income, heightened creativity, happiness related to children, success in business ventures, gains from lottery and stock tradings, better health, foreign travels, better performance in studies and examinations.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Change of residence, acquisition of a new residential property, increase in expenses, a new personal vehicle, success in higher studies, improved relations with parents, success in business related to real estate and travels, good progress in business, fame and recognition.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Pilgrimages, other short term journeys, increase in worries regarding job and business, increase in work related stress, monetary gains from sustained efforts, better relations with siblings, increase in spiritual and religious inclinations, foreign travels, beginning of a long term foreign stay.

12. Pisces - Meen: Increase in financial worries, gains and profits from past savings and investments, profit from sale of a real estate, health problems, beginning of a long term health ailment, better harmony in family, gains from foreign ventures or foreign jobs, better job offers, change of job.

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Jyotish Biz



#3 purnesh 2011-06-13 11:46
Mai achambhit hoon ki meri rashi ke sabhi prediction accurate & correct Hain. This is my first visit on this page.

[Translation: I am surprised that all predictions about my Rashi are accurate and correct. This is my first visit on this page.]
#2 @ Ms Sanjukta - Go by your ascendantAshutosh 2011-05-28 08:19
Ms Sanjukta,

You should look at these results primarily by your ascendant, Mesh, and secondarily by your Moon sign, Kanya.

Most of these general predictions are usually more applicable on the ascendants than on the moon signs.


#1 RE: Jupiter in Aries - 8th May 2011 - Big changes ahead. 2011-05-28 07:05
I have a doubt. You have given The effect of this transit on the twelve Moon Signs and Ascendants. I am confused because my moon sign is Kanya and ascendant is Mesh. So which one should I follow?
I have Mesh in house 1 with Mangal and rahu.

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