Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Q and A: Should I Wear These Gemstones - Rajagopal
Q and A: Should I Wear These Gemstones - Rajagopal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 03 February 2012 01:10

Rajagopal Asks: My date of birth is 13/04/1975. Time of birth is 04:29 AM. Place of birth is Chennai. My astrologer has recommended,Guru, Rahu and Mangal stones to be worn. As per your analysis is this correct? He has said that these stones needs to be worn by you life long. Please verify and let me know. Thank you.
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Mr Rajagopal! You were born under Pisces (Meen) ascendant and Aries (Mesh) moon sign. Your horoscope has a well placed Jupiter in the first house and it is Swagrahi too which means that it is in its own sign, Pisces. This gives Jupiter a lot of strength an it has become the most beneficial planet for you.

But, Jupiter is placed with Surya and Budh and it receives a harmful aspect of Saturn which is placed in fourth house. This reduces the actual benefits which Jupiter should be providing to you. So, to enhance its powers you can and you should wear a good quality Yellow Sapphire. This gemstone for Guru should be in a Gold ring and must be worn on the index finger on Thursday morning.

You are going through Mangal Mahadasha since April 2011. Mars is a yogakarak for you but its placement in main horoscope and the vargas is not good. I do not suggest wearing a gemstone for it. This Mahadasha will give you both good and bad results but the net gain will mostly be good for you.

There is no requirement at all for wearing a gemstone for Rahu. Such a gemstone will cause you great anxiety and losses. Instead, you should wear a gemstone for Moon (Chandra) which is well placed in your chart. Moon is a beneficial planet for you and it also protects you from financial losses and legal hassles. So, you can wear a good quality White Sapphire, or a Moonstone or a Pearl in a silver ring on little finger on Monday morning.

Make sure that you buy only authentic, natural and untreated gemstones to get the desired good effects from them.

Jyotish Biz



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Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2021 12:54

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