Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Q and A: Marriage with Dream Girl - Sunil
Q and A: Marriage with Dream Girl - Sunil PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 21 November 2014 05:45

Sunil Asks: My parents are looking for a suitable bride for me since last one year. Recently, my match was fixed with a girl from a distant town but I said no to it as the girl was not up to my preferences. I want a tall and beautiful girl from a rich family. I have had many intimate relationships with girls but none of the girls were good enough to get married to. When am I going to get married to the girl of my dreams? What should I do to make this happen soon? I was told by an astrologer that my married life will be troublesome. Is it true? My DOB is 1st October 1990, TOB is 10:30 AM and POB is Delhi, India.
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Sunil! You were born under Vrishchik Lagna and Kumbh Rashi ( moon sign). You are presently going through the antardasha of Shani in mahadasha of Jupiter. Mars is placed in the house of marriage in your horoscope which makes you a strong Mangalik.

Mars increases your inclination to indulge in short term affairs and the debilitated Venus in the 11th house makes sure that you will be more attracted towards charming, attractive but non-dependable and low charactered people than towards noble and well meaning people. You are highly fickle minded and you do not trust people easily. This is more likely to make you enter a marriage which is unhappy and full of conflicts as you lack devotion, stability of mind and trust which are the basis for a happy marriage.

As you have mentioned that you have recently broken off an engagement the planetary yoga for marriage which had formed due to the favorable transit of exalted Jupiter this year will not bring any more proposals for you in near future. The next good yoga is forming only in November 2016. So, instead of focusing on marriage now give more attention to your career and financial stability in the next two years.

I suggest you to forget your dream girl and to be more practical regarding your ideas about marriage. A sensible and caring wife from a modest family will be a better wife to you than a tall, beautiful and wealthy girl. Your 'dream girl', if you find such a girl, will certainly give you only serious headaches and lots of unhappiness. There are clear indications in your horoscope that money matters will also be one of the main causes of problems in your marriage. There are high chances of getting involved in legal problems related to dowry, maintenance or alimony.

You are very likely to continue your short term flings even after marriage. That again will not be good for your marriage. So, while focusing on finding a better girl you should attempt to make yourself a better person in terms of love and devotion. No wife will tolerate a husband who is not devoted to her.

Wear a good quality untreated yellow sapphire in a gold ring on the index finger of your right hand. Keep fasts on Saturdays. Avoid wearing Black, Grey and Green colours.

 Get the horoscopes matched by a good astrologer before getting married. Do not go by the number of Gunas when match-making but focus on the planets placed in both horoscopes. Conventional match-making using only Guna-matching is only an eyewash compared to a thorough analysis of both horoscopes and matching and balancing the doshas in them.  



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Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2021 12:45


#1 Regarding suitable gemstones andKaramvir Rajpal 2015-01-09 06:50
Sir, my date of birth is 31st January 1988 and I was born in Lucknow at 2:15 PM. Right now I am wearing an American Diamond on left hand and a Pukhraj and a Moti on the right hand. Kindly let me know if they have been correctly worn. Also, on 16th September 2014 I started a business of IT and Software. It is not progressing since then. Kindly guide me here as I am frustrated by the bad phase of my destiny.

Best regards,

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