Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Shani in its Uccha Rashi - 15th November 2011 - Saturn enters Libra
Shani in its Uccha Rashi - 15th November 2011 - Saturn enters Libra PDF Print
Jyotish News
Written by Ashutosh   
Tuesday, 15 November 2011 14:07
Saturn, the most malefic and feared among the nine Jyotish planets, has entered its Uccha Rashi. An Uccha Rashi means the sign of exaltation for a planet. Shani's sign of exaltation is Libra or Tula. Today, on 15th November 2011, Shani has entered Libra. I am giving a few indications on how this transit of Saturn will affect the life on Earth.

Saturn's average stay in a sign is around two to two and a half years and it completes its journey in the twelve signs in around 28 years. The last time it had come in Tula Rashi was on 6th October 1982. It had stayed there for about three years, finally leaving Libra on 17th September 1985. During these three years shani had briefly entered Scorpio (Vrishchik) in the first half of 1985.

This year, in 2011, Shani will be in transit in this airy and movable sign from 15th November 2011 to 2nd November 2014, again for approximately three years. In between, from 16th May 2012 to 4th August 2011, Saturn will retrograde back into Kanya (Virgo) and stay there for this short duration. Then, it will be in a constant stay in Tula till 2nd November 2014.

Interestingly, Saturn will come in close yogas with all other eight planets during this three year stay as every planet, except Ketu and Jupiter, will be in transit in the sign of Libra at one time or the other during these three years. Jupiter is already in transit in Aries and it will form a samsaptak yoga with shani from 15th November 2011 to 17th May 2012. Rahu will enter Libra on 23rd December 2012 and Ketu will come in Aries in an opposition (samsaptak) with Shani at the same time.  

The real face of the cause and effects of the economic problems in all nations will be revealed. The impartial justice handed out by Shani in Tula will bring down many a political leaders and big business houses. This economic and political crisis will worsen once Rahu joins Saturn in Libra on 23rd December 2012. Political assassinations, riots, genocide, big corporate litigation, penalties and punishments will take place.

For India, this is going to be a very bad time politically, socially and economically. A big drop in the demand and prices of real estate will take place. Bullion and stock market will also suffer losses. A new kind of politically motivated extremism or terrorism can raise its ugly head. Due to increased government expenses the debt will increase. This is a very bad time for the ruling coalition. A few famous people in field of religion or politics are in danger of being assassinated.

The positive news will come from the advancements in technologies, better trade links with other nations, better implementation of rules and regulations and a big reduction in corruption. Better security measures will be implemented to control financial crimes, internal security problems and the unethical manipulations in the banking and real estate sector.   

The Sade Sati of Shani ends for Leo (Simha) today and it begins for Scorpio (Vrishchik). Kanya (Virgo) and Tula (Libra) will continue to be in Sade Sati. This stay of Shani in its sign of exaltation will have the following results for the twelve moon signs and ascendants:

1. Aries - Mesh: Change in job, better job offers, business gains, improved relations with superiors at work, increase in income, gains from business in partnership, health problems to spouse.

2. Taurus - Vrishabh: Change in business pattern, sudden difficulties in work, increase in business debt, health problems to parents, increase in expenditure, problems related to human resource and networking in business, unplanned overseas travels on short notice.

3. Gemini - Mithun: Increase in income, good performance at work, birth of a child in family, health problems to father and spouse, change of job, good progress in education, travels abroad for business or educational purposes.

4. Cancer - Karka: Change of residence, foreign travels and frequent domestic journeys too, purchase of a new vehicle, acquisition of a new and lucrative real estate, losses related to vehicle and real estate, health problems to parents, spouse and self, increase in income, good progress in work.

5. Leo - Simha: Short term frequent journeys, marital conflicts, extra-marital affairs, improvement in health, better relations with friends and siblings, increase in income, good gains at work, new business in a totally new business area.

6. Virgo - Kanya: Health problems, financial constraints, disputes in family, change of residence, vehicular accident or damage to vehicle and property, good progress in education.

7. Libra - Tula: Better health, birth of a child in family, acquisition of a better residential property, gains related to higher education, improved relations with parents and children, increase in income, good progress in job and business, increase in fame and recognition.

8. Scorpio - Vrishchik: Relocation to another city or country, legal problems related to property and vehicle, increase in expenses, good progress in work, long distance journeys, health problems related to head, eyes and ears.

9. Sagittarius - Dhanu: Increase in income, better business contacts and friend circle, gains through risky and speculative businesses, good progress in education, profits from long term investments, accidents and injuries.

10. Capricorn - Makar: New business, change in job, better relations with superiors at work, improved relations with parents and siblings, acquisition of new commercial real estate, high energy drive, good progress in work.

11. Aquarius - Kumbh: Improvement in health, long distance journeys, change of residence, migration to another country, increase in fame, improved creativity, gains from lottery or similar sources, increase in wealth.

12. Pisces - Meen: Sudden gains and losses of big amounts of money, serious health problems, change of job and business, increased health concerns for parents, unplanned and useless journeys, increased chances of accidents and injuries.  

Jyotish Biz

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