Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Q and A: Desires for Renunciation - Jean Jacques
Q and A: Desires for Renunciation - Jean Jacques PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 26 July 2019 13:36

Jean Jacques asks: My DOB is 2nd October 1981, TOB is 15:07 Hrs and POB is Colmar, France. I work as a teacher of foreign languages and I also write books, both fiction and non-fiction. I have always been interested in spiritual subjects. But, since last one year or so this interest has risen to the extent that I have begun to think about leaving my job and becoming a monk or a renunciate. Could you guide me if that is the right path for me?Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Jean! The changes one feels in desires, ambitions and thought pattern are influenced by the movement of planets. Your thoughts and interests today have arisen due to the planetary placements today but they may change tomorrow when the planets change their positions. Along with the planetary transits the dasha periods also keep on changing thus greatly affecting one's desires and thoughts.

You were born under Sagittarius (Dhanu) ascendant and Scorpio (Vrishchik) moon sign. The 10th house representing Karma has Saturn, Sun and Jupiter. This combination has been seen in the horoscopes of many spiritual leaders and renunciates. Rahu and Mars are placed in the 8th house. This placement increases your interest in spirituality and occult.

Since February 2016 you are in Ketu mahadasha which will end in February 2023, when the 20 year long Venus mahadasha beguns. Ketu is a karaka for spiritual inclinations and its mahadasha has increased your interest in renunciation. But, whether it is the right path for you or not, is the question.

Well, these spiritual desires will reduce greatly when you will enter Venus mahadasha in February 2023. Venus represents comforts, luxuries and material pleasures. Its dasha is of 20 years. It is in its own sign in Libra in your horoscope and is supported by its natural friend Mercury. So, you can be sure that your renunciation will not be permanent. Once Venus dasha begins you will be pulled back in the materialistic life.

My suggestion is that you should devote some time to spiritual pursuits but should not plan to be a monk. Balance the spiritual activities and material necessities of life by devoting a few hours every day or one or two days in a week to spiritual work. This will fulfill your spiritual needs and will also keep you grounded about the material realities and necessities too.



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Last Updated on Monday, 30 August 2021 12:37

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