Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Mars and Venus in Neech Rashi - 10th September 2011
Mars and Venus in Neech Rashi - 10th September 2011 PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Saturday, 10 September 2011 17:12
The jyotish graha (planet) governing boldness, courage and valour has entered its weakest sign yesterday. Mars entered Cancer (Karka) and will be in this state of debilitation till 30th October 2011. And, to make matters worse, Shukra ( Venus) too entered its Neech Rashi today. Shukra is debilitated and at its weakest in the sign of Virgo. Venus will leave Kanya to enter Tula (Libra) on 4th October 2011.
The last time when both these planets were in their respective Neech Rashis at the same time was from 10th October 2009 to 3rd November 2009. And, looking at the changing political and economic scenarios their weak state in 2011 can only add to the woes of the common man and the not-so-common people too.

Venus and Mars. They have a natural and strange affinity. When they are both strong and well placed, they can do wonders. When they are together, they can create even the most honest of people to turn greedy and corrupt. When they are both weak they can destroy years of hard work in minutes.

All people will be harmed in one way or other due to these harmful transits but those born under Aries, Taurus, Libra and Scorpio will be the ones who will be affected the most. Also, those who have been ailing since long with some serious illnesses must be a little more careful about their health.

Vehicular accidents, especially of public transports, will increase. Crime against women, children and homosexuals will also increase. The woes of the people in important positions in all nations will increase. For India, as its horoscope is of a Taurus ascendant, the next one month will be difficult. Border disputes, extremism, crime and political unrest will increase. Economic growth will go down and some serious dangers to the economy will be revealed.

It is advisable for everyone to avoid taking any big risks. If you can, then delay any major financial investments till 5th October 2011. Do not buy any new vehicle, luxury goods or real estate till 5th October 2011. In short, keep a low profile and let things go as smoothly as possible. Keep cool and have patience. Better not to do anything hasty and stay safe than to act in impatience to repent later.

These debilitated movements of Shukra and Mangal will have the following effects on the twelve ascendants and moon-signs:

1. Aries - Mesh: Health problems to self and spouse, difficulties in job and business, loss of money, setback in real estate deal, damage to personal vehicle, loss of reputation due to association with people of doubtful character, marital discord.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Serious health problems to self, children and parents, marital discord, losses in business, job problems, legal problems.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Family disputes, health problems related to eyes, mouth and heart, bad relations with parents and children, uncomfortable journey.

4. Cancer - Karka: Good progress in work, business gains, recovery of a bad debt, health problems to parents and friends, short term long distance travel.

5. Leo - Simha: Problems of eyes, heart and ears, legal problems, wasteful expenses, health problems to parents, food poisoning.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Injuries and accidents, troubles in offshore business and dealings, health problems to children, financial losses, family disputes.

7. Libra - Tula: Uncomfortable journeys, sudden gain of money, timely help from friends, changes in business, bad relations with superiors at work, disputes over ancestral property. health problems to self and spouse.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Long distance journey, health problems for spouse and parents, souring of relations with close friends, increasing intimacy with people of dubious character, loss of money through wrong advice of others.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Increased vulnerability to injuries and accidents, health problems for children, difficulties in job, setbacks in business, monetary gains from short term secret projects.

10. Capricorn - Makar: Financial disputes with business partners, property disputes with family members or other relatives, health problems to self and spouse, long distance travel for work.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Heart and sexual organs related health problems, legal difficulties in business, bad relations with seniors and colleagues at work, high chances of vehicular accidents.

12. Pisces - Meen: Marital discord, health problems for children, setbacks in education, secret love affairs, good progress in business, change of job.

Jyotish Biz


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